c# - Linq to entity framework error when using datetimeoffset -

I'm getting a strange error and I can not fix it, can someone help?

The code below fails because it looks like o.ordered.DateTime.ToShortDateString () (This works when the part is commented on ). o.ordered is a datetimeoffset . There is an error in this below. I've tried some different versions like using toshortdatestring instead of date and tostring . from the LINQ method 'System.String ToShortDateString ()' method is not recognized, and this method can not be translated into the store expression o Bedb.onlineOrders of the above BeOrders = equals join BEdb.order_Statuses on o.status s.ID where o.custCode == pp.AccountID new DataLayer.OrderStatusItem {select city = o.city, customersOrderRef = o.customersOrderRef, date = (o.actualDelivery ?? o.plannedDelivery), DATE1 = (o.actualCease ?? o.actualCease), number = ordered o.number, = o.ordered.DateTime.ToShortDateString (), postal code = o.postCode state = s. Status, stockcode = o.stockcode, updatedByAccount = o.UpdatedByAccount};

The data provider used to translate the LINQ code into SQL ToShortDateString < / Code>. Because of that, you can not use it in a LINQ query that is sent to the database. You need to call this method after the data has been returned from the database:

  on the BeOrders = (from BEdb.onlineOrders in o.status to join BEdb.order_Statuses equals s.ID where o.custCode == select pp. Sisiaidiai new {city = o.city, customer orders Arif = O. Customers order Arf, date = (Oaktiv delivery? o Oplend delivery) date 1 = (Octal seizure? O octal season), number = o.number, ordered = o.ordered, postCode = o.postCode, position = s.status, stockCode = o.stockcode, up DatedByAccount = o.UpdatedByAccount}). ToList () Select (x = & gt; New Data Layer .OrderStatusItem {city = x.city, customersOrderRef = x.customersOrderRef, date = x.date, DATE1 = x.date1, number = x.number, ordered = x.ordered. DateTime.ToShortDateString (), postal code = x.postCode, status = x.status, stockCode = x.stockCode, UpdatedByAccount = x.UpdatedByAccount};   

Btw: there is another solution That the code of small stature is produced:

  var BeOrders = (BEdb.onlineOrders contains os from O.SSSSSI. Select O.Kastcode == PPACDID New {O, S} in B. AD.Order_Status in SISS.) Olist (). The Select (x = & gt; New DataLayer.OrderStatusItem {city = xocity, customersOrderRef = xocustomersOrderRef, date = (xoactualDelivery ?? xoplannedDelivery), DATE1 = (xoactualCease ?? xoactualCease), number = xonumber, order = xoordered.DateTime.ToShortDateString (), postcode = xopostCode, status = xsstatus, Stokkod = xostockCode, UpdatedByAccount = xoUpdatedByAccount};   

the difference between the two versions of that first version databases Asks the columns where you will return the second version to all the columns of two tables.


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