java - Cannot bookmark a JSP page -

I have a JSP page which I am using within the Stratus Framework. When I navigate through my pages of my web app using the buttons on a menu bar, it navigates accurately and I get all the pages (page, without any problems. I can reach. When I bookmark any one of the pages (page and tries to go to the bookmark, I get an error

Request [/ adminmanagement] The handler parameter is not

If I manually "" in the instruction object, I have no problem accessing the page.

Here's my stratus-config.xml

  & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "- // Apache Software Foundation // DTD Stropes Configuration 1.2 / N" "Strats-config_1_2.dtd" & gt; & Lt; Struts-config & gt; & Lt; Form beans & gt; & Lt; Form-bean name = "FileUploadForm" type = "" /> & Lt; / Form-side & gt; & Lt; Global-exception & gt; & Lt; / Global-exceptions & gt; & Lt; Global-Forward & gt; & Lt; Forward Name = "Init" path = "/"/> & Lt; / Global-forward> & Lt; Action Mapping & gt; & Lt; Action path = "/ adminmanagement" type = "" parameter = "directive" & gt; & Lt; Forward Name = "Admin" Path = "/ Web-NF / JSP / Page 1.jsp" /> & Lt; / Action & gt; & Lt; / Action Mapping & gt; & Lt; / Struts-config & gt;   

Is it necessary to add 'direct = input' or to forward it to that page?

I was about to write a filter, but I think there is a better / cleaner way of doing this.

Thanks in advance!

The address will not change in a URL bar next to it. You must do a redirect:

  & lt; Forwarded name = "init" path = "/" redirect = "true" />    


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