c++ - Inertia must be positive definite -
I am writing a game in C ++ using the Open Dynamics Engine. When I run it, I get these errors: I have this code: I call it
zero physics :: addObject (dBodyID * body, dMass * massPtr, dreal mass) {* body = dBodyCreate (world) ; DMassSetSphereTotal (massPtr, 2.0f, 1.0f); DBodySetMass (* body, massPtr); DBodySetPosition (* body, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); }
physics-> gt; Calling by addObject (& orb.body, & orb.mass, 1.0);
MassPat structure contains an inertia tensor Tensor (only one matrix in this context) should be positive, we can say all this until you tell us where you got your
massptr .
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