AES decryption error in java -

I am working on AES algorithms and I get this exception:

  javax .crypto BadPaddingException: It com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE_f.b Given the com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE_f.b last block right on com.sun.crypto (DashoA13 * ..) not padded (DashoA13 * ..) .provider.AESCipher.engineDoFinal (DashoA13 * ..) javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal (DashoA13 * on ..) ( but but. IOUtils.copyStream $ ( to ( (unknown source   

encrypt messages in myClient program exception decryption and cipherMessage recieve MYSERVER program.After server is cipherMessage send throws exception above, but the customer I can decrypt the same cipherMessage are part.I. (I check it with the bytes printing on both sides ...)

This is my code again:

  // This is both client and server public byte [] The decrypt method for decrypt (byte [] encrypted data, full length) throws an exception {key = generate;); Cipher c = cipher Get Instances (LGO); C.init (cipher DECRYPT_MODE, key); Byte [] ENF = new byte [length]; For (int i = 0; i   

I should mention that I use an array of 117 bytes for an array of 172 for encrypting and decrypting.

Use superb sifirenputstream and forget about the buffers length.


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