
Showing posts from January, 2010

flex - Simple way to call a function inside itemRenderer in a Spark List, from the main application -

I have a main application that contains a list, using a custom item renderer to display the data. I While driving the app, we have a list with three people, and have a button, which wants to be able to call function inside the item renderer from the main app is. From the main app, I want to call the myItemRendererFunction () function, in the item's reader, in the list of selected items . & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; S: WindowedApplication xmlns: fx = "" xmlns: s = "Library: //" xmlns: mx = "Library: //"> & Lt; Fx: script & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [Import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; Import; [First name: "Piererson"}, {first name: "Peter", last name: "Piererson"}, {first name: "Smith"}, "Bell"}]); Protected Function Check all ...

c# - How do I implement Traceroute using UDP? -

The ICMP is not the only way to create a traceroute. And the answer indicates that it is possible to send an UDP packet (or some other) with the lower TTL and wait for the ICMP message. How would I go about implementing it in C #? System.IO.Sockets? TCP objects? Anyone know an easy / best way? 1 update: TTL is killed when the following code correctly throws an exception, how can I remove information from the UDP packet back? How do I know if I have UDP packets (there are no other applications on my host)? Public Zero PingUDPAsync (IPAddress _destination, short ttl) {// Assigns the locator port number arbitrarily to this constructor. UdpClient udpClient = new application (21000); UdpClient.Ttl = ttl; // udpClient.DontFragment = True; Try {udpClient.Connect (_destination, 21000); // sends a message to the host in which you are connected byte [] sendBytes = encoding ASCII.GetBytes ("Is there anyone?"); UdpClient.Send (sendBytes, sendBytes.Length); // IPandpoint ...

c# - ProgressBar disappears when changed from within a thread -

The style has been changed within a thread and how can I avoid this happening? P> I have a thread which runs for an unspecified (but potentially long) time, so I wanted to use the progress bar to track the progress of the thread. Before I started the thread, Marquee I set the progress bar style for, even after the thread is finished, and the progress bar sets the style back to the blocks (which you form. CheckForIlagelCrossBabterCalls = false setting Other threads can disappear from the progress bar. Nature blindly, if I put a button on my form for the purpose of changing the style forward and backward, for the progression of the style, it will appear again, And will change the style back and forth as the button is pressed sequentially. There! Stay away from CheckForIlagel CrossTradleclass this property, while Microsoft made it available and I'm sure it is very, very, very rare (and I mean rare ) is used for it, it's never Do not touch it will really harm your sof...

jquery - CSS: Clear othe styles in Live Preview -

I have a div LivePreview that previews the text that is HTML Uses in the form. The problem is that, it gets all the other styles on the page, as it should be ... Whether just livePlayview ( table , P , etc ...) or manually reset each live preview child? The way to do this is done in the form of what you want to do. The way in which they appear to be inserted, that box is placed inside an iframe . Any CSS within the iframe has been lost, which has been opened until the CSS file is explicitly attached to the inside of the 'iframe'. Then your code should be: & lt; Div class = "LivePreview" & gt; & Lt; Iframe & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; / * You will have any HTML and default CSS * / & lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;

iphone - What should an iOS developer backup prior to a clean install of Lion? -

After upgrading from Mac OS X 10.5 to 10.6, I really do not want to upgrade my luck to 10.7 . So when the time comes I would like to install a clean one. Please keep in mind that I am a relative newbie for Mac OS and so far everything is, well, "Just work" is being said that ... Before installing the lion's cleanest one What should be the iOS developer backup? Mike itemprop = "text"> Export any keychain access from a developer or distribution certificate that you Do not want to rebuild.

javascript - flot bar chart ticks not displaying -

मेरा डेटा: var data5 = [[लेबल: "my cat", डेटा : [[1,10], [4,20], [7,30]], रंग: 'आरजीबी (85, 96, 42)'}, {लेबल: "मेरा काम", डेटा: [2,30 ], [5,20], [8,30]], रंग: '# 42215 एफ'}]; मेरे विकल्प: var प्रकार = {}; प्रकार [चार्टप्रकार] = {शो: सच}; ["एक्सएक्सिस"] = {टिक्क्स: [[1, "एफू"], [2, "बार"], [4, "बिल्ली"], [5, "वू"], [7, "कुकी"] , [8, "याय"]]}; Var chart_options = {}; Chart_options ["series"] = प्रकार; हालांकि, जब मैं var प्लॉट = $ .plot ($ (div), data5, chart_options); यह टिकें 1-9 के रूप में दिखाई देती हैं, मैंने दिए गए तारों के बजाय मैं क्या कर रहा हूं? इसे आज़माएं: var data5 = [[लेबल: "मेरी बिल्ली", डेटा: [[1,10], [4,20], [7,30]], रंग: 'आरजीबी (85, 96, 42)'}, {लेबल: " मेरा काम ", डेटा: [[2,30], [5,20], [8,30]], रंग: '# 42215 एफ'}]; Var chart_options = {श्रृंखला: {लाइन: {शो: सच}}, xaxis: {ticks: [[1, "...

Why do they use namespaces in javascript? -

I have seen that they use namespace in some instances of using indexbedb: or Just names (API) namespace.

flex - Giving NumericStepper's textField a unique id -

I am trying to use NumericStep component in Flex and it should give textField (not just the whole thing) an ID But I'm not sure how I've already given an ID to NumericStepper but I'd like to give my text input field an ID. It already has a Numeric Stapper's text input, which is a skin part whose name is. By definition SkinPart should be defined as a public variable. You can access it as a myNumericStepperInstance.textDisplay for example, to locate the text, you can do something like this You can use: trace (myNumericStepperInstance.textDisplay.text); I'm not sure how you want to use it, though. I'm not sure that I suggest trying out toys with a part of the skin outside of a component, you are improving the ingredient to fulfill your essential functionality.

sql server - Effects of dropping PK on other indexes -

I need to update a large number of keys in a large SQL Server 2005 database and on a bunch of FKS and PKS Will be abandoned The table, the update (which changes the values ​​of P / FK) and then adding FK and P again are asking me: Will this process have any impact on the indices on those tables, which are listed in PK / FK areas or indexed other unaffected areas? That is, all the indexes still exist, will they need to rebuild one? This process will affect table statistics, requires a recalc? Many thanks The server (which is usually the package index) will become all non-indexed indexed drop and rebuild (this is necessary because if you have the package index then non-packages indexed index index index) If you have a cluster index (a Heap), non-clustered indexed data row package update Ramanika will automatically update the data, pointing to reconstruction will not be a reorg, If you create things with cascade update , they should be updated automatically ...

Java: Assigning Variables to an Array Based on User Input -

I'm making a start for Java, so if I'm making some derp mistake, please forgive me. .. I have a jsibobox that has been named as an array called array. My goal is that JComboBox displays all filenames in a fixed directory. So far, I have prepared the code to assign files to files in a single string in a single string. Code: Package Moderate; Public category GuiBlocks2 extends JFrame {/ ** * * / Private static last long serial VERSIONUID = 1 L; Public JFileChooser filePath; FileEditor File Joiner = New FileEditor (); / ** * Launch Application * / Static String Files; Fixed string [] fileNames = {files}; Public Static Zero Main (String [] Elggs) {EventQueue.invokeLater (New Runnabal) (Public went from zero) {try {GuiBlocks2 frame = New GuiBlocks2 (); Frame.Set still (true);} hold (exception e) {E.printStackTrace ();}}}); // directory path here string path = "."; File folder = new file (path); File [] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles (); For (int i = 0; i Then t...

binding - Repeated children in WPF TreeView -

It solved itself as it did the way I started the settings. All settings specifying a default collection object when registering as Defendancy Property. Adding a constructor to the range and starting the settings clearly means the problem is solved. A class specifies a collection of category names and settings objects. By using the system. Selection .ObjectModel; Using System.Windows; Namespace Seaside {Public Category Category: Inspectionable Collection & lt; Category & gt; {} Public Class Category: Dependency Object {Public String Caption {get {return (string) GetValue (CategoryProperty); } Set {set value (categoryproperty, value); }} Dependency for public static reading property category property = dependency property Public settings settings {Get {return (settings) GetValue (SettingsProperty);}} public static reading ("Caption", typefile, typefile, new UIPpropy metadata ("category name is not set"); Dependency Property Settings for Property = De...

latex - TeX compiler in ruby -

I am looking for a gem that allows to compile tex files (telexes or just latex) in PDF is. I do not need any template or partial rendering, just simple compiler Is there a binding for latex 2 pdf or some things Are you looking for a typed compiler in a roulette or a Ruby script, which is a latex Calls to If you search for others: Depends on the basis of TexSource, defines a rack-work to generate PDF. It checks how many tax-runs are needed, MendandX, BBetx ... if necessary, Split Index supports Gloss ... can be used with latex, pdflax, xlatex ...

python - Twisted, Deferred Callbacks chain -

After reading the documents and some use cases, the question arises how to use a series of callbacks. More accuracy to transfer data between callback Here is the code: d = defer.Deferred () d.addClallback (self.min_active_stack) d.addClallback (Self) .min_normalization) d.addClallback (self.insert_db) d.callback (0) def min_active_stack (auto, D): ... self-self.dbconn.runQuery (sql_query) def min_normalization (auto, min): .. Return [0] [0] + self.x def insert_db (auto, min_norm): ... back self.dbconn.runQuery (sql_query) First of all, in min_active_stack I I request for DB. In Min_normalization I process the data and insert_db on processed data is a request for DB. In this case, the data is transmitted through the series and it is easy. But what if the callback will have to run more in the middle of the chain? d = defer.Deferred () d.addClallback (self.min_active_stack) d.addClallback (self.stack_shift) D.addCallback (self.min_normalization) d.addClallback (self.inser...

Passing array to a function in C -

Although we declare a function with an integer array, we pass the address of the array into the function. In the case of simple integers, if we pass the address, we get an error, we get the pointer conversion error. But how is this possible in case of array contains #lt; Stdio.h & gt; Zero print_array (int array [] [100], int x, int y); Main () {int i, j, arr [100] [100]; Printf ("Insert Array"); {For (j = 0; j & lt; 2; j ++) {scanf ("% d", and arr [i] [j] for i (i = 0; i & lt; 2; i ++) ); }} Print_array (arr, i, j); } Zero print_array (int array [] [100], int x, int y) {int i, j; Printf ("\ n value \ n"); (I = 0; i & lt; x; i ++) {for (j = 0; j & lt; y; j ++) {printf ("% d", array [i] [j]) ; }}} My question is that our function has been declared as the first parameter with integer array (here) when we call the function, we pass the array address Are there. how does it work? You are passing the array, it does no...

shader - OpenGL ES 2.0 Per Fragment Lighting for Untextured Generated Geometry -

I am currently producing geometry instead of importing it as a model. It is necessary to calculate all normals within the application. I have successfully implemented Gouraud shading, and now want to apply fol shading (per piece / pixel). I have taken a look at the relevant tutorials online and have two camps: A simple code-of-a-phong reheifting of a shard code, which provides better lighting, in fact per-pixel The second does not work by using normal embedded maps inside the right texture, but they are produced in a modeling toolkit such as RenderMonkey. My questions are: How should I go about creating programs for normalization of my geometry, this is the form of a vertical set Is it considered? In other words, a set of discrete polygon points have been given, should the general rules of interpolated manual be calculated? Should I store generalized normals online as textures in the form of texture, and if so, how can I do within the code instead of modeling softwar...

performance - Is it better to count n ticks or run two seperate timers -

I am making a snake game and snake all the way because snake is running a whole unit on each tick, jumping animation is. The game is on an invisible grid so that snakes can change direction only at specific points. Is it considered to be a better practice to keep the timer, which will take the snake at the time of counting one pixel with one variable, and the code will be run to change direction on every nick. Or better to keep two different timers; To move the snake one pixel and change the direction of the snake to each other? Basically, you create "view-loop" to update DisplayList Has been and drag your view again. When the game gets complicated, listening for the timer and the ENTER_FRAME event will be constrained in the flashplayer setting for the screen refresh (i.e. this fps) and based on the CPU rendering process, depending on the work it does. Frame-rate independent animation, you should probably use a combination of ENTER_FRAME to track the media sequen...

curl - Static linking libcurl using c -

I am using Libcurl on my Linux machine with C and GNU Compiler. The application also uses OpenSSL libraries and some other libraries. I am trying to link libraries permanently, except for the link with other libraries works fine. I am trying to compile as below. GCC-static -i-o test test.c -lz -lssl -lcrypto -lcurl Am I doing something wrong? Is there any way to force the stable link to some libraries (for example libc)? Libcurl is the only link against tons of most other libraries, most of which Your compile is not included in the command line For example, against my link (on Debian Squeeze): libc libcom_err libcrypto libgcrypt libgpg-error libgssapi_krb5 libidn libk5crypto libkrb5 liblber-2.4 libldap_r-2.4 libpthread Libresc Liberty Libscall 2 Libsec 2 Libs , Or otool-L on Darwin.)

iphone - MKMapView not showing on device -

I have a little problem and I do not know why. Woking my map view is okay in the simulator, but on the real device, I only see the gray area and the pin on the "Google" logo. It seems that you can not images be loaded, so that when you look closer and wait for you to draw near to see the intersection. Here is my code, I can help #import "Maps.h" #import "RootViewController.h" @implementation AddressAnnotation coordination @synthesize ; - (NSString *) subtitles {return @ "327 Anzac Parade, Wodonga, Victoria, Australia"; } - (NSString *) title {@ @ Blazing Stump @; } - (id) initWithCoordinate: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) c {coordinate = c; NSLog (@ "% f,% f", c.latitude, clongitude); Self return; } @end @implementation Maps - (CLLocationCoordinate2D) addressLocation {NSString * locationString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @ ",%20Wodonga ,% 20 V...

eclipse - Subclipse doesn't show the repository path next to projects -

By updating the eclipse plugin, the path near the project name has disappeared in Eclipse, after returning the update there is no change Does not happen. When checking a new project from the repository, the brackets appear but are empty and disappear even after some time. Do I remember a configuration? It is okay to repair, earn, and withdraw the project. UPDATE : Updating, earning etc. only worked because there was another mandatory requirement for SVNKit. To solve the problem for the investigation of new projects, it was removed, but all the zones lost their connections. There is no point in reference menu "Team -> Share Project" written in Docs, only one "applicable patch" option is shown for my working copies. Thanks surporting with this problem @Ray Toal The problem is fixed. Older Importing old projects in new workspace After doing this, sub-sweep Recognizes SVN and can add workspace to the repository. There may be more wonderful wa...

visual studio - RegisterActiveObject returns succeed on server but GetObject is not working on any clients? -

I have been working 2 days a simple exe COM server, I have tested in the web, but still do not work Are doing! I create a simple object with ATL and register the interface with ATL Register Class objects and RegisterActive Object, it succeeds, but no customer can use the GetObject method to get the object, but CreateObject works. Here is my project file: Can someone help me? I need it, this is a part of my project thanks. Finally I solved my problem with this code: (CoRegisterClassObject still does not work!) hrsll bell; CYourObject * Your = new CComObject & lt; CYourObject & gt; (); Zero * p = null; Your-> QueryInterface (IID_IUnknown, & amp; P); IUnknown * var = (IUnknown *) p; DWORD pdwRegister; IRunningObjectTable * PROT; Imonicer * Pamon; LPOLESTR monikaranam; Hour = GetRunningObjectTable (tap, and PRT); Hr = stringfremccslsid (clsid_arial object, and monikarname); LPOLER Delim = L "!"; // Monique delimiter (always set) hour = Createitemake...

ios - Is there possibility to create virtual address book in my simulator -

I want to import contacts from the address book with my app. Here I want to check if my functionality works well. Is it possible to create a virtual address book in the simulator? There is a contact app in iOS simulator, is not it? Then launch it and make some contacts.

c++ - How to find where a library call returns? -

I am analyzing an external Fortran library which is quite large. Anyway, I want to fit the values ​​of parameters for the function of the entire library. Entry Point is a method called calligraphic parameters. The problem is that sometimes call returns are very fast, and the prices decrease in prices, they also come from random number generators. The question is: Does GDB (or some other debugger) have a way to see where the return was withdrawn from the library system? I have a source and they have already compiled with -g BTW, I use g ++ and gfortran to compile I am I can not go through the sources manually or execute the line by line, since the whole code is the line of code dirty code ~ 10k . An idea that came to my mind was to go through the source code and find all the possible returns and set breakpoints on them, but is there any other way? Run GDB, help type or next help and you can see the details of the next command that basically progresses in your p...

c# - Single WCF channel performance vs multiple channels -

I have an application that repeatedly re-uses the same WCF channel, through a physical object Keep references. I wonder whether this is a good anticipation or should I open an X channel and call all the services instead of using one channel on round robin these channels? Do these services get calls only if you only use 1 channel or the same thing when I will use X channels? You must use a single channel factory for all requests to create different channels for each request Should never be used again Do not reuse the channels They are not expensive to make and threads are not secure What is expensive to make is the chain factory This thread is safe and can be reused Of course, if the channel Factory fault situation Then switch to get you may reopen it.

In JNI Cannot using GetIntField get the value in the java class Android -

I try to get value in native class field mant. This class is made by simple JNI In this sample, I am setting up MINTVALUE 9. Try adding the JNI function using the gateIntfield to get the value of the value. It should add 9 functions. But it seems that GetIntfield can not find the field in this job. How do I get MINT from JNI? Thank you for you comment. Here is the JNI source code. static jfieldID gNative; Add Static Jint (JNIEnv * env, Job Case, Zint A, Janet B) {Fine Results = A + B; LOGI ("% d +% d =% d", a, b, result); Int value = env-> GetIntField (Thies, Genetic); Result = value; Return result; } Static const char * classPathName = "com / example / android / simplejni / native"; Stable JNinativeMethod method [] = {{"Add", "(II) I", (Zero *) Addition}}}; Static int registernet methyls (JNINW * AV, CONST FOUR * CLASSNOM, JANENTIVE Methend * GM methods, int Niemaths) {Jacques Claude; Clause = and-> FindClass (classname); If (claz...

django - ForeignKey relation a better understanding -

If there is anyone from the world who can learn best practice about field lookup, and how it works. I tried that they are documenting but I found this specially in particular to confuse the relationship between the model and the idea about the database. For example, suppose we have the following structure: What is the best way to look at these types of situations and what should be? Model: class articles (models.Model): author = model.carfield (max_long = 255) title = model.readfield (max_length = 255) content = model (. Models) Def page (request, URL_Title): URL setup article = Article.objects.get (title = URL_Title) Comments = # # What is the default way to get comments for the specified article? Return: render_to_response ('base.html', {'Article': Article, 'Comments': Comments}) Demo: {% if article %} ..... Print all articles related areas ..... {% if comment%} {% for comments in comment%} Print ..... {% endfor%} {% Endif%} {% endif%} And ...

BIRT: How to make a table with many columns in a report -

I would like to create a report containing a table which will not fit for a page, because there are too many columns in it I want to That the BIRT will prepare a report that you can print and keep the pages next to each other to get the entire table. One example: My table has 20 columns, 10 fits on one page. There are enough rows to fill 2 pages in the table. When I put the printed pages on a table like this: P3 - P4 I have all 20 columns Seeing the entire table. Cheers, Arne Since Bert is page oriented, I think this will not work. I think you should create a report with the entire table to appear on the screen, and one of two tables distributed on two pages is optimized.

jdbc - Cancel current transaction with Spring TransactionTemplate -

I am using a connection pool and spring TransactionTemplate . If you want to close the connection pool then all the connections must be returned back to the pool, this means that connection.close () should be called. I have a thread using some of the TransactionTemplate for some queries and the second thread that wants to call some shutdown method on the connection pool, but before doing this, do this by TransactionTemplate To close all connections (actually only returning them to the pool). How can this be done in the spring that you call the connection used immediately? Hibernate.connection.valve_mad = later_transition If you want to release the connection after the transaction. I know that it will only use the connection being released faster than the default behavior. At least as far as hibernate is concerned, if you are using other libraries then please describe which.

profiling - Does GDB supports "run time sampling" or is there a user "extension" that does it -

Motivation: I can not get the Google CPU profiler to work on the machine, where the code runs (with my last breath I curse Libuboind :)) EDIT2: For this reason, Im offers a reward for this, that I'm recommending a manual break 10-20x to some PPL and checking the stack with BT ... this time Seems to be very useless, so I'm smart Automation of PPL :) ADT3: GPRF could not cut it ... I was trying to run on the ARM system recently and the output was garbage ... :( I'm guessing your problems with multithreading ... You can sample it in GDB manually by stopping it at run time. What do you want to think, but if your goal is to make the program as soon as possible, then I would suggest The high frequency of sampling is not useful. Calculate the number of samples where the program is in the counter function, If you follow that link, you will see its causes, and how to do it successfully. >

graph databases - how to "join" two vertices on Gremlin? -

I get some trouble with the Gremlin console; Here is my schema Knowledge: ID1 (top) ID 3 (top) Label: "created" (edge) I would like ID 9 (edge) Receive v = gv (1) v.outE ("created"). ID works only when the "only" border is created You can do this: Ge (9) Or, filtering from V [1]: GV (1) .oute ('created') [[id: 9]] Or, if you want to get the edges created between 1 and 3 Meaning: gv (1) .oute ('(' X '). InV [[id: 3]] back (' x '). Id gv (1) .oute ('Created'). InV [[id: 3]].

Android: Bold Button Text -

I have a button in my application, but there was something like "Text: Location: Location " in the text is. I am thinking that it is possible to change the text on the button that " type : location" means that the button is partly bold? ? Thanks yoru for advance time. Simply put strings in the string. XML and replace it like this, & lt; String name = "hello" & gt; ; & Lt; P & gt; Hello & lt; / P & gt; World, FH! & Lt; / String & gt; and set your button like this Sometimes the above approach will not be useful when you may have to use dynamic text so action is taken in that situation string text string = "Copyright"; Button Button = (button) FindById (; SpannableString spanString = new SpanLabel string (tempstring); SpanString.setSpan (New Style Span (Typeface.BA), 0, SpanString.line (), 0); Button.setText (spanString);

payment - Alipay Integration -

Does anyone know about payment services? Does have an API (like PayPal or Moneybookers)? Does anyone have the documentation? I can not find anything thanks in advance. I also started developing alipay maybe it could be helpful:

Javascript regex match -

I am working on a function to parse a text field. Below are some scenarios: In: "about" results: var keyword = "about" in: "Type: page" (focus on location) results: var type = ["Page"] ; In: "Type: About page" results: var type = ["page"], keyword = "about"; In: "Type: Page, Event Event" result: var type = ["Page", "Event"], keyword = "Event"; Does anyone tell me in the right direction how do I parse it using regx? function in-out (input) {var output = {}; If (input.indexOf ('Type:')! == -1) {output.types = input.replace (/. Type: ([^] +). * $ /, '$ 1'). the division ( ','); Output.keywords = input.replace (/^(.*) Type: ([^] +) (. *) $ /, '$ 1 $ 3'); } Else {output.keywords = input; } Return output; } Try it out?

ruby - HOW to Put a text from a captcha image in a Textfiled In WATIR/FIREWATIR -

I am using the water and I have to put a value from captcha in a textfield (the image is generated each time) What should I do in this Wikipedia says: P> P> Then, Captcha's purpose is to prevent automation. If you are part of the team that is developing the application (and not just trying to automate the random web site), ask a developer the easiest way to automate that page captcha value To make it available anywhere on the page, there are several solutions to remove captcha in the test environment (in test environment only) ...

sql - Oracle sort substitution variables -

I need to sort the replacement variable, so I can refer to it later: with Wars (select sort (var1 ,: var2 ,: var3) from double) at least _wire, big_use, great_wars; Since your replacement variable has been, you definitely have some host languages. Therefore, there is a way to order three values ​​in the host language before calling a SQL query. Another way is to use the following questions (in combination with the combination in combination): at least (: var1 ,: var2 ,: var3) Select at least_Wire, case when: var2 & lt; : Var1 and: var1 & lt; : Var3 or: var2 & gt; : Var1 and: var1 & gt; : Var3 then: var1 when: var1 & lt; : Var2 and: var2 & lt; : Var3 or: var1 & gt; : Var2 and: var2 & gt; : Var3 then: var2 second: var3 eventually create a sort function as big_var, the largest form of greater_var than the largest (: var1,: var2,: var3) double as You will propose will not actually work as a function that acts as three pillars that can not back...

tfs2010 - integrate dotCover with TFS -

Is there a tutorial or someone who can integrate dotCover with TTS? I would like to run dotCover (perhaps Console Runner?) As part of the team building process and generate a report integrated into the TFS Build report. I have explained in detail how I did it

CSS/HTML - Line appears at bottom of page -

I am working on a site and a solid line is appearing at the bottom of the page. Problem: Description: I have a container element in which height: 99%; . I have also set a gradient background effect (using CSS only) Now, under my main container element, there is a solid colored block that matches the color of the upper part of the gradient filling . However, please note that this is not what is causing the problem, whenever I remove the gradient section of the CSS completely, the blank row still appears (I have the background-color: set my container element red so that I can see that the problem still persists). For example, if the gradient is red (top) to black (bottom), the red line is at the bottom of the concrete page. I have set height to 100% and my container element is up to 150% and the solid line is still there An example may be Is: + ---------------------- + | _________________ | | | C. | | | O | | | En | | | | T | | | | A. | | | I | | | En | | | ...

java - JSF submit button - form is X times submited during one second (until view recreated) - how to prevent it? -

I have a problem when I submit form (by pressing the Enter key or clicking the mouse) - If I press it as fast as X times, then the actual view is rebuilt (like ten times in a second), form data is sent ten times and ten times the database Is saved. And if there is any validity then no problem, eg. Check that the data can be saved only once See next, after refreshing, works normally as well. Data has not been saved because legalization is now working .. Then, the annoying user fills the form and instead of submitting it normally, clicking the View button until submitting that view And I have records in the database instead of x one: -) How can I stop this strange behavior? How to refuse to submit the button until the scene is rebuilt? You want to add something like in your web.xml You can. Another way is to work with the token , which you validate each request and become invalid after the first request so that later requests will fail in your verification. ...

How do I configure eclipse to autocomplete Css classes/ids in html/php files? -

I am developing web applications using eclipses with PHP applications How do I create content I can tell the eclipse to give suggestions (autocomplete) when I do this: & lt; Li class = " & lt; - suggest classes available here id =" & lt; - and the id available here You might try Aptana Studio Eclipse Plugin

c# - Why String is Value type although it is a class not a struct? -

निम्न उदाहरण लें: स्ट्रिंग मी = "इबराहेम"; स्ट्रिंग कॉपी = मुझे; मुझे = "खाली"; Console.WriteLine (मुझे); Console.WriteLine (कॉपी); आउटपुट है: रिक्त इबराहेम चूंकि यह वर्ग प्रकार है (अर्थात कोई संरचना नहीं है), स्ट्रिंग copy में भी खाली होना चाहिए क्योंकि सी # में = ऑपरेटर ऑब्जेक्ट के बजाय ऑब्जेक्ट का संदर्भ निर्दिष्ट करता है (सी ++ में) ?? सिस्टम.स्ट्रिंग कोई मान प्रकार नहीं है। यह कुछ प्रकार के व्यवहार प्रदर्शित करता है जो कि मूल्य प्रकार के समान हैं, लेकिन जो व्यवहार आपने पार किया है वह उनमें से एक नहीं है। निम्न कोड पर विचार करें। वर्ग फ़ू {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग SomeProperty {get; निजी सेट; } सार्वजनिक फू (स्ट्रिंग बार) {SomeProperty = bar}} फ़ू कुछ ऑथरफू = नया फू ("बी"); फु फू = कुछ ओफ़रफू; SomeOtherFoo = नया फू ("सी"); यदि आप foo.SomeProperty के आउटपुट की जांच करते हैं, तो क्या आप इसे someOtherFoo.SomeProperty जैसा ही मानते हैं? यदि हां, तो आपके पास भाषा की एक ग़लत समझ है आपके उदाहरण में, आपने एक स्ट्र...

unlink - Deleting a product with related pictures with PHP -

In my PHP application I have products that have images in 3 sizes - large, thumbnails, and small thumbnails. Is stored in separate folders: Images - / Gallery thumbnails - / Gallery / Large thumbnails Small thumbnails - / Gallery / Thumbs Each product has its own unique ID The file names of all images are the same. The path of images for the product is being stored in the database with the identical id of the product ID stored in the database. Each product can have more than one image but in the database, where I store the path and the name of the images for each product, all the images are stored in the same ID, similar to the product ID Are there. Therefore, if there are 2 images in the product database with ID 56, then those images will be stored like this: ID-> 56, image1name, bigthumb1name, thumb1name ID- > 56, image2name, bigthumb2name, thumb2name What am I trying to do - Delete all the images associated with the product being removed. The code I have written ...

ruby - Rails 3 best way to create a comment system for posts -

My first entry here. I am trying to add a comment system to my post model. However, I am convinced that the best way to go about it for many reasons is to have the comment system similar to the forest dot com, but I want to use those visitors who do not need comment because Site is our company site which is not a big community. The features are: Visitors can comment on the post, enter names, emails and comments. Members of our team can comment, I want them to be styled in a different way like getting to know the system was one of our team, they will be logged into the system when leaving the comment. Visitors and team members can reply to comments. Finally, I want to know the system that the comment is written by the author or not. I have seen and am trying to do acts I_commentable_with_threading which seems appropriate except for the need to leave any comment except for any one user account, Is there any other idea, till then I am trying to avoid? I have also app...

javascript - parsing jscript within sql server 2008 -

Is there a way to parse jscript stored in a server table? I'm looking for some such things like eval (jscript function). Use the JavaScriptSerializer class to manipulate the managed code within SQL Server and up, JSR objects to DSR. . If you have Javascript as a plain code, okay, then it would be strange if one could run inside SQL :)

php - Google Maps APi Key in phpajaxsql_v3 -

After I am creating an app for mobile devices. One part of the app is the latitude database and the long information from the show on the map, it is similar to that you see above works. I have read that I must have an API key to use the map, and also I plan to release a paid version with a free version, I also have a commercial api Key will be required. Now to my question, looking through the source code on the above link, where do I include my api key? See if you use V3 for Google Maps Note: This version of Google Maps JavaScript API no longer requires an API! and Google Maps v2 as Google Google Maps JavaScript API V2 (Deprecated) If you See if you use it & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; In the above script you have to pass the map key If you like to Android to develop application for mobile application that's about Provide more d...

Eclipse Not Showing Graphical Layout for Android XML files -

I had an HD hardware failure for the second time and was trying to recreate my Android programming environment. I have installed Eclipse and Android SDK. I updated the SDK to the latest version. Then I imported my project from my backup folder, when I look at my layout files in eclipse, then I'm graphical. Can not see the layout because this is not an option. I get the following tab options for Pages (Design or Source). Although my old virtualization that I have a copy of the virtual machine, I have a layout file (graphical layout or filename .xml) Why are any ideas? I think there should be something to do with Eclipse, which is not feeling that its Manet has to look at Android xml layout files. Please help, Iain if the graphical layout does not show the XML file open then the XML file is openWith on witch - & gt; If you do not want to display using the Layout Editor, you want to open under Project Explorer

How does sqlite work with javascript in Firefox add-on? -

How can I use sqlite? When I want to use it, then what is the command: Select from the table ? (I mean, I want to use mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM table") as PHP; ) When I get a table with the record and I want to separate this? (In PHP: mysql_fetch_assoc () or mysql_fetch_array () ) I used the table from the SELECT * table and I removed it. (The table contains these columns: id, name, pass ) How can I get column values? This is the connection to the database in JavaScript: Components.utils.import ("resource: //gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Components.utils.import ("Resources: //gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); File = FileUtils.getFile ("ProfD", ["my_db_file_name.sqlite"]); Let's mDBConn = (file); How do I create a table (if it does not exist), how do I SELECT , UPDATE , DELETE , ect How can I do this with javascript and sqlite: Example (its mysql, written in PHP): mysql_con...

tsql - How to concatenate results in T-SQL into column? -

I am working on a query for which I should give results: | --name - - | --name | - | - Language-- | --Date - | | James | Hatfield | N, GB, FR | 2011-01-01 | | Lars | Ulrich | GB, FR, CA. 2011-01-01 | But my selection is set as rows: | James | Hatfield | En | 2011-01-01 | | James | Hatfield | GB 2011-01-01 | | James | Hatfield | Fr | 2011-01-01 | | Lars | Ulrich | GB 2011-01-01 | | Lars | Ulrich | Fr | 2011-01-01 | | Lars | Ulrich | Ca | 2011-01-01 | Which best method advises you to change the set of results in values ​​grouped in comma 'grouped in comma to fly?' I've found that implementing a cross can work but people say that this method is very conservative. An additional DB has too much data. Thank you in advance, Regards, Adrian Here is the best combination method, This will not extend to other XML methods such as special characters: - Integration for XMLand; Destroy the control / encoded four expansions "& amp; & lt; & gt;" Set...

Monitor all user events in Android -

I would like to monitor all user-generated events in an Android app and I would probably like to do this with slight changes in the existing code the wanted. New to development). But this approach means that there is a need to abandon activity that leaves the activity. One more thing that I tried: Entering callback with setOnClickListener () but in my experiments I noticed that the behavior is that if I registered a callback on the content view If I do, the callback is called for all the clicks on those views, which do not control themselves like clicks on static text (textviews), but not for clicks on the button, e.g. So in order to actually monitor all the events, I would not only have to register the callback on the content view, but on all the scenes. This is also something I would like to save. So is there a central place that passes all the events incurred by the user (touches and important events) that I can monitor without the need for sub-class activ...

multithreading - Python's multiprocessing Does Not Play Nicely With threading.local? -

I have two processes (see sample code) which is every effort to reach a threading.local object. I hope print the code "a" and "b" (in both order) below. Instead, I get "a" and "a" when I startup whole new processes, then I can do threading. How can I reset the lokal objects beautifully and strong? import threading import multiprocessing l = threading.local () lx = 'a' def f (): print getattr (L, 'X', 'B') multi processing. Process (target = f) Start () F () Edit: For reference, when I use threading. Instead of multiprocessing. Process, it works as expected. The operating system you refer to is UNIX / Linux based and therefore the same Fork () Apply the IIP API. A fork () completely duplicates the process object, as well as its memory, loaded code, open file descriptors and threads. In addition, the new process generally shares the same process object within the kernel until the first memory writing opera...

ruby on rails 3.1 - Why are images not getting served on starting production server? -

I have a Rail Server 3.1.0 which is on a live server, when started in development mode Works well on all images and favicon.ico But when the same app starts in production environments, favicon images / other images are not provided in the public folder, and 404 errors in their path (Interestingly, there are no static images of 404 pages ) is served). Any clue has God's train? I am using NginX + Unicorn + Rails 3.1.0. Assets pipeline is used for all things except 404/500 error pages and favicon. To show me the files in the output mode in my public folder also I config / environment /product.rb "in true " Correct and it works.

visual studio 2010 - Pulling conctere revision of file form Kiln via URL? -

I am trying to set up a source server for debugging projects that are stored on the Kilt / Mercury repository. I need to modify the file by following the data: Local file path in the repository; Number of modifications; URL stores Can I do this via URL? Or is there another alternative solution for this issue? P.S. If possible, I prefer to avoid using the Kiln API. If you do not conflict with parsing HTML, you can change the string with changing the following URL You can find: http: // In the resulting HTML, you can search the following: & lt; Class = "changeset" href = "long way" rev = " you want revision " & gt;

bash - Transforming a sftp shell script command into a ftp command -

I've been writing my first shell script ever and trying to understand how to change this command: / P> sftp -o IdentityFile = / home / test / test / id_dsa & lt; Sftp_put.txt; In equivalent command where I connect to an FTP server. The main difference is that I am entering this server through a username and password, not my SSP credentials. Note: I am trying to upload two files. Again any help would be appreciated! You can use .netrc for it: $ cat> .netrc Machine your.machine.ip.address Log in ^ D $ ftp your.machine.ip.address & lt; Ftp_cmds.txt will prompt you for a password if you are ok with it, you can save password (clear text) in .netrc to leave this prompt. See man netrc for more information.

iphone - doubleValue does not convert the object to a double value correctly at all times -

I have an NSArray in which I would like to store double values. I have defined it NSMutableArray * setOfDoubles; I add elements as follow NSNumber * num; Number = [nsnumber number double: something repeating]; [SetOfDoubles addObject: num]; And I follow the element num = [setOfDoubles lastObject]; [Remove SetOfDoubles] Double Values ​​+ [Number Double Value]; My problem sometimes occurs (for example), for example when num (in the form of object) is 5.1, double value to u (as a double value) 5.099999999999996. The way I figured out the number (in the form of the object), it's 5.1 that I debug and when I'm hovering over the mouse at the number num = [setOfDoubles lastObject] on the mouse; It shows 5.1. But after double value conversion I mentioned this number. Does anyone know why this is happening? Each number can not be accurately displayed by using float variables. For example, You can not represent the correct digits in our normal decimal (base-10) ...

Android SDK version -

I am quite confused about how I can apply to launch on different Android versions. I am compiling it using SDK level 4. Is this code compiled and when it is being played on the phone with SDK 10, then will the old SDK4 be used, or will it use SDK10? A simple example is Service setForeground () -method, which was disliked. If I run such code on the phone with SDK 10, then what work will have no effect or will it use the SDK version 4? The same goes for onStart () . Is it being ignored on SDK 10 and will try to call onStartCommand () I would be grateful if someone could explain to me what's going on here And why. Your service is compiled only bytecode - references to your classes and other sections and methods. When it is positioned on the new Android version, it (Android, OS) does whatever it fits - you do not have any effect on it. As another Java based system, it will rely on proper class names / packages / interfaces and will attempt to resolve the methods w...

python - splitting unicode string into words -

I am trying to split a Unicode string into words (simplified) like: print Rifndl (r '(? U) \ w +', 'Ñ ?? Ð ° Ð · Ð'вР° Ñ ?? Ñ ?? и ") Do I expect to see: ['Ñ ?? Ð ° Ð ·', 'Ð'вР°', 'Ñ ?? Ñ ?? и'] but I really do get: [ 'xd1', 'xx0', 'xx0', 'xx0', 'xx0 xb2 \ Edit: > If I use u in front of the string: / P> print refund (r '(? U) \ w +', u "?? Ð ° Ð · Ð'вР° Ñ ?? Ñ ?? и") I'm getting: [u '\ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0437', '\ U0434 \ u0432 \ u0430', u '\ u0442 \ u0440 \ u0438 '] Edit 2: It looks like I should have read docs first: print refund ( R '(? U) \ w +', u "± ?? Ð ° Ð · Ð'вР° Ñ ?? Ñ ​​?? и ") [0] .encode ('utf-8') will give me: Ñ ?? Ð ° Ð Just to make sure, is this voice the proper way to approach someone? You are actually getting the things you need in the...

Height Detection - OpenGL -

I am using openGL ES I have loaded a small patch of area in a ball, skybox, and program. The terrain changes in heights at some points. The ball rolls around the area. My question is: Can I tell that the height of the area is in the ball position? (The position of the ball is stored in a variable that can be used). Is there any type of OpenGL ES command, or even OpenCL command, can I do some research about it? OpenGL is a rendering API, it only pulls things on the screen, and nothing else. So you will not be able to detect such collisions in such areas and surround yourself with such things. If you've got a height map for texture (for example, you drag an XS regular grid with the Wi that is taken from the height measurement). You can simply search for your ball (or two triangles can make the ball better than the triangle) and repeat the values ​​of the respective height to get the height of the terrain in the position of the ball.

SAS -> Shell DB2 Passthrough and macro resolving -

I am trying to automate a job that has many data across the network and the actual DB2 server and Our SAS server does what I want to do through a conventional pass ... proc sql; Connect to DB2 (...); Select Table Temporary Select from Connection for deb2 * (Select date ....... where date and start and stop); Disconnect from DB2; leave; Something like this: Enter the X "db2" temporary selection date ...... where between start and start;. Stop. '"; I'm running on some issues, of which the first DB2 date format is 'ddMONyyyy'd' which causes the shell command to end quickly if I get around that I think, I think this should work. I can pass macro variables to AX (SAS) server without the required additional set of commands to execute the DB2 command. Any ideas? You can be around a single-coat around the date by setting the WHERE clause with a bracket Release I'm not sure this will work, but it might be worth trying. As far as ...

php - Nginx and github for website -

I just set up an EC2 server with nginx / php / mysql / ruby-rails. I was thinking that there was a way to use my Gitob repo and every time I commit it cloning it on the web server. Some files are PHP and other rubies are. What this might look for is:

.net - Late-binding static calls - C# 4.0 -

My goal is to be able to use intellisense, while still giving the compiler instructions to generate late binding code (I.e. CallSites and binders). I have to say that class MyDynamicDataProvider {public int data {get; Set}} I have to write: MyDynamicDataProvider Provider = New MyDynamicDataProvider (); Int x = provider.Data; I want the data properties call to be delayed, but at present, if I do not declare the provider variable dynamic, call the compiler Will pre-bound. That is, in the runtime, the values ​​stored in the backing field of the property will be returned. At the same time, I want intelllisense during coding, which means that I should use the appropriate type of provider. Is there any way to get both ends together (depending on the dynamic bondage periodically, using steady declarations for intellisense)? Edit 1: Someone may be surprised that whatever logic I want is the fact that I am trying to develop some meta-class, which define the classrooms an...

php - CakePHP integer field default null failing validation on save() after read() or create() -

स्कीमा: vacation_request_denial_reason_id int (11) डिफॉल्ट नल , मॉडल: वर्ग VacationRequest AppModel विस्तारित {var $ name = 'VacationRequest'; Var $ worksAs = सरणी ('कंटेननीय'); Var $ validate = array ('employee_id' = & gt; सरणी ('संख्यात्मक' = & gt; सरणी ('नियम' = & gt; सरणी ('संख्यात्मक'))), 'अनुमोदन _ सुपरवाइजर_आईडी' = & gt; सरणी ('संख्यात्मक' = & gt सरणी ('नियम' = & gt; सरणी ('संख्यात्मक'))), 'vacation_request_status_id' = & gt; सरणी ('संख्यात्मक' = & gt; सरणी ('नियम' = & gt; सरणी ('संख्यात्मक')), ' सरणी ('संख्यात्मक' = & gt; सरणी ('नियम' = & gt; सरणी ('संख्यात्मक'))), 'vacation_request_denial_reason_id' = & gt; सरणी ('संख्यात्मक' = & gt; सरणी ('नियम' =) & Gt; सरणी ('संख्यात्मक')))); नियंत्रक: फ़ंक्शन जोड़ें () {यदि (खाली ($ - इस- ...

osx - Launch app on click of a growl notification -

Using Bash / Open Scripting is telling me that when there was an unsuccessful login attempt, and whatever was a gum notification Can I develop a way to launch a preview to display the picture on the click of the information sitting in front of the computer? Whatever you can do is assign a - url option to Growlnotify . Selecting an Example: (# Load some cat images ... My promise is that they are actually pictures of cat but # I do not believe this That they will not come from link-die because since I am associated with non-image cache or some other. Img1 = / Tmp / catpic1; curl -l & gt; $ img1 img2 = / tmp / catpic2; curl -l & gt; $ img2 # schedule increases ... actually takes this type of place that actually sends you to increase your $ img1 $ img2 for you Doing (rising notice -S-M "oh nones $ i" - image $ i --url "file: // ABSOLUTE_PATH / $ i") and sleep 4 full) Note that I removed the -w parameter as well ...

android - Does google TV support C2DM? -

Does CDM work in Google TV? Suppose it has Android 2.2+ and Android Market. Yes, it will happen. The next version of Google TV will be running Honeycomb.

sql - Generate records on interval of time (Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly) -

I need to generate a record on the given start date, end-date and time-frequency (weekly, monthly etc.) Expiration date: December 31, 2011 February 1 - 28 February (29 leap years) March 1 - 31 March . . 4 - December 1 - December 31 Example - 2 Start Expiry date: 31 December 2011 Frequency: Weekly Reports generated: 1 - 15 January - 16 January 2 - 17 Jan - 23 January 3 24 January - 30 January . 50- 26 December 31 December Also in the form of quarterly. Any help I think. Are you asking how the loop is basically months / weeks / quarters? It should be given that you hope you have a good start to point you in the right direction. All you have to do is just copy the SQL date functions such as DATEADD, DATEDIFF & amp; DatePart announcement @startDate DATETIME announcement @EndDate DATETIME announcement @TimePeriod NVARCHAR (50) Announcement @RptDate DATETIME set @startDate = '2011/01/15' Set @EndDate = '...