
Showing posts from August, 2014

Customize jquery ui position collision? -

I was wondering what is it possible to customize (send in callback?) How IE status manages the utility collision. / P> I am writing a popup plugin and I have a triangular callout image, I would like to point to the location with the popup where the user clicked to pop the popup. I am using the status utility and if a popup hits the edge of the screen then I am flipping it. However, now the popup-related callout is on the wrong side. I am thinking that I will wrap callout reposition with collision work. Thanks! Just check your status and plan accordingly ... Examples , If it exits from the top of the screen ... then you can check that the status of the clicked element is less than the height of your popup 0, then put it down ... you can apply the same concept There are also other side of the screen. Get the width and height of the window for use $ (window) Position the position of the bounded outside of your popup against the height of the screen 0 or window or the w...

iphone - Videos Airplay Support webapp -

I successfully created embed video in my site using this tag: & lt; Video x-webkit-airplay = "allow" & gt; & Lt; Source src = "" type = "video / mp4" & gt; & Lt ;! - Other sources and fallbacks go here - & gt; & Lt; / Video & gt; With iPhone tested on iOS 4.3.x and above and worked fine But with the iPad 2 I tested it appears that Batam for Airplay > X-WebKit -Airplay = "Allow" and airplay = "Permission" or airplay = Allow to try.

dataexplorer - Could someone write a SE data query for finding Revival candidates? -

Can someone write questions that filters all questions except for all those & gt; 30 days old and whose score is 2 score or more? I posted this question, and somebody suggested that I will ask it here. This seems to work: SELECT TOP 100 PIID AS [Post link], p. * Post from WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 and p.CreationDate & lt; GETDATE () - 30 and p.ClosedDate are zero and do not exist (select from posts P2 WHERE p2.ParentId = p.Id and p2.Score & gt; = 2 and p2.PostTypeId = 2) By order p.CreationDate DESC I also added a criteria for not including closed questions. One ????

php - How to have photos received in an email automatically published to website? -

I post many photos of myself, which I post to my website. An email to your own domain is sent to in your FTP server automatically uploaded to a directory? Probably with PHP? Any advice is appreciated Yes, but it is beautiful Complex If you are using cPanel, you can do pipe email in PHP PHP script. Otherwise, you can use a cron job that runs PHP scripts that connects to the email inbox to get the same purpose. On the PHP script, you can attach email to your components, then you can use that information to write on the server and whatever you want to do with the data.

javascript - How to add an iframe to the content / DOM using a firefox extension? -

I am trying to add an iframe to the contents of a webpage / DOM by using the Firefox extension. Here's my code: const XUL = namespace ("axle", " Only.xul "); Function addIframe (src) {// Create script node iframe = document.createElementNS (XUL, "iframe"); Iframe.setAttribute ("src", src); Window.content.appendChild (iframe); } This is a modified version from this answer: I replaced this line: // it's top-document Level element of document.documentElement.appendChild (script); From this line: window.content.appendChild (iframe); Because it was inserting the iframe into the browser's Chrome and not the DOM in the content area. What is the correct order to insert it into a page? (My command is not working) And the correct answer ... I go! const XUL = Namespace ("Axel", ""...

AJAX pass 2 variables to .php file -

I have to pass the variable uid and siteAurl with AAAX. How can I do this? You can do me wrong here: ("GET", "insert / insert-badge.php? User =" uid "& amp; Site = "+ siteAurl, true); thanks ("received Do "," insert / dot-badge.php? User = "+ uid +" and site = "+++ true, true); Variables should be encoded to uid and siteAurl encodeurIComponent () before they use It is done above the URL.

Default position for a View for an Eclipse Plugin -

I have created an Eclipse plugin with a UI that I want to dock at the lower level in Eclipse Java Perspective (or Any other perspective for that matter) How can I go about setting a default location for my plug-in UI? ... you can affect the initial size and position of your scene in other approaches Using the perspective extension extension point.

ASP.NET Menu control automatically adding inline style -

I 2010 and the ASP.Net menu control is adding the following inline style: style = "float: left;" I added the following to declare the control: include style = "false" CssClass = "myClass" style = "" Without success The menu is rendering in such a way: & lt; Div class = "myMenu" style = "swim left;" & Gt; & Lt; Ul id = "menu" style = "float: left .... .... Floating top level div is not required. I'm not sure how to fix it float: left is making the menu item side-by-side -Side appear. Is not it what you want? If you really want this, then you can try modifying your CSS: .myclass {float: none! Important;}

silverlight - Change ProgressIndicator color -

I change the color of the points of the SystemTray.ProgressIndicator to fit the overall look of my app Want design Is there any way to do this? Thanks for any advice BTW: I do not think you can, they appear For example, I have three WP7 devices, one is on Verizon (both HTC trophy) and AT & T (Samsung Focus). Metro tiles on Verizon phones are red, I'm guessing for the red Verizon logo match, and therefore Dots are red Tiles of AT & T phones are blue, I'm guessing to match the blue AT & T logo, And so the dots are blue.

flash - fl.controls.Slider hand cursor won't work -

I am using fl.controls. The sledger class and I can not show a hand cursor when sliding on it. Here's my code. Import fl.controls.Slider; Var Slider: Slider = New slider (); Slider.x = 100; Slider.y = 100; Slider.wind = 168; Slider. Mouse enabled = true; Slider.useHandCursor = True; Slider.buttonMode = True; Slider. My child = true; AddChild; What am I doing? fl.controls Don will not show a hand cursor if don is enabled Got a way to Pass your slider instance in this function: function addButtonMode (display: *): zero {if (spread is displayed) {for (var i: int = 0; i & Lt; display.numChildren; I ++) {addButtonMode (display.getChildAt (i)); } Display.useHandCursor = True; Display.buttonMode = true; }}

php - Can I MD5 a column I'm selecting? -

I have done some Google engagement and nothing has been brought to it, so I am asking here. I'm trying to run this query (the language is PHP): SELECT * to the table WHERE MD5 (field1) = '$ var' This is not returning to any rows, Any help is appreciated. PS I have tried some variations such as "SELECT field1 from table to name where MD5 (name) = '$ var'" but it still does not work Does. Edit: I understand that there are a lot of things in answer to this question, such as 1. It is for a login system (it is related to a related, but Not for login system), 2. I'm not getting my values ​​before saving it DB (I am but this fixed position does not know plain text, thus I need an MD5 column in the SQL query ). A lot of these assumptions were done because I simplify hell out of example to express my question. Thanks to those who tried to answer. Yes, an MD5 function of MySQL has been created. & lt ;? Php ... (The table WHERE M...

security - "Log In As" with ASP - preventing going back -

I have a feature in an ASP app, where a user "enters" as someone else (teacher check Interfaces, etc.) The problem is that when they press the back button and then try to use things as a trainer. What is the best way to stop it? Is there a way to stop them from going back to those pages? I check on the individual pages for authorization, but I wonder if there is no one more beautiful. You have to expire the cache, each page has the following requirements that require authentication. : Response Adhider "Purgama", "No-Store" Response. Catch Control = "No-Store" Response Experience -1 - 1

java - RMI with multiple JAR inclusion -

I am coding an RMI program with 3 JAR: RMIServer, in it Server-side classes are RMIClient has client side classes There are servers in RMIResource & amp; Client shared content (interface, custom exception) To create a separate JR file, I created 3 projects in NetBan, then I declared the shared jar in another's "Library / Build" section 2 Projects Everything is just build-up OK, no error. But when I try to launch the server through the command line, insert the files shared in a separate jar, it is a pain in the sudden ** ... Here are a few examples of the commands given here: Using a doublepassword server, pointing to the server resources, but using dual codebase Java cp ~ / NetBeansProjects / RMIServer / dist / RMIServer.jar -Djava.rmi.server.codebase = "file: /home/myuser/netbeansprojects/rmiserver/dist/rmiserver.jar file: / home / myuser / Netbe Ansprojects / rmiserver / dist / lib / rmiresource.jar " Result: ...

c++ - How to determine type compatibility for a mixin template of a non-polymorphic type -

If I have a mix that is defined ... template & Lt; Class T & gt; Classroom Mixin: Public T {// Mixing Methods and Members}; ... and declare it with a non-categorized square t ... mixin .. and then it has a base class indicator ... non-polly * non-polip = and mixin; ... can I make sure later that the non-yellowpeeter is pointing to a mixin type? Dynamic_cast Mixine * & gt; (Non-POLPT) is not compiled above because the base class is non-polymorphous. I noticed that there are some specialty classes in Boost that can help, but I hope that is a simple solution. I think you're looking at the wrong requirements. You do not need to do any casting here, but you may need some restructuring of your code. If you have a relation of class A, which makes a mixer and B uses non-poli, then pass B to the nanopoly pointers and use the mixin directly in A. There should be no reason to leave the information of type A to get it back again If there are more...

ruby on rails - Testing setters with RSpec, should_receive, and create? -

After I am working on an e-commerce system and familiarize myself with RSpec. An order is an affiliate payment when the order is completed. It starts processing payments through our payment gateway. Below is the imagery, the proper method, and the failure message. 'spec_helper' is a description of the command, can give "#process_payment"! (: User) {} create_user! (: CREDIT_CARD) {} new_credit_card do it! (: Command) {user.orders.create! Total: 200} do it! Credit_card.stub (Sales: Really) tax order.stub (CREDIT_CARD: CREDIT_CARD) order.payments.stub (make! Payment: {payment: {stub ('payment', start_processing!) Is true)) Payment.stub (: source = = & gt; true, process !: true) finally "makes payment" order.payments.should_receive (: create!). With (amount: 200, source: credit_card). And payment payment orders. Prose_pummant ends, "Sets the payment source to the credit card and it tells the process!" (: Source =). Order.process_...

php - deleting duplicate cookie on domain -

I am trying to delete a cookie entry from a site. The problem is that when a cookie is registered, it is registered on both the and of the site, so there are two entries for the cookie Trying to delete: jQuery.cookie ("cookie", "", {expires: -5, domain: ".namename"}); JQuery.cookie ("cookie", "", {ending: -5, domain: ""}); Try and catch both, however, one or the other always stays, and will not be removed / ending. Anyway to force the cookie to end? I also have the use of PHP. If you have access to php then you can set the function: The fifth argument for you is important - the domain.

What is a Node Id in php/mysql? -

Use me know IIDS to identify records that are used extensively, but what means Nod_aidi Could? I have inherited a custom php structure that uses this word continuously and also has DD column names, which are called node_id. What can this mean? node_id is just a column name is someone Without context also it is impossible to know what it means. You will usually have to dig through ORM, but still the database is applied to find out what it is doing, if you do not have the appropriate software specs or other useful notes anywhere.

c++ - strange behavior with boost::bind in virtual member function -

मेरे दो वर्ग हैं, उनमें से एक वर्चुअल फ़ंक्शन है class OKClass {public: void PrintTest () {Std :: cout & lt; & lt; "ठीक कक्षा से प्रिंट" & lt; & lt; std :: endl; }}; क्लास क्रैश क्लास {सार्वजनिक: आभासी शून्य प्रिंटटैस्ट () {std :: cout & lt; & lt; "वर्चुअल क्रैश क्लास से प्रिंट" & lt; & lt; std :: endl; }}; मैं निम्नलिखित क्लास कोड में दो क्लास डालता हूं, जब क्रैश क्लास क्रैश हो जाता है, जब कॉल फंक () ओकक्लास को "ओके क्लास से प्रिंट" शब्द प्रिंट करता है, जिसे नहीं करना चाहिए। जब से गुंजाइश के बाहर साझा आईपीटीआर परीक्षा जारी की गई थी क्या कोई यह समझा सकता है कि यह अजीब बात क्यों है? धन्यवाद boost :: function0 & lt; void & gt; समारोह; {Boost :: shared_ptr & lt; क्रैश क्लास & gt; परीक्षण (नया क्रैश क्लास); Func = boost :: bind (& CrashClass :: PrintTest, boost :: bind (& CrashClass :: wptr :: lock, CrashClass :: wptr (परीक्षण)); } फ़ेन्क (); जानकारी की कमी के लिए sry typedef बढ़ावा ...

php - Handling updating of data with "has many" relationships in web applications -

So I have a situation that has arisen some time in web applications. I think the better way to handle it Should, therefore, I extend my current technique and hopefully some of you more experienced developers can recommend better options. Essentially this problem revolves around editing data with many relationships in an app using a relational database for data collection (especially, I often use MySQL). So we imagine this database schema (though it can be any similar set-up): The user has many skill skills for the user. When I create a new user, I will fill some basic skills as well as some (or none) skills when I click save, my app will take this data and A new one with zero, one or several skill entries in the database The user can save. Now, when I edit this user, I will show a form, the user's basic information, and in many fields for each skill, I can choose to remove skills, add new skills or both. Currently, I handle this by removing the fields using Javascri...

android - How to separate data from the arraylist and display it in to the listview? -

In one of my applications, I found the table listed below: [android_metadata, test1, Test10 , Test1002, test2, test3, test4, test5] Now I want to separate all the data and display it in list view. How can this be done? I want to apply some code to it and display it in the list view in Android. Thank you. There is a method in the array list that gets size () and get (index number) ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); al.sze (); // to obtain the size of the array list string item 1 = al.get (index number); // To get an array of array lists For more detail go to this link --- & gt;

iphone - inside API scrollViewDidScroll , shows sender correct but sender.contentSize is showing null while calculating page number -

I want to see the page number in the scroll view, which contains the uiimage view. Within the method, code> - (zero) scrollwididcroll: (UIScrollView *) sender The sender value on this logging looks correct, that is, about the scroller Everything is fine, But when I use sender.contentOffSet.x then it appears zero thanks. - (zero) scrollViewDidEndDecelerating: (UIScrollView *) ScrollView If defaultSize is zero then default value .. .. See the following details from Apple documentation. contentOffset At that point where the origin of the content footage is offset by the origin of the scroll view, the discussion is default CGPointZero. contentSize content size of size discussion is the unit number of the size Default size CGSizeZero is the related sample code quartzodo - Invoke server side method using XMLHttpRequest -

How can I call my own server-side function directly using XMLHttpRequest? Assume that I have a static WebMath in my aspx file, how can I call it by XMLHttpRequest ASPN.NN? What is the header information to pass the engine and as a result, engine can implement my method and return the feedback in the outgoing stream. This way I need to call my server side method & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Request var // A // This is a new function called when the user submits the form. // This example uses POST. Submit the functionCalback () {var inputValue = document.getElementById ("SearchInput"). Values; Var sendStr = "name =" + input value; Request = new XMLHttpRequest (); //b // specify the post method and send it ("Post", "Default.aspx / GetData"); Request.onreadystatechange = ready callback; Request.setRequestHeader ("content-type", "app / x-www-form-url expired"); Requ...

c# - How to check if a font supports a specific style -

I am getting the following exception while changing my application font, because I use a strike in one part of my application And some fonts do not support it: I change my application font using a font dialog I need to check that the selected font supports Strikeout style after specifying it in my application. What is the recommended way to do this? I know that I can make a font with style and catch the exception, but is there another great way to do this? Thanks in advance. Edit : User selects a font, not the initial Strikeout. At that moment I need to check that the font style supports Strikeout because I am making a strikage font in one part of my application. If the Font does not support the Strikeout style then the user will not be allowed to choose the font. Updated: (To display updates in the initial post ): InstalledFontCollection ifc = New InstalledFontCollection (); (Int i = 0; i & lt; ifc.Families.Length; i ++) {if (ifc.Families [i] .SETLAPBab...

c# - Read user input from console -

I want a number from the user who is multiple with Pi number along with the number. I tried something like the one below but it has an effect in a for example, if I include 22 , it would contain 50 is. Double A, B; A = console Read (); B = A * Monastery PI; Console.WriteLine (b); I'm not sure what your problem is (because you have not told us) , But I'm guessing a = console Read (); It reads only one letter from your console. You can change your program on this. To make it even more strong, accept more than 1 letter input and validate that the input is actually a number: Double A, B; Console Farewell line ("Itenton says A. ± yÄ ± Sonna .00 Coarac Yaz"); If (double. Terry purse (console. Readline (), outside one)) {b = a * math. PI; Console.lightline ("sonu" "b"); } Else {// the user gave an invalid input to handle it here}

python - user authentication problem in django -

I'm new to Python and Django. I'm trying for a secure user authentication, which uses the framework that works. I am in a login.html page [template / user]. And if login success leads to user user / contact facilitates. ContactSuccess.html: & lt; Html & gt; --------- {{request.user.username}} ------------ {% if request.user.is_authenticated%} & lt; P & gt; Welcome, {{User. User name}}. Thanks for signing in. & Lt; / P & gt; {% Else%} & lt; P & gt; Welcome, New User Please sign in. & Lt; / P & gt; {% Endif%} & lt; Body & gt; Success & lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; ............ Def testlogsuccess (request): & lt; Br / & gt; If not, request.user.is_authenticated (): Return HttpResponseRedirect ("/ accounts / login /") other: user = request.user.is_authenticated () Returns render_to_response ('user / ContactSuccess.html', local ()) .............. url...

jboss 7 (envers 4) Unable to load class org.hibernate.envers.event.AuditEventListener -

I port from Hibernate Enhance 3.6 to Enword 4.0. This new version does not have AuditEventListener older version is required: I can not find a way to configure a new version. In version 4.0: & lt; Properties & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "" value = "org.hibernate.ejb.event.EJB3PostInsertEventListener, org.hibernate.envers.event.AuditEventListener" /> & Lt; Property Name = "" value = "org.hibernate.ejb.event.EJB3PostUpdateEventListener, org.hibernate.envers.event.AuditEventListener" /> & Lt; Property Name = "" value = "org.hibernate.ejb.event.EJB3PostDeleteEventListener, org.hibernate.envers.event.AuditEventListener" /> & Lt; Property Name = "hibernate.ejb.event.pre-collection-update" value = "org.hibernate.envers.event.AuditEventListener" /> & Lt; Property Name...

google chrome - What is the architecture behind GoogleUpdate.exe on windows? -

I'm looking for elegant auto-adapter architecture, have a tip on how GoogleUpdate.exe does this? Chrome is fully updated, no questions have been asked, no one is asking for restart. Any suggestions? I do not want to use an updater from Google, but learn, Google has released the source code for its updated device, which is also known as Omaha , which means that you can know how to update software in the background, how it works Without it. It is available. In addition, Chrome usually does not ask to restart because it is updated when you are not using it, so do not bother to restart it. But if you have Chrome open all day (like mine), then you will eventually get a little upgraded arrow under the wrench menu, so that you have to restart.

python - How to group items in an iterable object based on the first character of the item? -

To start with the sorted recurring object, I must put the item in group with their first letter (say each Group Z for letters and a group for numbers and symbols). For a more concrete example, suppose I have this list: L = ['A', 'A', 'AC', 'BA', 'BB' , 'BC', 'CA', 'CB', 'CC', '10', '% A', 'B', ...] And I want something like this: GL = [['A', 'A', 'AC'], ['BA', 'BB', 'BC'], ['ca', 'cb', 'cc'] ['10', '% A', 'B']] What are the options to do this, and which is the most efficient? Import itertools as L = ['A', 'AB'] 'AC', 'BA', 'BB', 'BC', 'CA', 'CB', 'CC', '10', '% A', 'B'] Sorter = Lambda x: x [0] () Sorted ((L, key = sorter), key = sorter), for example X and X [0] .isalpha () other ...

Extracting URLs from a HTML snippet in R -

निम्न उदाहरण को देखते हुए: साइटों = c ('साइट 1', 'साइट 2 ') लिंक = सी (' & lt; a href = "" & gt; यह वेबसाइट & lt; / a & gt; ',' & lt; a href = " "& Gt; उस वेबसाइट & lt; / a & gt; ') w = डेटा.फ्रेम (लिंक, साइटें) लिंक लिंक साइट & lt; a href =" "& gt; यह वेबसाइट & lt; / a & gt; साइट 1 & lt; a href = "" & gt; वह वेबसाइट & lt; / a & gt; साइट 2 मैं एक नियमित अभिव्यक्ति कैसे लागू करूं जो कि यूआरएल और लिंक पाठ को निकालने के लिए html स्निपेट को पार्स करेगा और उन्हें एक डेटा फ्रेम में अलग-अलग कॉलम में पॉप करेगा? इसलिए उदाहरण के लिए, ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरण को देखते हुए, मुझे एक ऐसा डेटा फ्रेम बनाने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए, जो दिखता है: url नाम साइटें इस वेबसाइट साइट 1 उस वेबसाइट साइट 2 यहां है htmlTreeParse...

javascript - onchange function not working -

& lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; फ़ंक्शन urlchange () {var val = document.getElementById ('तय'); ई = val.options [val.selectedIndex] .value; ('e', 'mywindow', 'width = 500, ऊंचाई = 500')} & lt; / script & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; आईडी = "फिक्स" onblur = "urlchange ()" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प चयनित = "चयनित" & gt; चुनें & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "" & gt; एयरटेल & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "" & gt; google & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; आपने यह कोड धुंधला होने पर आग लगा दिया है .... !!! अगर आप चाहें तो बदल सकते हैं: & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; फ़ंक्शन urlchange () {var val = documen...

algorithm - In Python, how do you find the index of the first value greater than a threshold in a sorted list? -

In Python, how do you find the pointer to a value greater than the threshold in the ordered list? I can think of several ways of doing this (linear search, hand written vignemy, ..), but I am looking for a skilled way of doing it efficiently. Since this is probably a very common problem, I'm sure some people can help! Thank you! import bisect l = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100] bisect.bisect (l, 55) # returns 7 > Compare it with linear search: Timet bisect.bisect (l, 55) # 375ns timeit next ((i for i, n (n) For N (N), LN (L)) # (Next) 1.93us for L & A (N) N

delphi - Convert Array of Char to String? -

How do I change an array of four in the string? I have a common array of characters and I want to convert my values ​​to string. How can I do this? Edit: Originally asked about the "array of string strings" about this question, but OP accepted an answer which "array of arrays It seems that you probably have text in , it seems that "array of fours" if you do this then you can: function ArrayToString (const : Array of four): string; If length (A)> gt 0 then setstring (results, picarah (@ a [0]), length (a)) and results: = ''; End; On the other hand, maybe you are asking completely different questions.

How do I chain stdout in one child process to stdin in another child in C? -

I'm moving around in C, trying to figure out how to do this. Let's say that my main program is the original process. Parents prepare the processes of three children, each of which will eventually run (but it is not important anymore). What I would like to do, it is to do that the first child's standout will be obtained by the other child's studin. The second child's standout will then be received by the third child's studin. The stdin / stdout of the original process does not mess at all. So far, what did I get? pipe (procpipe); ParentPid = getpid (); (I = 0; i But from there, I've been stuck about how to use dup2 to allocate my pipe properly, and insert it into that section of my code There are so many examples on Google to do and how this is a pipe website from a parent to a child, but I still do not see anybody who will tell me how to get a child's standout from another child's studin Be connected . Edit: forgot to mention: Suppose a... - Global database connection in .net -

I inherited an application that uses a global database sqlconnection object to access the database from each form in the application is. The connection starts when the application starts. I think the connection is not always good practice and I like to change it, so I open the database connection and turn it off every time I need to use the database. So I would like to know if I am right. Instead of this, I will use it, any suggestions for improvement are welcome: The Public Sub-update Database (Skel Commands) In the form, try the command as new SqlConnection (connectionString) by using the connection as in the form of double-form, byRef DescError string). Execute Nano () command.Dispose () NumError = 0 DescError = "" Capture as Exchange NumError = Err.Number DescError = Err.Description End End End End Try Using Sub I send the SqlCommand object in the method instead of a query string because I can add the parameter to a SqlCommand object. The way you are ...

PostgreSQL execute statement conditionally by server version -

I am currently writing some installer scripts that are system configuration (web application database server like MySQL, MSSQL and PostgreSQL). One of those types is PostgreSQL. I am not fluent with this and I would like to know whether it is possible to make a statement in defining / populating a SQL file, for a specific postgre SQL Server version Creates conditional SQL queries How to make a SQL statement conditional in PGSQL, so that it can be executed only in 9 versions? The command is: ALTER DATABASE dbname SET bytea_output = 'escape'; The version check is to compare the version with 9 . Postgrace has a function, even though no major_vesion () is not . Assume that the output string always contains the version number as the number (numbers). Number (numbers) .umber (s) You can write your own cover: create or change function major_version () $ $ (\ d +) \. \ D + \. \ D + $$) Small $$$ SELECT substrings (version ()) returns the letter as small: short; ...

c# - Overriding method to change return type -

I have a situation in which I want to override a base class method so that the type of return is slightly Way to change By making a slight change I mean that an object has to be withdrawn which comes from the object that would be returned by default in the method ... in fact, a little code will make it easier ... class program {static zero main (string [] args) {var obj = new ParentClass (); Console.light line ("Parents say:" + obj.ShowYourHand ()); Var obj2 = new child class (); Console.lightline ("kids say:" + obj2.ShowYourHand ()); Console.ReadLine (); }} Public class ParentClass {public string ShowYourHand () {var obj = GetExternalObject (); Return obj.ToString (); } Secure Virtual ExternalObject GetExternalObject () {New ExternalObject () Return; }} Public Class ChildClass: ParentClass {Protected Virtual New ExternalObjectStub GetExternalObject () {New ExternalObjectStub (); }} Public class external object {public override string toasting ()} return ...

Get BigDecimal value from Grails params -

I am writing a reporting functionality for a domain object in grails field Bigdiskim that "balance" I query Please appreciate any help you are having problems writing. View & lt; Tr class = "prop" & gt; & Lt; Td valign = "top" class = "name" & gt; & Lt; Label = "balance" & gt; & Lt; G: Message code = "sale.balance.label" default = "balance" /> & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td valign = "top" class = "value" & gt; & Lt; G: textField name = "balance" value = "$ {params.balance}" /> & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; controller def c = Bikrikkreteraitria () def Sell = Siklist {if ( idEq (java.lang. Long if (params.customerPh) ( 'customer pH', params.customerPh + "%"), such as (params.customerName) ( 'client name', params.customerName + "%...

c++ - Function call to return string inside ListView_SetItemText macro -

ListView is a question on ListView_SetItemText macro to set the text of the item in Windows control. Why the following code works (text in a list is displayed in the list view) std :: string strNumber = NumberToString (number); ListView_SetItemText (hListView, iItemIndex, iSubitemIndex, (LPSTR) strNumber.c_str ()); does not make a direct call ListView_SetItemText (hListView, iItemIndex, iSubitemIndex, (LPSTR) NumberToString (number) .c_str ()); Where std :: string numerostring (double number) {std :: ostringstream ss; SS & lt; & Lt; Number; Return ss.str (); } Many thanks Here is the macro definition ( Commctrl.h ): #define ListView_SetItemText (w, i, iS, s) \ {\ LV_ITEM _lvi; \ _lvi.iSubItem = iS; \ _lvi.pszText = S; \ SNDMSG ((w), LVM_SETITEMTEXT, i, (LPARAM) (LV_ITEM *) and amp; _lvi); \} This spreads: ... _lvi.pszText = (LPSTR) numberstrosting (number). C_str (); SNDMSG ((hListView), LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItemIndex, (lParam) (LV_ITEM *) ...

java - How do I create an IMarker in a standalone SWT-application -

I need to create an Iarmer object for input for marker annotation when doing it from within an eclipse-plugin Is it so? It is easy to get an IRSOSR and make markers on it, but within my standalone SWT application I find it hard to catch the IRSOSR. Is there any way to catch an IRSOutator inside my SWT app? Or is it possible to make an iMarker without using the IRS? But how can you get a marker annotation in a standalone application? ? This is in the org.eclipse.ui.texteditor package, which is provided by org.eclipse.ui.editors , which is org.eclipse.core. Depending on the runtime, look at , org.eclipse.ui , etc at any rate. Nothing like this seems appropriate.

onclientclick - asp repeater itemcommand not working on second click -

I have a repeater that I bind data using the bind method from the database. An asp: A button with an onclientclick and onclick event, I open a new window in OnClientClick and onclick I am adding data to the database. It works perfectly on first page load. After the first click on any button in the repeater, the events that occur click to stop working on subsequent clicks. I have to spend hours finding a solution, anyone can guide me where I am getting wrong, which I need to do. PS: My application is AJAX enabled, using WCF and JQUERY Thanks & amp; Regards, Phanie ... Never mind, I solved this myself, for other people who Trying to solve the same problem, here's the solution: A new window opens, with the code below blocking the window with a popup blocker Click on the button OnClientClick to open a new window, JavaScript and parent windows refresh (like onClientClick = "target = '_ blank'; setTimeout (" location.reload (true) "); ...

Redirect after photo upload and avoid showing graph api endpoint response - PHP SDK 3 -

I am trying to create an iframe app for my work, through which the user will have a photo Can upload. I have managed to get the photo to upload - but once the photo is uploaded, my app only shows the new photo ID (endpoint response) and everything else from the iframe (As shown in the second link below). I want to be able to redirect to a successful page or even want to return to my app without showing it 'endpoint response'. I'm using this tutorial to upload and . This is the first time that I have tried to make a Facebook app and I am really fighting, any help will really be appreciated. Cheers, Andy If you are a page If a condition can be corrected then the condition is correct (the image has been uploaded), the header may be the answer ("Location: URL"). There are two concerns when using the header space: 1) Make sure the URL you are redirecting to is Full (inclusive) and 2) Nothing could be output before your header Consider th...

ruby on rails - Problem while editing a record -

I had to edit a record of my table in Rail Priya 3 but this error happened: ActiveRecord :: RecordNotFound Word Controller # Edit In My Controller: Edit Defy adverb = adverb.find (: id) end And in my opinion I have: & lt;% @ adverb.each do | Av | & Gt%; & Lt; Tr class = "& lt;% = cycle (" weird "," even ") -%>" & Gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = av.bedeutung% & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = link_to 'edit', {: controller = & gt; 'Word',: action => 'Edit' ,: ID = & gt;}%> & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; How can I solve this problem? Try @adverb = Adverb.find (params [ : Id])

c# - Transaction between database and a memory task ? -

I want to do some work in the database, then some tasks on the memory (such as changing some values ​​of objects) and I combine I want to work both in one transaction. I am using EF 4.1 and it only provides me the SaveChanges method which transmits by itself just if SaveChanges does not throw exceptions so I can do some work on memory This is a solution But it breaks the architecture of the application. Because SaveChanges is not said before that task Tasks can not know whether the savings changelog will succeed or fail in the future when it will be called. Is any transaction possible between database and memory functions? If so, how can we do this? MSDN has an excellent article, explaining how to create a transactional wrapper around in-memory type. At its core, you want to implement. Once you implement it for in-memory type, you want to be a part of the transaction, you will have to register it by calling on the transaction to register an example of notification on t...

iOS Xcode project file sharing for multiple developers -

What is the best practice for many developers working on a single iOS project? Many developers are working on the same Xcode project, so is there a way to avoid resetting code signaling building settings (keeping sharing the rest)? If you select instead of iPhone Developer (Automatic selection) Developer: If the MCD will set code signature identification, it would be a suitable signature detection automatically in the bunch of local keys, and it should work well for every developer of your team.

c# - What is the simplest unit test to implement for asserting a particular method is called? -

I have a class and I want to implement a unit test in a public way to indicate a specific test I am To make it simple, let's take a square and unit test below. What should I do or should do (such as an interface etc) so that I can say "MacNoise Methi calls Bark method" I can use Rhinomox if needed Public category animal {public string AnimalType {get; Set;} public string bark () {if (AnimalType == "dog") {return "Hof! Hof! Hof!"; } Return string Empty; } Public string mechanisms () {if (AnimalType == "dog") {return bark (); } Return string Empty; }} [TestMethod] Public Zero Mknowize_with AnimalTypeDog_CallsBarkMethod () {var dog = New animal () {AnimalType = "dog"}; Dog.MakeNoise (); // How can I test the macanois method, called berkmouth? } This is what you are interested in, output . Test Output Var = "Hoff! Hoff! Hoff!"; Var real = dog McNow (); Extraordinary (Actual, expected); If the exam i...

Android emulator browser connection while screen is off -

I'm thinking that the browser can not connect to the internet when the screen is off in an Android emulator? My application will use the browser to connect to the web server when the screen is off I use startActivity (new intent (Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse (CommonVariable.BOTNET_HOST + Command)) setFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK)); After receiving a server request, it will redirect the browser to a specific plan called iLoivo: // Blublblah. This plan will start my activity when the browser gets the scheme. I have tested this method when walking on the screen, and everything is fine. When I test my app, the server does not get anything until the screen is turned on. However, activity manager in lockback starts the activity with intent when the scan is closed. So I'm wondering if the browser connection is disabled when the screen is off? What is the special reason you need a browser? Because you can invite your app directly through the custom app (like ...

issue with a 4xx client error -

I'm getting a 4XX client error, I've never met before (maybe undoubtedly) This is disappointing because my page works well, but when it is scanned for SEO purposes, I get two 4xx client errors Just keep it, they What are you / P> and lists all 4xx errors. "The 4xx class status code is intended for cases where the client has been deleted."

Adding dynamic elements to a sortable list to send them using POST/GET (jquery/javascript) -

Actually this project is stuck in the end, but the truth is that I'm worthless on jquery (a php devloper im) The idea is, I have this letter form, I want my users to add as much work as they want to , So whenever it hits add jobs , all the fields are empty and the information goes into a list (like a sort:. Later, When the user finishes, he can delete the item as a list or post it with a post or gate action Looks like I do not really have any idea of ​​how to get it, I can use the form and the picadiate function ( to or to field), if you can help me with an example script, how to add information in a sorted list (probably in jquery), it would be nice, or if You have a big heart and you can show me a complete example Thank you for any help! You can use or add something or something in that thing, and to use the U element to remove items from the list ... you can loop through the element so that you can add a post or its Whatever you do to get along with

java - Inner class as "sensible" default for an interface? -

I am increasing part of an existing internal structure Some part of the structure uses the interface definition, which has an internal square . The interface is used as a parameter value for an annotation and the internal class is provided as the default value. The interface looks like this: Public Interface Adapter & lt; X, Y & gt; {Fixed final range identifier and object, object & gt; {@ Override Public Object Transform (object x) {Return X; } @OverWide Public Object Inverse (Object Y) {Return Y; }} Public Wi conversion (xx); Public X Inversion (YY); } and its use is: public @interface Adapt {class Although its use seems clearly, this build starts against the 'contract' concept of Java Enterprise and may be contractual for the next god, which has to deal with the code. What will be the best practice in this case? This is the best systems There are instances where there is some steady ways in a stable final internal class that are known as F....

biometrics - Suprema BioMini FingerPrint programming in c# -

I bought a Suprema BioMini fingerprint device. It has an SDK, but the documentation is not good, it pastes the code, without any liquid explanation. I'm programming it in C #, but I can not manage to do Superma library work, this is: Supreme experiment; There is no "Suprema" - in the composition folder's Libs. I tried to use C ++, therefore, I have pasted the tutorial line of SDK document: #include "UFDatabase.h" And did not work. But only one UFDatabase.lib, which I put in the Visual Studio folder, does not recognize it if I do: #include "UFDatabase.h" This identifies the line - of course, there is a file with that name, but the functions do not work - maybe because the functions of .h are not eaten together - Some of you have some experience with this Bimonic SDK, or have any clue about the problem? Thank you. Have you solved it and what version of SDK is using, what do you get And I can help with it from ther...

LINQ query to entity framework isn't doing the Include() correctly -

I am querying this in an entity model that contains the .net subscription tables Var q = u in reference.aspnet_Users.Include ("aspnet_Membership") in context from ud. User details where u.UserId == ud.UserId & amp; Amp; Ud.CompanyID == Company selection u; Want to get user in company id in id in company > / code> out of user to company and other related table table UserDetails is a custom table. My problem is that the property Aspnet_embership is the last object in which the user exists, though. Any idea why? Does not work with being in it (stupid, I know): ) Q.Include ("aspnet_Membership");

visual studio 2010 - Add reference adds wrong reference -

I am working on a SAL app which is the system Xml.dll needs to be referenced. So I browsed in the "Add context to project ..." and a common DLL folder in which I copied the System.Xml.dll of the Silverlight 4.0 version. The problem is that the terms C: \ Program Files (x 86) \ Reference assemblies \ Microsoft \ Framework.NETFramework \ v4.0 \ System.Xml.dll version is pointing is added in, which gives the time "when you try to run the app does not match the definition assembly reference assembly at me" (I think). The assembly does not seem to redirect to Web.config and I have tried to set the project's reference path but there is no luck yet. Any better ideas? Thanks, John Since the view it Continuing to think I would officially add the answer: Manually adding the signal path (XML editor) did the trick for reference in the csproj file.

how restricted is recursion in javascript? -

I think browsing has been stopped by dough codes to stop the tube but this is: function print (item) {document.getElementById ('output'). InnerHTML = document.getElementById ('Output'). InnerHTML + item + '& lt; Br / & gt; '; } Function recurrence (myInt) {print (myInt); If (int and lieutenant; 10) {for (i = 0; i & lt; = 1; i ++) {recurs (myInt + 1); }}} produces: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 And no, when I do, I do not get older old disturbances: function myInt {print (myInt); If (int and lieutenant; 10) {for (i = 0; i & lt; = 1; i ++) {var x = myInt + 1; SetTimeout ("repetition (" + x + ")"); }}} Am I forgetting something or is it how do you reproduce in JS? I remember that you need to call the method for each child. You are using a global variable in the form of loop counters, this is the reason that this is the only complete ending for the most endless call when you come back from that call, the counter ...

c# - Implementing Business Objects for a WinForms MVP application -

I am creating a new system from scratch and working on the design of the application. I'm looking at ways viable for my domain object modeling. Some special about the project - it will be a big data entry, integrated in WinForms application, ESRI ArcMap (a GIS app). Data access should go through Arcampe's own Data Access Layers - Data is retrieved and saved through cursor style access. There is no problem obtaining this data, but I know, this organization excludes ORM devices as framework and NHibernate, because I can not interact directly with the database. The WinForms application will follow a MVP pattern - View will be connected to the model. The presenter will also modify the model. Therefore, the domain object should support the following: Change the notification Changing the Tracking At the lowest level, I want to know whether my model has changed or not. Change the notification through the INotifyPropertyChange interface. Change ...

php - Inserting upload script into existing form page does not process upload? -

I have a file upload script which works great when opening from the calling page through the window. Open () However, I am trying to avoid the popup window and to load the script in the calling page (by jQuery.load ()). However, although everything works fine, the file is not actually moving. The calling page itself is a form. Can this cause problems? & lt; Form id = "myParentPage" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "myUploadPlaceholder" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" id = "load script" value = "test" /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# loadScript'). Click (function () {$ ('# myUploadPlaceholder'). Load ('myUploadScript.php? Action = test');}); }); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Try using the hidden iframe instead: & lt; Iframe id = "myUploadPlaceholder...

code signing - Xcode 4: Keep Failing Codesign Verification when Building -

I am creating my app with the right delivery certification and creating a collection so that I can submit the apple Can I On verification, it keeps telling me this error about failing in verification. When I look at the log, the error says: Application coding failed verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an iPhone distribution certificate (-19011) Any ideas how can I fix this? Thank you, JH PS: Using Xcode 4.2 Today I went to the problem Solution # 2 has fixed my problem, but here is a list of things to try. If anyone else has suggestions, add them to comments! Make sure your product name (and) does not contain any spaces or special characters Make sure that all your production goals (for example, both ad hoc And App Store), select Clear profile, not "iPhone developer" or "iPhone delivery" wildcard Using profile, it has not expired bunch of your key Remove the extracted profile Delete duplicate profi...

sql server - How to see what stored procs/functions/triggers rely on a column in a table? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: नमस्ते मैं एक काफी जटिल एसक्यूएल सर्वर (2000 संगतता में 2008) डाटाबेस का पता लगाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ। एक तालिका में 3 कॉलम हैं I विशेष रूप से संबंधित है। मैंने अपने आवेदन के कोड की खोज की है और यह इन 3 कॉलमों का कोई सीधा उपयोग नहीं कर रहा है, लेकिन मुझे पता है कि कहीं वे डेटाबेस में उपयोग किया जाता है और इसका उपयोग किया जाता है तो यह ट्रिगर, फ़ंक्शन, और / या संग्रहित प्रक्रियाओं में होना चाहिए। यह पता लगाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है कि इन 3 कॉलमों को किस प्रकार कोडित किया जाए? यदि आपको नाम से डेटाबेस ऑब्जेक्ट्स (जैसे टेबल, कॉलम, ट्रिगर) खोजने की आवश्यकता है - एक नज़र है मुफ़्त रेड-गेट टूल में जो यह करता है - यह आपके पूरे डेटाबेस को किसी भी प्रकार की स्ट्रिंग के लिए खोजता है। यह किसी भी डीबीए या डेटाबेस डेवलपर के लिए एक महान उपकरण होना चाहिए - क्या मैंने पहले से ही किसी भी प्रकार के उपयोग के लिए इसका उपयोग करने के लिए मुफ़्त का उल्लेख किया है? ?

Javascript elapsed time function observer -

I if and how is possible for a function Type which looks at another function. The more accurate, obsever viewed function keeps track of execution time , and if there is more than a certain time value then Suppressor Pause function. So, in a nutshell: celebrated the celebration () {// ...} / ** * to run a function and if it was from a given time More is close Function * * External {number} Maximum time allowed maximum time allowed for running and inspecting functions * / Function Supervisor More than time) * Punctuation Fans; * Return; * Other * Return; (When Function Returns Function) * /} Is it viewed without changing the function Only those browsers that support it If you were viewed , The main script can call the worker. Normally (at least historical) is javascript, and so when viewed is running, supervisor there is no way to stop it .

css - Facebook Like button error: Not displaying number of likes on big button -

After a few months of working correctly, stop displaying the larger version of "Like" button like Facebook The compact version works correctly, but the big button hides the number I am on the Mac, and angry behavior is consistent on Chrome, Firefox and Safari. You can not work with big buttons at, and you can see all the small buttons that work correctly on each article's view. After digging in the markup, the class "connect_widget_number_cloud" style "Visibility: hidden" is very strange, because markup does not show this CSS style, but the Chrome CSS inspector shows the style of the element. This bug was displayed on September 1, 2011. Can anyone comment on Facebook's comments on this? This is currently broken and the bug has already been done.

Erlang terminal mute on Mac OS X Lion -

I have just installed Ergon in my Mac using these instructions. The installation worked fine, but when I removed the Arlong R13b0EEEV4V5.7.5, I immediately started to start problems - Shell The results of the orders are not echoing! Actually I do not even know that Shell executes the command at all. Can anyone help me with this? Here is a sample output: Pillow: Erlangstoff Grow $ erl Erlang R13B04 (erts-5.7.5) [Source] [64- [Karnataka: False] Ashwell V5.7.5 (Closing with G) 1> [SPP: 2] [SPP: 2: 2] [RC: 2] [ASNSS-Threads: 0] 1 + 1 1> Dslakjdlksaj lksajkldsajkdsa 1 & gt; "Fuo Bar Baaz!" 1 & gt; You have to terminate the term with: Eicel V5.7.5 (latter ^ g) 1> 1 + 1 2 2 & gt;

Post data to a form on another server and pops up a window -

I am seeing the input for this scenario, where in server 1 a virtual data from another server in a new window Without opening, you are using activeX and serverside scripting How can we do it? Thank you I'm not completely sure that I fully understand this question, You can post Python's urlib or urllib2 module: $ urlib2 opener = urllib2.build_opener (MultipartPostHandler) opts = {'field_name' = value, 'another_field_name' = another_value,} header = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; N-GB; RV: Gecho / 20080201 Firefox /,' Accept ':' Text / XML, Application / XML, Applications / x Html + xml, text / html; q = 0.9, text / plain; q = 0.8, image / png, * / *; q = 0.5 ',' accept-language ':' n-gb, n; Q = 0.5 ',' Acceptable-charset ':' ISO-8859-1, UTF-8; Q = 0.7, *; Q = 0.7 ',' Connection ':' Keep-alive '} Request = urllib2.Request (url, opt...

automation - FileUploadDialogHandler() -

I used to choose an existing file which by using a fileuploaddialoghandler () method and entering the full path into However, when I try to use this code I FileUploadDialogHandler fileupload = New FileUploadDialogHandler is a file that is trying to automate a web application, then open the file name dropdown (@ "C: \ TIFFiles \ Testtif.TIF") .; //browser.WaitForComplete (); (New UseDialogOnce (browser.DialogWatcher, fileupload). {NewIee.Button (Find.ById ("ctl00_WebPartManager1_FileUpload_FileBrowse")) using ClickNoWait (). Browser.AddDialogHandler (fileupload); Browser.WaitForComplete (); Browser.RemoveDialogHandler (fileupload); } This does not work. What else should I do? Thanks much! W I have a question about your code ... What's new Iee? If the new browser is connected to the browser then I can not tell the code by looking at the code. Besides, your FileUpdateDialogHandler should be OK. You can add code where newIee is declared, ...

graphics - Scaled png files with transparency render with jagged edges in Internet Explorer 9 ( ie9 ) -

Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE8 all present the same PNG like this: "Https: //i.stack.imgur. Com / j1UOQ.jpg "alt =" PNG presented correctly "> IE9 presents it like this: This code is: & lt; Img src = "/ img / icon-gray-search.png" /> This is the CSS applied to this image: img {height: 1.5; } Why is this happening in IE9 only? Is there a way to fix this? Try

floating point - Increase a double to the next closest value? -

This is not a question for the real life project; I'm only curious. We can increase a int by using the pay scale operator ( i ++ ). You can define this operation as: This increases the variable with the value of i . Which is only 1 in this case. But I was thinking of defining the number of double values ​​available in a specific category according to the IEEE 754-2008 system. I can set the graph that shows these amounts in some articles and see how it is decreasing. I think there should be a small way to double the price of the closest to the original. What I found is: Double exact example 0x 3ff0 0000 0000 0000 = 1 0x 3ff0 0000 0000 0001 = 1.0000000000000002, next high number & gt; Here, you can see that the next high number has been obtained by increasing the binary content of 0x 3ff0 0000 0000 0002 = 1.0000000000000004 . But I do not think it works double because it continues to work: I think that when all the fraction bit is set to one, th...

.net - Allowing zooming when point range is less than [-1,1] in DataVisualization.Charting? -

I have DataVisualization. To enable Charting.Chart and user controlled zooming, I chartArea1.CursorX.IsUserEnabled = true; ChartArea1.CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = True; ChartArea1.CursorY.IsUserEnabled = True; ChartArea1.CursorIs.UsersConfirmed = correct; However, if I create a series in which there is an axis with the data range within [1,1], then zooming on that axis will not be allowed. Is there any way to enable zooming? In addition to this, the zooming selector looks quite trivial (it gets trapped in big gaps or some things) Is it possible to get this smooth selection? cover both WPF and WinForms You have not specified in your question. WPF It seems that the chart is virtualizing the content (i.e. just portraying that scene) you may possibly verify it This is the case by setting ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll to False . You want to keep virtualizing because otherwise performance will suffer with large data sets. WinForms Did you charts. WWFord...

sybase - How do you create an ADODB disconnected recordset in a VB.NET Windows application? -

I have a Sybase database using an OLEDB connection, ADODB.dll file version 7kl0k6070k0 (which comes from Sybase 12.5 package) I need to be able to open a connection, use a command object to fill a collection object with the stored procedure, then close the connection and pass the disconnected record set back. Every time I close the connection, my attempt fails, my record sets also stop (which means that it has not been disconnected). Should I set it anywhere to know that the record set should be disconnected? I can not set Recorsetset Active connections = wrong because I get an exception ( "can not change the active control properties of an active object of a Rikorset object that has a Command object as its source."). I set the command. Active connection = false, but as soon as I turn the connection object off, the recorder is not stopped by closing. Snippet: Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection () as conn.Open ( "connectionString", "UserID", "...

database - Oracle - Do you need to calculate statistics after creating index or adding columns? -

We use an Oracle database in production. Optimizer "Cost-based" Do we need to calculate the data: Creating a new index Adding a column Create a new table ? Thanks There is no small answer, it is completely dependent on your data. And how you use it. Here are some things to consider: As told by @NullUserException, statistics are automatically collected, usually it is usually quite good each night; In most (OLTP) environments, if you have added new objects, then there will not be too many data before the data is automatically collected. Plans will not be bad, and if things are new they probably will not be used far away. Creating a new index - Number Adding a column - maybe. If used to join the column and predicts that you want statistics on it. If this is just used to store and display the data then it will not really affect any plan, but if the new column takes up a lot of space, then this is the average line length, number of blocks, r...