gps - Get latitude and longitude based on zip using Geocoder class in Android -

People getOrderFrameLocationName (..) in the GeoCoder class returns "Details of the location supplied by a user" and if I If I call with the "London" string or "Statue of Liberty", then it gives the address and I can alert the coordinates I received for the map, but Ii needs latitude and longitude depending on the zip code. If I call the method with the string "33040" (key zip in the key area) - Geocoder gives some other addresses (of course!), Because it can not associate this string with zip. I've made a few tricks: if the user enters the decimal value then adding the "USA" prefix and giving it the exact location of the string "usa 33040" and the other 70%. In 100% of cases, how to find a location from a zip? Thanks!

Have you tried the string like "33040, United States"? This format definitely works in Google Maps, so it can work on Android, even though the Android Geodrador is not as good as Google Maps.


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