iphone - Accessing self.view from a static library -
So I'm building a static library for iOS, basically I want people to make some calls like this :
[MyStaticLibrary showview] And to add a subview to my static library in their current view Generally I can do something like this:
CGRact mainframe = [[USScreen main screen] border]; UIView * mView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: Mainframe]; // Add some stuff to view [self.view addSubview: mView]; But the xcode is complaining, and correctly, that I can not see myself from the stable library because I am currently using NSObject in my stable library. Is there no way for me to reach "self.view" from my static library, so can I add a view to the application screen?
1) You can set your show view method to showViewInParentView: and give the caller the view you need. 2) You can use the [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] addSubview: mView] to directly add to the window, make sure it is at the top. I recommend # 2 over # 2.
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