Android: Bold Button Text -
I have a button in my application, but there was something like "Text: Location: Location " in the text is.
I am thinking that it is possible to change the text on the button that " type : location" means that the button is partly bold? ? Thanks yoru for advance time. Simply put strings in the string. XML and replace it like this, and set your button like this Sometimes the above approach will not be useful when you may have to use dynamic text so action is taken in that situation
& lt; String name = "hello" & gt; ; & Lt; P & gt; Hello & lt; / P & gt; World, FH! & Lt; / String & gt;
string text string = "Copyright"; Button Button = (button) FindById (; SpannableString spanString = new SpanLabel string (tempstring); SpanString.setSpan (New Style Span (Typeface.BA), 0, SpanString.line (), 0); Button.setText (spanString);
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