php - get hidden input value from page using curl -

I am using curl to display a page response on the thank you page. The code looks like this:

$ curl_handle = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, 'http: //'); Curl_exec ($ curl_handle); Curl_close ($ curl_handle);

The page above '' has an hidden input value that looks like this:

& lt; Input type = "hidden" id = "my_id" value = "123" />

I have to take the value ('123') from this hidden input


= "post-text" itemprop = "text">

you parse HTML You can use to get and get value from the input element. I have not tested this code, but the quick code should look something like this:

  $ doc = new DOMDocument (); $ Doctor & gt; LoadHTMLFile (''); $ Id = $ doc- & gt; GetElementById ('my_id') - & gt; GetAttribute ('value'); For example, has the following HTML code on the front page.  
  & lt; "US News Headlines Stories and Video"> US & lt; / A & gt;   with "id =" nav-us "href =" / US / "title =" " P> The following codes resonate with "US news headlines stories and videos from"  
  $ doc = new DOMDocument (); $ Doctor & gt; loadHTMLFile ('http: // www. '); $ title = $ doc-> GetElementById (' Navy-U ') - & gt; getAttribute (' title '); $$ titles;    


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