
Showing posts from May, 2012

ruby - How can I have console output display to stdout AND store it in a variable? -

अगर मैं ऐसा करता हूं: आउटपुट =% x {some_script} ... तो मेरे पास stdout में मुद्रित सामान आउटपुट में संग्रहीत है; लेकिन मैं नहीं इसे स्क्रीन पर दिखाई देता है। दूसरी ओर, अगर मैं ऐसा करता हूं: success = system " Some_script " ... तो मुझे स्क्रीन पर दिखाई देने वाला आउटपुट दिखाई देता है, लेकिन मेरे पास यह एक चर में ( सफलता ) एक बूलियन धारण नहीं है मान)। क्या दोनों को पाने का कोई तरीका है? मुझे पता है कि मैं यह कर सकता हूं: आउटपुट =% x {some_script} आउटपुट डालता है लेकिन समस्या यह है कि some_script एक बहुत लंबे समय से चलने वाली स्क्रिप्ट हो सकती है, जिस स्थिति में मैं कुछ भी नहीं जब तक कि पूरी चीज समाप्त नहीं हो जाती। मैं आउटपुट को देखना पसंद करता हूं क्योंकि यह उत्पादन किया गया है, और जब यह पूरा हो चुका है तो यह सभी आउटपुट चर में संग्रहीत है। यह IO.popen के साथ एक समाधान है: की आवश्यकता होती है 'stringio 'आउटपुट = स्ट्रिंग आईओ.न्यूव IO.popen ("ls") करो | पाइप | पाइप.ईच करो | लाइन | Output.puts लाइन लाइन अंत अंत डालता...

Get running time of a thread java -

How can I get a thread to runtime in java like: 00:30 minute thread [n] Something has happened (). I am basically looking to create a log file for programs related to audio files. Thank you. You can initially get System.nanoTime () and then Finally, you can calculate the difference. Also check that one MBean is providing information about threads.

php - Possible to order an SQL query that matches with a REGEX by the number of matches found? -

I am using a SQL query such as WHERE name REGEXP '[[: & lt ;:] ] Some [[:: & gt ;:]] ' . Now all this works very well, but orders are not ordered based on the number of matches of my results, which is what I see. Thanks Full Query Select Item. `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ] '' Or (`item` .`name` regxp '[[:: & lt ;:]] world [[: & gt;:]]') The user is prepared on the basis of input, in each place it divides into a different part that is searched. I would like to order results based on the number of matches of all parts, thus the most relevant results are on top I got an UDF sometime back to do this. I'm really sorry I can not quote though the source. DELIMITER // CREATE DEFINER = `Route` @ 'localhost' function 'substrate number' (SVARAR (255), SS VAARAR (255)) Return tint (3) unsigned SQL data The redirection starts is calculated from the tinnitus (3), DECLARE offset TINYINT (3) Uncredited; DECLARE CONTI...

internet explorer - How do I refresh a table in GWT without giving it focus? -

I am using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) 2.1. I have a GWT grid (which is just an HTML table, in fact) that I am using for data entry. When you click on some elements outside the grid, it changes the content within the grid. I want to add / remove CSS styles to hide some rows in the grid based on the selected outside the grid. The style I am adding and removing is like this: . Thegrid .hiderow, .thegrid .hiderow div, .thegrid .hiderow td, .thegrid .hiderow *, .thegrid .hiderow input {do not display anything; Hidden flurry; Height: 0; } To do this I had to make IE6 properly hide the rows. Everything is fine, (surprise, surprise) except in IE6. In IE6, the rows are hidden properly, but when I want to re-display the rows after removing the style, the table maintains a lower size, whose rows were hidden. When I give it a table focus by clicking on it, it changes the size of the table and shows me all the rows. After the removal by me, is there a way to expand the table in the right...

node.js - Why does my multiplayer javascript game slow down when another client (new tab) connects? -

I am trying to use a simple multiplayer game canvas, socket.o and node.js. Everything is fine unless someone else connects (I open another tab and load the game there). When this happens, everything gets slowed down and finally closes (I can 'move around'). How it works: When one connects to a server, the server saves its socket in an array object and the customer. The customer sends an object containing the name and location of that item, and then the server is sent to the array of chairs and that the rest connects. When a customer receives the message, he removes the data, does something with it (as the drawing on the basis of the situation) and then sets one timeout at 10.2 so that the server answers with its status and name . As long as I open a new window / tab and reconnect it, it works fine and works. as I said. Why do I slow down when I start another client? Here is the code: server.js (this is just a piece of code, the rest is from example)

Does the youTube iFrame embed code work on mobile devices? (iPhone, Android) -

I've created a sample page from ITube using the HTML5 IFrame embed code. While browsing on my iPhone, I get a play button, but even if I click on it then the video never plays. When I embed the video with the HTML5 video tag, everything is fine. Does anyone know if YouTube officially supports mobile devices with embed code? Do I Need Extra Parameters? I tried the following code: & lt; Iframe width = "420" height = "345" src = "" frameborder = "0" acceptable screen & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; Mobile Safari supports IFrame on IFrame. Here's an example: Have you tried to include class and type? Class = "youtube-player" type = "text / html"

mysql - How can I pull multiple user info from one query? -

After I have an invoice table that contains the ID that the user has sent the invoice ( from_id ) and The user has received the invoice ( to_id ). I want to be able to pull both of my information from the profile table, but I am unable to figure out how. The query below, I think, is running because I'm moving information ( from_id ) for just one user joining. select jobs .title, profiles.display_name, invoice.to_id, invoice.from_id, join (invoice) jobs on invoice.amount jobs.job_id = invoice.job_id on invoice. From_id = profiles.user_id where `invoice_id` = join the profile '3' You can use the same table twice. Give them a different aliased, which makes me think that anyway makes a more readable question. Select j.title, tp.display_name, FROM_NAME, i.to_id, i.from_id as fp.display_name, i.amount join invoices from invoices. Join j.job_id = i.job_id on profile fp i.from_id = fp.user_id Join profile tp at i.to_id = tp.user_id Where i.invoice_id = '3...

plugins - Facebook registration plug-in q's -

In what registration plugin does my site need to be https (SSL Certified?)? If this is not the case then why does a blue bar in my registration plug-in run continuously? On the page is My return URL is as there is no SSL in my site Certified signed or otherwise The answer is actually that the registration plug-in will work without need for SSL in some cases , But to ensure that all the features of the FBXML registration plug-in are being used, SSL is required.

c# - ASP.Net Session clearing between postbacks? -

It's picking up today and weird, we can not understand what changed, but it was working first . Basically, we have a class named "Project Session" which captures methods to do with static properties and sessions. The main code is ProjectSession.ProjectId which is nothing but HttpContext.Current.Session ["ProjectID"] for wrapper. When a new project is created, then we set the ID in this property. If the user already has a project, then we set the price on page load (if! Postcode!) Very simple. However, from today on halfway through the day, we suddenly started seeing the value that disappeared from the session. Actually the entire session is exiting the object. On the first page of the site, we set the price, if the user has a project. Then on the very first button click, we check the value and it is empty. Every piece we have worked on today does not seem to be affected, and in fact everything works fine on our production server, not just on our ...

json - Aeson fromJSON instance -

मेरे पास निम्न डेटा प्रकार है: डेटा उपयोगकर्ता = उपयोगकर्ता {name :: T । पाठ, बुककाउंट :: इंट, सदस्यजिस :: दिनांक समय, ईमेल :: टी। पाठ, पासवर्ड :: बीबीस्ट्रेडिंग} | UnverifiedUser {nameUnverified :: T.text, email unverified :: T.Text, secret :: integer} और निम्न उदाहरण: उदाहरण FromJSON उपयोगकर्ता जहां parseJSON (वस्तु ओ) | बस _ & lt; - एम। लुकअप "गुप्त" ओ = असत्यापित उपयोगकर्ता & lt; $ & gt; ओ .: "नाम" & lt; * & gt; ओ: "ईमेल" & lt; * & gt; ओ: "गुप्त" | अन्यथा = उपयोगकर्ता & lt; $ & gt; ओ .: "नाम" & lt; * & gt; ओ: "बुककाउंट" & lt; * & gt; ओ .: "सदस्य" और लेकिन उपयोगकर्ता को दो में विभाजित किया गया था, क्योंकि कभी-कभी couchdb में दस्तावेज़ के पास कुछ फ़ील्ड जैसे गुप्त, या पासवर्ड नहीं होता है मैं डेटा प्रकार के लिए जेएसएएन उदाहरण कैसे बना सकता हूं: डेटा उपयोगकर्ता = उपयोगकर्ता {name :: T.Text, bookCount :: Int, memberSince :: DateTime, email :: T.Te...

How to print .word value that is in the memory in Assembly without using la/li -

How do I print a word value that is used without the use of la / li In memory? I can only use basic functions I can print the .asciiz , but I do not know what I am doing that is not printing the values ​​(integer) in the memory address :( It's mine to print my asciiz : luie $ a0, 0x1001 addi $ a0, $ a0, 12 # Set the code for my string location to $ v0, $ 0, 4 syscall I wrote a single code except the different address but nothing I also tried to search but I did not find the exact answer to this question. Please advise me if I have any misunderstanding, thank you in advance. There are some errors in your code. First of all, if you want to print an integer, then instead of # 4 Syscall # 1 should be used Then, if you want to print an integer that is in memory , Then you have to load that word from memory. Your code should look like this: lw $ a0, 0x100c # address 0x1000 + 12 addi $ Load content of the set word set to v0, $ 0, 1 #, set service # 1 (which p...

python - bit-wise operation unary ~ (invert) -

मैं ~ ऑपरेटर द्वारा थोड़ा भ्रमित हूँ। कोड नीचे जाता है: a = 1 ~ a2 बी = 15 ~ बी # -16 कैसे ~ काम करो? मैंने सोचा, ~ a कुछ ऐसा होगा: 0001 = एक 1110 = ~ a क्यों नहीं? आप वास्तव में सही हैं यह पूर्णांक प्रतिनिधित्व का एक विरूपणिकता है। 16 बिट्स में, 1 को 0000 0000 0000 0001 के रूप में दर्शाया गया है। उल्टे, आपको 1111 1111 1111 1110 मिलता है, जो कि -2 है इसी प्रकार, 15 0000 0000 0000 1111 है। उल्टे, आपको 1111 1111 1111 0000 मिलता है, जो -16 है। सामान्य में, ~ n = -n - 1

java - How to merge a @OneToMany relationship effectively? -

For example, I have the following two unit squares with one-to-many relationship: Public Class A implementation serializable {... @OnTomain (mapped = "A", cascade = cascade type.AL) Private list & lt; B & gt; Bs; ...} public class B serializable {... @ManyToOne applies a private A; ...} Suppose i have an example of a to a , and == [B1, b2, b3] . Now I want to remove the relationship from b1 , and add b4 so that == [b2, b3, b4] , and b1.a == blank . I tried to do a.setBs (b2) after em.merge (a) , b3, b4) , But the result will be == [b1, b2, b3, b4] , unless I do not specify b1.setA (null) . However, if there is a complexity then a lot changes in , and if there are multiple relationships for the other unit sections in A orphanRemoval The = true setting is also not a solution, because I just want to set b1.a = null instead of b1 . "post-text" itemprop = "text" P> You can set the waterfal...

jquery - Deferred failed callback not calling -

After Why am I trying to figure out whether the failed callback is not working for this deferred get_each_total = function (callback) {var request; Request = []; Var url; Url = ""; Request.push ($ .getJSON (URL, function (data) {})); $ .when.apply ($, request) then (function () {callback ();}, function () {warnings ("An error occurred communicating with a remote library, retrying something in") ;}); }; Get_each_total_broken = function (callback) {var request; Request = []; Var url; Url = ""; Requests.push (.getgetson (url)); $ when. Apely ($, request). Then (function () {callback ();}, function () {callback ();}); }; $ (Function () {get_each_total_broken (function () {warning ("unsuccessful...

grails - How to prevent unwanted update of persisted objects? -

मेरे पास एक लोड वर्ग और एक कार्गो वर्ग है I लोड का एक उदाहरण कार्गो वर्ग लोड {कार्गो कार्गो} वर्ग कार्गो {स्ट्रिंग का नाम बिगडीकेल लागत} चलिए कहते हैं कि नाम का कार्गो का एक उदाहरण है "रॉक" और लागत है "11.11 "। अब मैं कार्गो का एक उदाहरण बनाकर लोड का उपयोग कर सकता हूं। अब जब लोड का उदाहरण बना दिया गया है, मैं नहीं चाहता कि यह "कार्गो" बदलना है। उदाहरण के लिए, अगर मैं "रॉक" की कीमत "22.22" में बदलता हूं, तो मुझे बदलने के लिए लोड के अपने उदाहरण में "कार्गो" की कीमत नहीं चाहिए ऐसी स्थिति को संभालने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? ठीक है, अगर आप केवल एक ही हो सकता है कार्गो प्रति लोड (आपके उदाहरण के अनुसार), आपको लागत संपत्ति को लोड में जोड़ना होगा। फिर आपको ऑब्जेक्ट के निर्माण के समय की लागत की प्रतिलिपि बनाने की आवश्यकता होगी। आप लोड ऑब्जेक्ट में ओवरलोड की गई विधि के माध्यम से ऐसा कर सकते हैं, या कार्गो से लोड को जोड़ने के लिए अपनी स्वयं की विधि लिख सकते हैं। यदि आपको वास्तव में एक...

How can I perform Django's `syncdb --noinput` with call_command? -

& gt; & gt; & gt; आयात से call_command & gt; & gt; & gt; Call_command ('syncdb') एक अजगर स्क्रिप्ट के भीतर से syncDB प्रबंधन कमांड निष्पादित करता है हालांकि, मैं एक अजगर खोल या स्क्रिप्ट के भीतर से $ python syncdb --noinput के बराबर को चलाने के लिए चाहता हूं। मैं ऐसा कैसे कर सकता हूं? निम्नलिखित पंक्तियाँ मुझे बिना किसी दखल के सवाल के साथ काम करती हैं कि मैं एक सुपर उपयोगकर्ता बनाना चाहता हूं। & gt; & gt; & gt ; Call_command ('syncdb', noinput = true) # इनपुट के लिए पूछता है & gt; & gt; & gt; मैं डीजांगो 1.3 का उपयोग करता हूं। आदेश संपादित करें: मुझे स्रोत कोड में जवाब मिला । सभी प्रबंधन कमांड के स्रोत कोड को प्रबंधन / कमांड / (कमांड_नाम) .पी नामक अजगर मॉड्यूल में पाई जा सकता है। अजगर मॉड्यूल जहां syncdb कमांड के स्रोत कोड को खोजने के लिए आप ऐसा कुछ कर सकते हैं: (env) $ ./ खोल & gt; & gt; ... - Faulting application w3wp.exe -

I have an application written in ASP.NET that uses DllImport in the context of a DLL written in Delphi. Expected works on my Windows 7 Dev machine using Development Server Although IIS 7 is running on a Windows Server 2008 production server, the dll error "page can not be found" and the following error occurs in the application log: Faulting application w3wp.exe, version 7.0.6002.18005, time stamp 0x49e023cf, faulty module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6002.18005, time stamp 0x49e03821, exception code 0xc0000374, fault offset 0x000afaf8, process id 0xab8, application start time 0x01cc6947b1bb081b How to solve this or I have a deeper Shelter How can one get? Just a hip but you can try it is more consistent that 64 bit can help Is your local server 32 bits? % windir% \ system32 \ inetsrv \ appcmd set config -section: applicationPools -applicationPoolDefaults.enable32BitAppOnWin64: true denying it causing debugging problems Can get help. There is also ...

c# - The process can't access the file, because it is being used by another process -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: का उपयोग करते हुए (स्ट्रीमरलाइटर _SelectedFile = File.CreateText (CConstant.m_TEMPFILEPATH)) {_Sईलेक्टेडफ़ाइल.WriteLine (CConstant.m_SaveFileDefaultDirectory); _SelectedFile.WriteLine (CConstant.Tempfile_ECUSelected); _SelectedFile.WriteLine (CConstant.Tempfile_inifile); _SelectedFile.WriteLine (CConstant.Tempfile_mapfile); _SelectedFile.Flush (); _SelectedFile.Close (); _SelectedFile.Dispose (); } कोड चलाने पर, पहली बार जब मैं कोड चलाता हूं (कोई भी temp.txt फ़ाइल नहीं है), तो यह एक अपवाद फेंकता है "प्रक्रिया फ़ाइल तक नहीं पहुंच सकती, क्योंकि यह किसी अन्य प्रक्रिया द्वारा उपयोग किया जा रहा है। "कृपया समाधान का सुझाव दें और कोड को इस तरह लिखने में क्या गलत है? क्या आप FileStream को FileMode.OpenOrCreate विकल्प से बना सकते हैं? फ़ाइल के बजाय?

mssql jdbc - Not able to connect local instance of SQL Server 2008 in a Java program -

I am using sqljdbc4.jar in the build path of the eclipse project. I am trying to connect to a Java program in SQL Server 2008 for class .for name (""); String connection = "jdbc: sqlserver: // localhost: 1433;" + "Database Name = Sice; User = Sample; Password = Sample;"; Connection = DriverManager.getConnection (connectionUrl); But I get the following error TCP / IP connection has failed for the host. Enable TCP / IP in SQL Server Configuration Manager - & gt; Client Protocol SQL Server Browser Service is also running Please tell me what I should try for other things. Thanks How to firewall, This way ??? Open port localhost / enable: 1433 Run CMD and Paste Netसेट Firewall Set Porting Protocol = TCP Port = 1433 Name = SQLport Mode = Enabled Scope = = SUBNET profile = CURRENT Change SQL Server authentication from 2 / s Windows oh ... SQL server and Windows authentication ...

c++ - GCC - Linking bass.lib on Ubuntu -

I wrote an application on windows using CPP and bass, and now I have to run it on linux (UbuTU) . / P> I'm using GCC version 4.5.2. I have bass.lib in my directory, out of which I try to compile prog.cpp using the following command arguments: Gcc prog.cpp -L -lbass.lib but I get the following error: / usr / bin / ld: can not be found -lbass.lib collect2: ld back 1 Exit status I think this is a linking error, the compiler is not getting the bass.lib, but I have specified the command line as an argument. Not sure what to do, any help will really be great. bass.Lib seems like a window library. You can not use linux generated on Windows (possibly generated from MSWC compiler) on Linux. The Linux version of the library is named, in that case you can use the -bos linker logic, and possibly on the basis of other compiler / linker flags , Depending on where you install the library. Bass in linux download on linux. There are some notes on Tex L...

http status code 302 - Google Analytics: track links from email to external page -

Google Analytics is driving my madness There is an app in my app store. I want to add an email directly to my app's page in the App Store, but I want to track clicks. So far, I have the link in that location an index.php The file which redirects to 302 is as follows: Header ("Location: and utm_source = promoletter and utm_medium = Email & amp; utm_campaign = v1-promoletter "); I do this with two redirects because The URL looks good and I still have to edit the utm variable The newsletter has been sent Now, through my index.php page, an html page has been created which is another 302 redirect Http: / as the above Using the php header function. Now, everything works great, but of course it is not being recorded in Analytics (hence the question :)). While writing this, I know because the ga.js file is never l...

c++ - How to unit test deliberate compilation errors? -

Please note that this is not a duplicate because I do not understand about testing the accuracy of external libraries Am or compiler himself This is unique in C ++, especially when the technique is used to deal with templates that prevent certain code from being compiled. As this can be complicated, what is the best way to ensure that pieces of special code actually produce compiler errors? As the test should not be compiled, you can not trust such things as if I think that it should be integrated into the build system? How are these issues usually addressed? Similar compiler tests have been written. You will have some code in the test code in some scripting language (Shell, Pearl, TCL etc.), which will execute the compiler on the given snippet of code and check that the right people have been compiled and not correct. uses GCC, which is built on top, which itself is built on the top of TCL. If you use shell scripts (possibly DZNU might be probably more), then you m...

How can I use jQuery and Javascript from firefox add-on? -

I can not create a new element in the page when the page is onload, then I check the page and domain, it It's work, but I do not know how I can create a new element in the right window page. window.addEventListener ("load", function () {myExtension.init ();}, false); Var myExtension = {init: function () {var app content = document. GetElementById ("apparmat"); // Browser if (appontent) appentant.endantostenor ("Dome content loaded", my extension. Open page, true); }, OnPageLoad: function (aEvent) {var unsafeWin =; If (unsafe. WrappedJSObject) unsafe Win = unsafe WrappedJSObject; Var Location = New XPC Native Vapor (unsafe, "location") place; Var hostis =; // warning (hostis); If (hostis == '') {var pathnameis = locationis.pathname; If (pathnameis == '/ index.php') {$ ("#left. Box: eq (0)") ('& Lt; div id = "organic-tabs" class = "box...

objective c - How do I Capture keyboard/mouse events with my application in focus? -

I am making an app-like combination for Mac OS, which captures the keyboard / mouse and gives them a remote computer Sends. / P> I want to capture all the user keyboard and mouse events, while my NSWindow is in focus (if possible, would be good if not in focus) - I would not like system shortcuts like CMD + tab Or CMD + Q to interrupt me, I want to handle them before the window system, so that my app will not focus thanks Check it - Hopefully That it helps :)

java - Why do DUP when creating new instance -

Currently I'm just in a project that uses Java bytecode, I usually see that when a new class If you create an example and apply a method to it, then the byte code will be: New & lt; MyClass & gt; DUP INVOKESPECIAL & lt; MyClass & Lt; Init & gt; & Gt; Why should "DUP" be here? With VM space, I get the details "Duplicate the top value on the operand stack and press the duplicated value on operand stack". But why is it necessary to duplicate the top value on the operand stack? Thank you. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Because INVOKESPECIAL will consume the value created by the operand stack by NEW, but you may actually need this to use this value , So the reference has been duplicated in advance.

c++ - edge_index zero for all edges? -

Define my boost :: graph as the following, let me increase the edge index for all edges Get zero Why? What am i doing #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Boost / graph / adjacency_list.hpp & gt; Int main () {typedef boost :: adjacency_list & lt; Boost :: vecS, boost :: vecS, boost :: directs, boost :: no_property, boost :: property & lt; Boost :: edge_index_t, std :: size_t & gt; & Gt; Graph; Typedef boost :: graph_traits & lt; Graph & gt; :: Edge _ Descriptor Edge; Graphs (3); Edge e1 = boost :: add_edge (0, 1, g). First; Edge e2 = boost :: add_edge (1, 2, g). First; Edge E3 = Extend :: add_edge (2, 0, g). First; Boost :: property_map & lt; Graph, boost :: edge_index_t> :: type eim = boost :: get (boost :: edge_index, g); Size_te E1N = EIM [E1], E2N = EIM [E2], E3N = EIM [E3]; Return 0; } As far as I can say with documentation and examples, this should work. An adjacency_list does not have a edge index associa...

c# - How to find maximum occured word from text? -

I have a database field that contains string values ​​to get the top 10 maximum words from the field Seeing a method var results = regx Matts (s, @ "\ b \ w + \ b"). OfType & lt; Match & gt; () .GroupBy (k = & gt; K. value, (G, U) => New {word = g, Count = U.Count ()}). Orderbie (n => n. Count). Take (10);

php - How To Retrieve password From HTML Form and Then Print It -

Well, I'm working on a new project that has a login page. Error: I'm unable to retrieve passwords from the form using the $ _POST method. Form code: & lt; Form action = "logininsub.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "password" name = "pass" id = "pass" /> gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "go!" / & Gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Code in codeinsub.php & lt;? Echo $ _POST ['pass']; ? & Gt; I have also tried to use this method instead of password and it works. But what is the problem with password? When I fill out the form and submit it, the next page does not show anything! OK, now, it's working! Thank you all, the real problem was: I want to take a password from a login form and then want to use mysql_query (php) to see if the username and password combination are or not. If I'm not mistaken, then the cod...

javascript - Does Themeroller no longer support ui-checkboxes? -

You want to implement the UI-checkbox and can now look for "no" to find a reference or example. (... and I hate it) Did he go away? And if so, why? The version I was download was jquery-iu-1.8.16 (I downloaded the whole thing). I searched all the CSS files with no mention of the tag ui-checkbox . ... it hit me as weird. I do not think this is part of the official jquery-ui package. Is this plugin?

android ndk mupdf build error -

I am trying to create a project for reading PDFs in Android phones. So, I have installed the normal Android project and Android-NND-R6-windows. And I created '' and set the original function in my java class. But after compiling there is a serious error in my project. Reason: java.lang.UnconfirmedLinkError: Library mibookreader not found Why did this error occur? I really do not know I referenced the address of "http: //flytgr.that/blog/697421" I described the reference document as below. That's because your library was not loaded by the kernel Are you sure you have placed your library inside your project's libs / armeabi / folder? When you apply your application, you should see some message the library was loaded. If you do not do so, then you can .

android - exception while trying to receive a file from server -

I run some code to connect to a server, send it to an object and then get an object while my Android This is going on in the Anululator (v2.2) - The socket is off The connection to the server is successful and I am able to send the object, but when I have the socket Trying to getInputStream () this throws an exception This is my connector class: Wajnik class Knekshncosrsevr {UserProblemRequest sentProblem; Problem response problem; Socket socket; Public connectionToSure () {sent problem = zero; Reaction effect = zero; Socket = null; } Public Zero Connect () {try.d (tag, "connecting ..."); Socket = new socket (UTILS SRNNIP, UTILSERERRR) log D. (Tag, "success: connected!"); } Hold (unknownhostexception e) {log d. (Tag, "Error: file to connect! (UnknownHype extension)"); E.printStackTrace (); } Hold (IOException e) {log d. (Tag, "Error: file to connect! (IOException)"); E.printStackTrace (); }} Public Zero Set ...

directoryservices - Prevent subcontainer objects in PrincipalSearcher Query C# -

How can I stop subcontracting objects in a specific o with sub-concencer (child ou)? To clarify, I do not want to include user objects in OU (subclass) children in the result object. For example, something like code was given: / /Uriprint User = A key to describing // for the discovery of new user protec (adprinithcontact) Create an object presentation; // Define properties of search (this can use wildcards) user.Enabled = false; User.Name = "user *"; // Create a major finder for running search operations PrincipalSheller PS = New PrincipalStrategy (); // Assign query filter properties for the main object // You // can also create user principal in // PrincipalStrustor Constructor pS.QueryFilter = user; // Query Find Topics Search & lt; Principal & gt; Results = pS.FindAll (); Console.light line ("Inactive Accounts" starting with the user's name: "); Foreach (main result in result) {Console.WriteLine ("name: {0}", results .name)...

c# - Getting value from a DataSet into a variable -

I have the following method that returns the dataset. I am using .NET 2.0 DataSet ds = GetAllRecords (); I want to get value from each column for a particular line and paste it in one variable. How can this be achieved? Currently the row returns all the rows from the table and I want to get a special line based on that ID. However, if this is not possible I can come with Dataset DS = GetSpecificRecord (ID); But I still need to get the values ​​from each column and bind it into the variable. Please advise. // Create a table of data table table = new datatable ("user"); Table Columns Add (new datacel ("id", typef (int)); Table Column.ed (new datacimal ("name", typef (string)); Table. Ro Add (1, "ABC"); Table. Ro Add (2, "Deed"); Table. road. Add (3, "FFF"); Table. Ro Add (4, "HHH D"); Table. road. Add (5, "HKF DS"); // Search for a given ID, for example 1 Detroit [] Results = Table....

What's the recommended way to display errors from JavaScript (jQuery) in ASP.NET MVC 3 views? -

I submit a form to my ASP.NET MVC 3 server via a JavaScript handler (I use jQuery) Do I get an error and response to another Javascript handler, am I thinking that I should display such visual messages, which would have to be presented as a result? I like to use some standard ASP.NET MVC 3 phrases / constructions. Edit Note that I want to display an error message from the server, in a Javascript error handler function received. You can go through a pure MVC method: "Client-side valuation Enable "to scroll down. In your view, you will have code that looks like this: @ Html.TextBoxFor (model = & gt (model => model.UserName) UPDATE Messages are interested in OP customs. No MVC is built for this kind of custom messaging. The best bet is to just create your own message area and write messages in your callback function. It should not be too complicated! $. Ajax (..., function) { Attachments ('& lt; p & gt; + + + +' & lt; / ...

CSS image hover problem in Chrome and IE -

There is a problem displaying hidden image on mouse over an image using CSS hover in Chrome and IE, but it Here's my link right here in Firefox: Here's my coding: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-style-type" content = "text / css" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "screen" href = "css-hover.css" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Alvin Loon & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Meta Content = "Professional Makeup Artist and Hairstylist" name = "Description" & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; .over .pic1 {display: none; Visibility: hidden; } .over: hover .pic1 {display: inline; Visibility: visible; Status: Completed; Top: 250px; Left: 100px; Z-index: 11; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; ...

graphics - C# bitmap drawing doesn't render to the screen -

I am trying to write a drawing program for use with a tablet. For this I need to use pressure to reduce and transparency. Therefore I am doing the image creation using bitmap system in C #. To display anything to me, I can not get my drawing code right now, it is being given in the picture box. I know that some things are getting input for bitmap because it shows when I save a bitmap I have taken a look at many C # drawing questions, which is used by the line To use drawing or oval drawing goods, the opposite of bitmap is using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Data; Using System.Drawing; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Windows.Forms; Namespace Paint 1 {Public Partial Category Form 2: Form {Public Bitmap m_bitmap; Public Bull m_penDown; Public int m_lastX; Public int m_lastY; Public Inc. m_currentX; Public int m_currentY; Public form 2 () {initialization (); // Create a bitmap area m_bitmap = new bitmap...

php - Twitter: follow another user's followers -

I want to follow a special user's followers on Twitter. What is the best way to do I would like to get all my Twitter names too I can actually program in any language (except lisp!) I recommend that you take a look at Twitter specifically.

sql server - Counting the number of occurances of something in the database -

For my website, I want to do something that works a bit like a tag on the stack overflow - so some The field will display an auto-complete, and automatically complete number of times that other users have selected each suggested value. I think I would have such a database structure: Article Article ID Content Tag Ed Tag Tag ID Tag Name Conditions To get this idea Relationships represent the number of times that each tag ID is referenced from the article table. What is the best way to implement it? I can add / subtract from the occurances column on each stored procedures updating the article table, but I miss one, and anyway, there are some problems This occurs when a user removes a tag from some (as it is easy to add 1 to the field for the newly added tag, but it is hard to decide which tag is being changed. ) About SQL Server It is not understandable that there is another strong way to calculate such incidents, that the database system will be handled by itself? It...

ASP.NET MVC3 - problem handling multiple values from a strongly typed Listbox -

I'm having trouble handling multiple values ​​from a strongly typed listbox I have an event class that has many technical Classes can be. Here's my simplified event class: Public class event {public id id {get; Set; } Public IEnumerable & lt; Technology & gt; Technologies (Received); Set; }} I was using this public list & lt; Technology & gt; Technologies (Received); Set; } and changed to ; Public iyimerable & lt; Technology & gt; Technologies (Received); Set; } but still get the same error. Here is a technical classroom, it is a very simple one. Public category technology {Receive Public Entry ID; Set; } Public string description {get; Set; }} Here's my simple administrator generate public action () {var from TechnologyQry = d by db.Technology order d.Description new {D} .id, d. Description}; ViewBag.eventTechnology = New Multi Sealist (Technology Curie, "ID", "Details"); See Return (); } and ...

grouping - SlickGrid Column Groups -

Is there a way to add column groups? For example: Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Pre-Mid Post | Pre-Mid Post | --- --- ---- | --- --- ---- | 2 4 5 3 4 4 1 2 4 3 4 5 Basically, the unit requires a top row row, which has three sub-columns in the unit group; Pre, Mid and Post. This concept can also be seen in the following pictures:

delphi - Anchoring GUI components in FireMonkey -

Just started an agonautic test and there can be no way to create components with dynamic shape / position. Update: Simple Anchoring is not available in FM. You have to make TLayouts and have to align them, then they need to 'stick' by putting the control inside the panel. If you use the old version of builder or Delphi, then it will be the same as we used to do with TPNL. This is the answer to your question. Anchor's property in VCL has apparently been changed into margin and padding (due to consideration of the performance) and I have received some documents on the XII (wiki). I doubt that the anchor will be put in a later date. Do the following to anchor two buttons (OK and cancel) below a form on the right. See the picture below for OK and Cancel button. A small down on the form Coordinate the panel, tell approximately 40 height Set the 'margin' on the bottom panel to make a small space in which the buttons will be live, make sure you align th...

java - Problem with log4j xml configuration -

I have a little question, my log4j.xml configuration is listed below & lt; ? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE log4j: Configuration system "log4j.dtd" & gt; & Lt; Log4j: Configuration xmlns: log4j = "" & gt; & Lt; Appender Name = "console" class = "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender" & gt; & Lt; Param name = "target" value = "system.out" /> & Lt; Layout class = "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout" & gt; & Lt; Param name = "ConversionPattern" value = "% - 5p% c {1} -% m% n" /> & Lt; / Layout & gt; & Lt; / Appender & gt; & Lt; Name of Logger = "Com. LL.D.E.P." & gt; & Lt; Level value = "info" /> & Lt; Epander-reef ref = "console" /> & Lt; / Logger & gt; & Lt; Name of the logger = "or...

c++ - How to detect that file dialog has been created using GetOpenFileName? -

I take part in developing a namespace shell extension () with a file list from some folders. I have a problem with the Open File Dialog (OFD) created with the flag OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT on Windows Vista. If the application uses the ODD IFileOpenDialog My NSE works fine. If using GetOpenFileName is used by application Odid and the user selects some files, then it gets the wrong result because this function returns the string: & Lt; Folder name & gt; \ 0 & lt; File name 1 & gt; \ 0 & lt; File name 2 & gt; \ 0 \ 0 If I use OFD of the application GetOpenFileName I have to use single selection mode. The question is: Is there any way to detect that in my NSE that OFD is GetOpenFileName ? Old GetOpenFileName dialog Was not even designed. Trying to fix this by detecting the type of open dialog used is incorrect and GetOpenFileName can only be a wrapper at the top of the new interface. When your IShellFolder :: EnumObjects method is called...

NuGet - repositories.config -

न्यूजेट नौसिखिया प्रश्न- मैंने देखा है repositories.config NuGet संकुल फ़ोल्डर में जोड़ा जा रहा है। क्या कोई कृपया मुझे मार्गदर्शन कर सकता है कि इस फ़ाइल का उद्देश्य क्या है? धन्यवाद! यह एक ऐसी फाइल है जो मुख्य रूप से एक न्यूगेट कार्यान्वयन विवरण है, और सीधे से निपटा नहीं जानी चाहिए (यह भविष्य में हो सकती है या बदले जा सकती है)। लेकिन संदर्भ के लिए, इसमें एक सूची है पथ जो समाधान में सभी packages.config को इंगित करते हैं आमतौर पर एक प्रोजेक्ट है जो NuGet का उपयोग करता है।

javascript - Adding tabs to an existing toolbar in ExtJS -

I have an existing toolbar and adding tabs to it will flip between the two panels using the card layout. What is my best option and is there any example of doing this? Is it possible to add a tab to my existing toolbar? Changing xtype on my existing buttons did not meet me with the tabs I was hoping to see. Create a tab panel, in which I will have two cards, each tab will be mapped to its panel. With this option, can I add additional buttons and menus to the tab panel? Here is a sample of my existing toolbar code, there is just one xtype of the message_button and attachments_button tab and then somehow the simulation tab functionality? Ext.define ('MyArchive.Toolbar', {alias: 'myarchive.toolbar', extension: 'Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', Doc: 'Top', Width: '100% Item: [Beautiful straight forward buttons with a listener, some fancy messages are not, buttons, attachments_buttons, '- & gt;', {xtype: 'button', id: 'forward-...

actionscript 3 - AS3: is it possibile to set the cursor x and y? -

Is it possible to position the mouse cursor? This is what I would like to do: When the user presses the mouse button on the movieclip, the film begins to drag the clip and the cursor is located in the center of the movie clip on the interface (I can not tell about the lock sensor because I can not Use this because my movie clip registration point is set to its upper left corner). Actually, I would like the cursor to be able to reach the center of the movie clip when the user clicks on it. Is this possible? In other words you are searching for this functionality:. You can not control the cursor with Flash. You have to solve it otherwise - do you have to set the registration point of your movie clip at the center ?!

iphone - How to pass value from TableView to Detail View Controller? -

How to pass extension view controller from TableView? Can anyone help me with it? The table view representative will do this, when the message is found that one row is selected in the table view.

java - operator | for int value -

I think it's original in Java, but sorry, I ask stackoverflow. I give an example in Eclipse RCP. For example, if I want to create an example of text (SDT text), I will do the following: text text = new text (Overall, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI); In the second parameter text, this is an int style, and I will be borderline text and can be a multi line, so I add SWT.BORDER. SWT.MULTI (operator will be used) The question now, for example, I already have a variable int style with the GetStyle () method in the text class. But I want to see if SWT.MULTI is already set or not, how can I archive it? Thanks bool multiIsSet = (x and SWT.MULTI) == SWT.Multi

Replace BeautifulSoup with another (standard) HTML parsing module in this Python script -

I have created a script with beautifully that works fine and is very readable, but I redistribute it for a few days I want to, and beautiful is an external dependency that I would like to save, especially thinking about Windows usage. Here is the code, it receives each user's link from a given Google Maps user ###### The marked lines are using beautiful soup: #coding: UTF-8 import urlb, beautiful soup import from beautiful soup BS UID = '200931058040775970557' start = 0 shown = 1 while true: url = ' Uid = '+ uid +' & amp; ptab = 2 & start = '+ str (start) Start source = urlib.urlopen (url) .read () soup = BS (source) #### MapTable = soup.find = Ri Compa Ltd. ( '^ map [0-9] + $ ")) for the table ########## ####### Maptebl: to row in the table. Remove all ('A', 'Meptitol'): ################ mapid = (UID + '. ([^ "] *', Str (line) ) Group (1) mapname = (...

NHibernate uni-directional associations -

Playing around with Whispered NHibernate's project I tried to customize some examples for some examples, for example, in them To eliminate circular references for JSON serialization. The code I have entered should return the store and storemap class references to employee and products classes. It now looks like this: Store / Storemap Public Square Shop {Public Virtual Ent ID (Receive; Private Set;} Public Virtual String {{get; set;}} Public StoreMap () {ID (x = & gt; x.Id); Map (x = & gt; x.Name);} Employee / Employee Map Public Class Employees {Public Virtual Ent ID (Receive; Private Set;} Public Virtual String First Name {Received; set;} Public Virtual String LastName {get} set {} public virtual store store {get} set;}} public class amplimmap: classplapp gt; {public employee map () {id (x = & Gt; x.Id); Map (x => x.FirstName); Map (x => x.LastName); Reference (x => .Cascade.All () ;}} Product / Product map Public...

recursion - CLSR chip testing problem -

Using a pair test, finding a good VLSI chip in the population of good and bad people. Chip A Chip B Conclusion ------- ------- ---------- B Good A Both are good or both are bad B is good A is the least bad one Bad is bad bad at least one bad is bad bad is bad at least one bad perception: number of goods & gt; The number of evils can be solved in the complexity of time (O) by dividing the population every half times and collecting an element of good, good pair. T (n) = t (n / 2) + n / 2 but we need 2/2 memory separately to collect pairs. Can we do these places without using additional memory ?? The algorithm is based on the question, "Can we remove this chip?" Therefore, to remove each chip, we simply delete it from our linked list, in place (or rather, not at all).

c - Why does FindContours function in opencv find two contours instead of one in an image as below? -

Input image - Output image with convex solution of the prepared content - Will also be greatly appreciated for getting a contour help? Moving the image to as a contour cvFindContours Image being processed before is being processed. IplImage * src = cvLoadImage (argv [1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); IplImage * cc_img = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (src), src- & gt; Depth, 3); CvSetZero (cc_img); CvScalar (ext_color); CvMemStorage * mem; Mem = cvCreateMemStorage (0); CVSeq * pattern = 0; // The edges returned by the Kinnies can be small gaps between them, which can cause some problems during detection of contour. The easiest way to solve this problem is to "stretch" the image. CvCanny (src, src, 10, 50, 3); CvShowImage ("tutorial", src); CvWaitKey (0); Int n = cvFindContours (src, mem, & contours, sizeof (cvcontour), cv_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cvPoint (0,0)); CVSeq * ptr = 0; (Ptr = contours; ptr! = Null; ptr = ptr-> h_next) {ext_colo...

F# confusing output -

I'm starting an F # I have gone this code: let printMsg () = Msg msg = "Important" printfn "% s" msg msg innMsgChange () = msg msg = "very important" printfn "% s" msg printfn "% s" msginMsgChange () printfn "% s" msg print message ( ) I expected that the text sequence would be in this sequence: important, very important, important, important or Important, very important, very important, important but I found this important, important, very important, important It seems that this code of execution order Do not follow. Why is it, I'm missing something? Firstly, tell change internal messages Promises: It creates a new variable called msg (which is completely unrelated to the external variable which is also called msg value) "very important "And then prints it, in short this string is printed" very important "and that's it. In which order is the code execute...

Android Edittext listviews? -

I'm scratching the Internet to use an input box at the top of the page, and an add and a; Remove button. I want to write EditText on ListView , which in turn writes a list to .txt -file. I tried to break it down into several small pieces of simple things like below Get input from EditText TextView . A ListView Write a file and read A file to read. If you have any advice about going from ListView to EditText then it is very helpful. The best way to do this is by a ArrayList & lt; String & gt; To store your strings with textview, and in return ArrayList & lt; String & gt; feed is ListView . For example, for your add button handler: // Announce our variable ArrayList & lt; String & gt; MyStringList = New Array List & lt; String & gt; (); // AddClickListener for Add stuff button .. myStringList.add (myEditText.getText (.) ToString ()); MyListView.setListAdapter (new array adapter & lt; string & gt; (...

javascript - How to get HTML element similar to getting BODY with document.body? -

I know there is a way to do this, but how can I not remember? How can I go about grabbing the HTML element (top-most element DOM) using plain javascript? Use document.documentElement . View Docs:

jquery deffered with a random number of animations -

I found x the number of animations that run on a random timer. I also have a code that needs to be run after all the animation is completed. I had thought of using deferred, but it does not seem that the way I thought it was going on. There is a link here (you may need to run it for a while to work): Code: var callback = Function () {Warning ('done!'); }; Var Animation; (Var i = 0; i & lt; $ ('div'). Length; i ++) {var random = Math.random () * (800 - 100) + 100; Animation = $ ('div'). Eq (i) .slideUp (random); } $ When (animation) .done (callback); Any suggestions about waiting for a callback once all animation is complete? You are always overriding the animation variable. So the object you $ Send in will be one of the last repetition. Add them to an array and $ When calling from that array: var animation = []; (Var i = 0; i & lt; $ ('div'). Length; i ++) {var random = Math.random () * (800 - 100) + 100; Animati...

WebGL verbose mode in Chrome / Chromium -

I want to start using WebGL technology in web development, but I have a minor issue. Normally, I test my application in Chrome I love my console, as far as I am concerned, better than firebug. However, a verbose mode is available in Firefox (WebGL.Version is set to true), I have not got such a thing for Chrome I know that some libraries (I webgl-debug.js There are some ways to avoid the problem using some errors, throwing unreadable messages). So my question is: did you know the way Chrome / Chromium designed to enable WebGL logging? Chrome support "about: gpu" url provides basic information on this weblog and profiler. Otherwise you have got an "Advanced WebGL Debugging Toolkit". In essence this is a bit like the JavaScript console, but for WebGL

geolocation - Reveal Tab with Unique content based on location -

Many marketing articles suggest using a coupon as an incentive in a revealing tab, but I do not think How would you stop that people who have liked to abuse your coupon using your page more. In my app, I want to offer a coupon that the user only sees for the first time that they like the page that the user has previously used on that page will not be able to access it again. I also have to limit who can see it based on location. When your iframe fan page is provided, then Facebook with a signed post type parameter on your page Impresses an HTTP POSIT. If you are, you will get details about whether they like your page and what country / language they belong to, if the country works for you, then you are ready for that part. The coupon is being seen only on the basis of anonymous anonymous information being sent to Facebook. You will need to create an application and the user should approve your app so that you can get their identities and log in that they have seen it. It w...

PyQt QTreeWidget 'expanded' signal not being caught -

I have just started maintaining a set of embedded Python plugins for a Qt application. I am also new to both PyQt and Python, so bear with me I have an implementation of a Curiere Visit in a dialog where the "extended" sign is not being caught by this handler. I have another dialog where it works fine In the problem dialog, I can verify that the connection was successful connected = wdg.connect (wdg.treeView_, signal ("extended (curio viewim *)" ), Wdg.expanded) evaluates to correct when I click on the child's indicators to expand an item, then the [+] turns the signals down But nothing happens, similarly, when I click on [-], then it goes back to [+] Etr set indicator to show both positions at the beginning to set policy. The dialog that works fine when the user clicks on the plus sign, the 'extended' handler is executed. def extended (auto, item): logging.debug (in "extended handlers") I have a breakpoint on the logging ...

Problem when adding more than 3 cards to sencha-touch carousel -

I'm using Sennhe Touch in my iPhone app. My carousel works fine when I use three cards, but as soon as I use four cards, there is a bug: The first and fourth cards are overlapping * unless I do not go to the second card. After slipping back to the first card, the fourth card disappeared. (The content of overlapping = 1 and fourth card is displayed. 4th card is in the foreground) What's going on here? I do not understand if anyone else has received such error? Is this a real bug or a mistake in my code? This is my JS: Ext.setup ({onReady: function ()} // Create a carousel [karal] = new extension. Default: {cls: 'card'}, items: [{cls: 'tab1', html: 'Tab 1'}, {cls: 'tab2', html: 'Tab 2'}, {cls: 'tab3' Html: 'tab 3'}, {cls: 'tab4', html: 'Tab 4'}]}; New extension. Panels ({fullscreen: true, layout: {type: 'vbox', align: 'stretch '}, Defaults: {Flex: 1}, items: [carousel]});}}); Ed...

android - Developing Apps ON honeycomb devices -

So here what I was thinking about installing a Android application on a computer before installing it on a mobile Android device Which was by far the best solution. Most Android enabled devices where phones, and who want to develop an application on their phone, will not be small and convenient. But with running these 10 "tablets Android 3.x, will not it be easy to have such a app, so you can develop honeycomb-specific applications directly on these devices? Is there something that is in development, and If not, why not? I am quite new to Android, so of course some aspects which I see are making this case a bit more complicated. Now there are many solutions. Check this app: ... and was quite impressed. I really think that you need to make an external Bluetooth keyboard and mouse more productive. If your device has an HDMI out or an MHL enabled USB output, You can hook up to the monitor and change it to "Desktop." Here you can see: Some warnings to do...

actionscript 3 - How to use VGroup or HGroup in pure actionscript3? -

I am developing a flash app by using the free flex SDK and text editor and compiling it in the command line. I want to use VGroup or HGroup in my ActionScript to manage the status of DisplayObjects. I have written the following code: Import SparkCancondant. * Import flash.text * Var Group: VGroup = New VGroup; Var text: textfield = new text field text.text = 'abc'; Var Phantom = New Sprite; (2, 0x000000); (0, 0, 100, 100); Stage.addChild (group); Group.addElement (Sprite); // Runtime Error Group .addElement (text); // COLLECTION ERROR But Spat is a runtime error for VGroup: type error: error # 1034 : Typed rape failed: Flash.display can not change :: Sprite to mx.core.IVisualElement And adding a textfield to the VGroup causes the error to be compiled: Error: A value of Type Flash Forced Forced Text: textfield mx.core: IVisualElement for an unrelated type How to use VGroup or HGroup in pure AS3? W...

java - Android - getting the current rotation of a matrix -

I should be able to set the rotation instead of the matrix set I believe the only way to set the rotation is to know the current rotation of the matrix. Note: Matrix.Setrettate () will not, because matrix needs to be maintained its information. What can you do to call getValues ​​ and cache value . When you want to return them later, just call the set value on the matrix. Update It is well explained to change the rotation matrix and matrix relation