graphics - C# bitmap drawing doesn't render to the screen -

I am trying to write a drawing program for use with a tablet. For this I need to use pressure to reduce and transparency. Therefore I am doing the image creation using bitmap system in C #.

To display anything to me, I can not get my drawing code right now, it is being given in the picture box. I know that some things are getting input for bitmap because it shows when I save a bitmap

I have taken a look at many C # drawing questions, which is used by the line To use drawing or oval drawing goods, the opposite of bitmap is

  using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Data; Using System.Drawing; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Windows.Forms; Namespace Paint 1 {Public Partial Category Form 2: Form {Public Bitmap m_bitmap; Public Bull m_penDown; Public int m_lastX; Public int m_lastY; Public Inc. m_currentX; Public int m_currentY; Public form 2 () {initialization (); // Create a bitmap area m_bitmap = new bitmap (this .Withth, it.height, system.documentation.imaging.pixel format.format24bpRGB); M_penDown = false; Graphics m_graphics = Graphics. Framesize (m_bitmap); M_lastX = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X; M_lastY = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y; M_currentX = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X; M_currentY = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y; } Private Zero form 2_load (Object Sender, EventEurge E) {} Private Void Form 2 page (Object Sender, Paint Event ARGS E) {Graphics OzGix; // you e Graphics can not directly modify the objGraphics = e.Graphics; // Draw the content of the bitmap on the form ObjGraphics.DrawImage (m_bitmap, 0, 0, m_bitmap.Width, m_bitmap.Height); ObjGraphics.Dispose (); } Private Zero Picture Box 1_MouseDown (Object Sender, MouseEventArgs e) {m_penDown = true; } Private Zero Picture Box 1_MouseUp (Object Sender, MouseEventArgs e) {m_penDown = false; } Private Zero Picture Box 1_MouseMove (Object Sender, MouseEventArgs e) {m_lastX = m_currentX; M_lastY = m_currentY; M_currentX = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X; M_currentY = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y; If (m_penDown) m_bitmap.SetPixel (m_currentX, m_currentY, Color.Gray); } Private zero imagebox 1_Paint (object sender, paint event ARG E) {form 2 page (sender, e); This.pictureBox1.Image = m_bitmap; } Private Zero form 2_keyview (Object Sender, KAVEEVER E. E) {if (E.Code == Keys. Space) {m_bitmap.Save (@ "C: \ user \ rpettefar \ Documents \ My Dropbox \ Programming \ Paint 1 \ Preview. BMP ", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.bmp); }}}}   

I am slightly new to C #, so I am open to any other issues or things that may come to your attention.

You must assign your bitmap in the photo box.

  myPictureBox.Image = m_bitmap;   

You can then change the bitmap or assign it once and then invalidate your picturebox.

  myPictureBox.Invalidate ();   

It tells your form to refresh the picture on the screen. There is no need to override OnPaint Draw on a bitmap using the graphics object created in the constructor of the form (if you want to make more complex things than pulling single pixels). Picturebox will work the rest


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