vim - Matchit not working -
I am using MacVM 7.3 snapshot 57. I can not find matching to work in any of my files.
I press% on an opening tag. It does not take me closing tag ...
My vimrc file:
"Pathojen settings Call Pathojen # Rntaim_ Append_all_bundles () call pathogen # Helptag () sets the white stuff Nowrap Tabstop set = 2 sets Shiftwidth = 2 sets expandtab set cindent set of smartindent set autoindent set listchars = tab: nocompatible set number "blinkon0 set all blinking determined ruler guicursor + = a disabled": cursorline syntax set \ \, Mark: Â · Status bar laststatus = 2 default GUI color scheme "" toolbar "Guides" Start without t guioptions- t "Color default" Colors Molokai Color Railscasts set "set to set / set" set hlsearch set incessarch ignorecase set smartcase "Comments (): (" '\ " ") Line (" '\ "")> gt; & amp; amp; line ("' \") & lt; = Line ("$") \ | exe "general law '\" "| endif endif Open division buffers set instead of the current buffer under splitbelow up" Thorfile, Rakefile and Gemfile Ruby au BufRead, BufNewFile {Gemfile, Rakefile, Thorfile,} set foot = ruby the are "" session options to g: session_autoload = 1 to g: session_autosave = 1 "buffer navigation map & LT; C & K & gt; & lt; c W & gt; & lt; C & K & gt tax; Map & LT; C-J & gt; & lt; cw> & lt; cw & gt; Map & lt; c & gt; & lt; cw & gt; & lt; c & gt; Map & lt; c & gt; & Lt; cw & gt; & lt; c & gt; 'nmap rail navigation option & lt; Leader & gt; Rc: Rcontroller nmap & lt; Leader & gt; RV .: Rview nmap & LT; Leader & gt; Rm: Rmodel "complete the tabs" in addition to better rail navigation to set the wildmode = list: longest, list: full "side panel open left (NERDTree) and right (tagbar)" nmap & lt ; Leader & gt; \: NERDTreeToggle & lt; CR & gt; : TagbarToggle & LT; CR & gt; Nmap & lt; Leader & gt; \: Call Toggle NERDTree EndTabBar () & lt; CR & gt; "Allow single click NERDTree NERDTreeMouseMode = 3 to be: NERDTreeWinSize = 30" autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree "Tagbar option to Tagbar_singlklik or a = 1 command: Tagbar_sort let = 0 commands: Tagbar_vidhi = 30" Otokmdi Vimintr * nested Tagbar Open "Janaas plugin set it up for the ZoomInfo plugin" However, we want to set it to be rather parallel, because we want "when a new window is opened, the same window height Oni should. "Ctrl + w + s set through equalalways" has been already installed do not need to add it in Vim's new version of "pathogen bundle folder. We need to configure it to configure "mailit" so that tags, HTML, ARB, RB, CSS, JS, XML Runtime for typing tag over file! Macros / match Wim "Backup and SSP Diary. Once set-up, backup deer / ~ / .vim / tmp / backup set directory = ~ / .vim / tmp / swp" Once the tab is closed to clear the TMP Do not forget to, and make sure the height of the main window fills the screen (100% height) and TabEnter * Go & amp; LINE = 100 "Opening or closing NERDTree and Tagbar, in the following circumstances:" 1) only pass both if both NERDTree and Tagbar are opening "2) If both the Undertrils and the Taggers are closed or open both if has already opened function! ToggleNERDTreeAndTagbar () w: jumpbacktohere = 1 "to determine which plug-ins are open, if present (not: NERDTreeBufName ') so nerdtree_open = bufwinnr (t : NERDTreeBufName)! = -1 Otherwise nerdtree_open = 0 endif tagbar_open = = bufwinnr ('__tagbar__')! = -1 "if nerdtree_open & amp; tagbar_open NERDTreeClose TagbarClose elseif nerdtree_open TagbarOpen elseif tagbar_open NERDTree rest NERDTree TagbarOpen endif" window in window (1, winnr ('$')) to execute window 'wincmd w' if it exists Go back to the original window ('w: jumpbacktohere'). Unlet w: jumpbacktohere break endif endforon
Make sure that you have a line of
: filetype on your > vimrc file in this file type Enables plugins, many. Out of which the pairs match the matchit.vim .
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