actionscript 3 - How to use VGroup or HGroup in pure actionscript3? -
I am developing a flash app by using the free flex SDK and text editor and compiling it in the command line.
I want to use VGroup or HGroup in my ActionScript to manage the status of DisplayObjects.
I have written the following code:
Import SparkCancondant. * Import flash.text * Var Group: VGroup = New VGroup; Var text: textfield = new text field text.text = 'abc'; Var Phantom = New Sprite; (2, 0x000000); (0, 0, 100, 100); Stage.addChild (group); Group.addElement (Sprite); // Runtime Error Group .addElement (text); // COLLECTION ERROR
But Spat is a runtime error for VGroup:
type error: error # 1034 : Typed rape failed: Flash.display can not change :: Sprite to mx.core.IVisualElement
And adding a textfield to the VGroup causes the error to be compiled:
Error: A value of Type Flash Forced Forced Text: textfield mx.core: IVisualElement for an unrelated type
How to use VGroup or HGroup in pure AS3?
What is the difference between DisplayObject and IVisualElement?
I used the first method of, the Sprite Visual Element, and the StylteTextField.
I wrote the following code:
package {import flash.display * Import spark.core.provisual element / import spark.comment. Support Classes. StylableTextField // Complex Error Import Spark.Comment VGroup Import Flash.Text * [SWF (background calver = 0 xff, width = 500, height = 500, framerect = 12)] Public class VGroupTest Sprite extension {function VGroupTest () {// var text: StyleableTextField = New StyleableTextField //text.text = 'Abc'; Var Sprite 1: Sprite Visual Element = New Sprite Visual Element; (2, 0x000000); (0, 0, 100, 100); Sprite1.width = 200 sprite1.height = 200 var sprite2: Sprite Visual Element = New Sprite Visual Element; (2, 0xff0000); (0, 0, 200, 200); Sprite2.width = 300 sprite2.height = 300 var group: VGroup = new VGroup; = 10 groups.method = 400 group.height = 400 this.stage.addChild (group); // the following code do not show anything to //group.addElement; Group.addElement (sprite1); Group.addElement (sprite2); // The following code 2 rectangle shows // ths.stage.addChild (sprite1) //this.stage.addChild(sprite2)}}}
import spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField caused the following error
40 error: definition spark.components . Supportclasses: StyleableTextField could not be found
and no spreitual element is shown on the screen. Am I missing something?
You are using the right ideological approach, however, a group (or VGUTP or HGUP ), Which will neither be implemented nor implemented.
You have to consider some options:
- Sprite; Or use instead of a TextField.
- Wrap Sprite or Textfield as a child of UICMAPPaint; Then use that UICMPonent as an element in that group.
- Use MX containers, such as HBOX or VB
- Use a UIComponent instead of a group.
My priority is the first approach, after the fourth approach, you can write your own layout code in the updateDisplayList (). Approach2 adds a lot of extra coding, and the view is unwanted because of reliance on 3Mx / Halo architecture.
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