Newbie question: how to express relationships with rdf? -
I know that it seems very novel, but go through some tutorials of W3 schools on RDF and Even after reading the primer, I can not understand how a simple object-object RDF connection in the XML has been expressed.
Say I have such a concept:
I have a car with a GPS receiver in my car. The current GPS coordinate of the car is X latitude, longitude x.
Do I do this
& lt; RDF & gt; & Lt; Owner name = "m" & gt; & Lt; Is & gt; Car & lt; / Is & gt; & Lt; Cars & gt; & Lt; Is & gt; Gpsreceiver & lt; / Is & gt; & Lt; Is & gt; & Lt; Cordinates x = "somevalue", y = "somevalue" & gt; & Lt; / Is & gt; & Lt; / Car & gt; & Lt; / Owner & gt; & Lt; / RDF & gt; Is it written? I have trouble understanding how to predict the maps in topics, objects and elements and attributes.
Once I have sorted this, after all I want to consider "car" as my schema, so I just look at my namespace and just like "my car's model is like ABC license plate DEF Which is now at 12.34 coordinates. "
Please, please enter some light? At the end of my mind and someone around me seems to know rdf or ontologies to start me: - (
I agree with other respondents that you should not worry about the XML syntax, but I will not immediately suggest to think about Triple. Think clearly about what the first model is trying to do Begin before, so triple is more clear
So, you have one thing, your car, which is a type of car. As a car normally, and especially because of your car, two different There are different ideas - you will need two different names - RDF tells them the resources - to represent the category of all cars and the example of your car. Similarly, there are things that are GPS normally and special Your form Considering a suitable namespace, then:
: car127 rdf: type: car: Gps99 rdf: type: GPS. This triple Express that the given car (subject car 127 ) is a member of a range of all cars (object car ), and similarly for GPS (uniform rdf : Type ). Your car is owned by Nina, which is a person, then it has two more relationships, one is saying that Nina is a person, and the one who is Nina to own that particular car ( Re-using the same resource identifying the car):
: nina rdf: type foaf: person. : Nina Pof: The name "Nina": Car 127: Owned: Nina (Well, I did not know the resource URI : Nina An additional triple is added for.) One component of a specific GPS specific car:
: car127: contains component: gps99 < P> Now, we informally say that GPS is "a definite latitude and long position", obviously these changes over time (if not, then get a new car Not :). You can predict it be connected directly to the X and Y GPS resources, and update the model frequently. But if you think about your GPS that there is a series of reading at a particular time, then it seems a bit obvious and more descriptive. After that we have: : gps99: reading [rdf: type: reading; : Latitude 51.14276; Long: -271619; : "2011-09-02 T123400" ^ ^ xsd: dateTime] on square brackets [...] is a small way to present a new resource, whose properties - relations - we can describe, but whose identity We do not know or do not care about it technically it is called an anonymous node or bond, but it is no longer an extension to worry. It is worth noting that for the processing of a relationship (type 'read') from the GPS device, : read is (note that capital R - it is a conference to distinguish those resources Those who recognize class classes in other ways). This reading resource has four properties: one type, tested latitude and long, and reading time. If we wanted, we could add more readings to other points of time, which would be ready for a track modeling ... but this is another discussion!
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