ios - How can I configure Xcode so GDB prints SIGABRT error information? -

I am using Xcode for one year and when my iOS app receives any, then it is GDB window information has stopped like SIGABRT or EXEC_BAD_ACCESS etc. now when I generate any kind to run applications and I SIGABRT:

  thread 1: Shows signs Received: "SIGABRT"   

However, in the debug output window where the error details and Stack trace I will not normally get any output. Debugging really makes it harder -. I have to set random breakpoints until I move through the program and the line that is due to SIGABRT to find and fix the problem can be very difficult without any debugging information.

When I enter the "information signal" in the gdb window.

  SIGABRT Yes Yes Yes Abortion   

There is any information for the setting, which I think is correct

I can use the same way to get noticed is to set up a break point:

  (gdb) FB - [NSException increase] (gdb) FB objc_exception_throw ( gdb) FB malloc_error_break   

and then when sigabrt I would use

  (gdb) set $ exception = * (id *) ($ EBP + 8) (GDB) $ $ Exceptions (GDB) [[The name of the exception] [GDB] PO [$ cause of exception]   

I should stress that I am using Xcode 4.2 and IOS SDK

Try putting these 3 in your ~ / .gdbinit file: < Pre> FB - [lift NSE expansion] FB - [NSACS My full .gdbinit If this help Does:

  #define NSZombies FB - [NSException] FB - [NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction: File: LineNumber: Ivrn] FB - [NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod: object: file: LineNumber: Description:] Fb - [_ NSZombie init] FB - [_ NSZombie retainCount] FB - [_ NSZombie retain] FB - [_ NSZombie Release] FB - [ _ NSZombie autorelease] fb - [_ NSZombie method sign Infor Selektorः] FB - [_ NSZombie answer cockroach] FB - [_ NSZombie forwardInvocation:] FB - [_ NSZombie class] fb - [_ NSZombie dealloc] fb Szone_error set env MallocHelp = yes set env NSDebugEnabled = yes set env NSZombieEnabled = yes set env NSDeallocateZombies = no set env MallocCheckHeapEach = 100000 set env MallocCheckHeapStart = 100000 set env MallocScribble = yes set env MallocGuardEdges = yes set env Ma llocCheckHeapAbort = 1 set env NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled = yes set env MallocStackLoggingNoCompact = yes set env MallocStackLogging = yes set env CFZombie 5 tty / dev / ttys000    


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