automation - FileUploadDialogHandler() -
I used to choose an existing file which by using a fileuploaddialoghandler () method and entering the full path into However, when I try to use this code I
FileUploadDialogHandler fileupload = New FileUploadDialogHandler is a file that is trying to automate a web application, then open the file name dropdown
(@ "C: \ TIFFiles \ Testtif.TIF") .; //browser.WaitForComplete ();
(New UseDialogOnce (browser.DialogWatcher, fileupload). {NewIee.Button (Find.ById ("ctl00_WebPartManager1_FileUpload_FileBrowse")) using ClickNoWait (). Browser.AddDialogHandler (fileupload); Browser.WaitForComplete (); Browser.RemoveDialogHandler (fileupload); } This does not work.
What else should I do?
Thanks much!
I have a question about your code ... What's new Iee? If the new browser is connected to the browser then I can not tell the code by looking at the code. Besides, your FileUpdateDialogHandler should be OK.
You can add code where newIee is declared, it can add to me that it is not causing a factor to work your code properly.
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