attributes - How to change column name in specific page template? -
I have ASP with dynamic data. Suppose I have an institution "student" and it has a required column "DateOfBirth".
I can just put the required object in the DateOfBirth Metadata field, but I want to do better.
At the top of the page, I have "* - indicates the required area." On field names, I want the column name to be "Date of Birth".
But I only want to edit the additional "*" in the Insert and Description page template. I do not want to show this list in the template.
How do I do this?
I thought immediately after posting it. I just need to modify the EntityTemplates / Default_Edit.ascx.cs and Label_Init in Default_Idert.ascx.cs.
Secure Zero Label_Init (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {Label Label = (Label) Sender; If (this.currentColumn.IsRequired) {label.Text = "*"; } Label.Text + = currentColumn.DisplayName; }
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