SAS -> Shell DB2 Passthrough and macro resolving -
I am trying to automate a job that has many data across the network and the actual DB2 server and Our SAS server does what I want to do through a conventional pass ...
proc sql; Connect to DB2 (...); Select Table Temporary Select from Connection for deb2 * (Select date ....... where date and start and stop); Disconnect from DB2; leave; Something like this:
Enter the X "db2" temporary selection date ...... where between start and start;. Stop. '"; I'm running on some issues, of which the first DB2 date format is 'ddMONyyyy'd' which causes the shell command to end quickly if I get around that I think, I think this should work.
I can pass macro variables to AX (SAS) server without the required additional set of commands to execute the DB2 command.
Any ideas?
You can be around a single-coat around the date by setting the WHERE clause with a bracket Release I'm not sure this will work, but it might be worth trying.
As far as the X command is, try something like the following:
% start = '01jan2011'd; % Stop = '31dec2011'd; Enter% command_text = db2% nrbquite (') in the temporary selection date ... ou (and between & amp; start & amp; stop;)% Nrbquote ('); % Command_text = & amp; Command_text; X "and command_text";
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