- Why are my site's images not recognized by Facebook? -

Here is an object debugger for one of the pages:

Note that the image box is empty, But when I click on it, the image opens in every browser that I could test. The image is served by .px handler by ASP.NET with a content type of "APP / JPEG". Any idea why Facebook does not provide any image by my application? This is the reason to display without all the Facebook post image, which we want to avoid for beauty reasons. Thanks for any help!

Look at the HTTP header for the image and you will see that you '404 HTTP status with image again Sending back

  Telnet 80 GET /e-net/Image.ashx?w=298&trrop=true&id=28213 http/1.1 HOST:   

. HTTP / 1.1 404 Not Found Cash-Control: Public, Maximum-Age = 31536000 Content-Length: 14248 Content-Type: Image / JPEG by X-Power: ASP.NET X- Aspen-version: 2.0.50727 Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 19:55:22 GMT


I do not know That's causing a 404 error, but that's where I'll start.


Based on your comments, I feel that you have found something in your handler like this, okay:

  try {// logic here //. Response.End (); } Hold (Exception Pre) {}   

If this is the case, then your problem is answercode. that actually throws a thread appointment is not exactly what you were hoping maybe there are some things in it, I will read it on you and will choose your own.


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