ruby - Watir-Webdriver: Uploading files isn't working correctly on firefox -
Using this code, I can not find a file to upload the website properly. The browser set ("+ folder name" / iTunesArtwork ")
Once the code is run, it shows that it is displayed by displaying a spinning wheel Uploading, but it is not actually uploaded and the wheel just spins. If I upload it on my own, though it uploads properly.
Here is a link for html: / P>
As you can see that HTML is in a form tag if I have to go through the file without any fax If I try to use IEL then it will tell me an error that the conversation can not be negotiated because it is not visible. What is any clue?
Your local file that you are uploading will not be present locally.
I uploaded your HTML:
I tried to do it:
Ruby-1.9.2-P290: 001> "water-webdriver" => true ruby - 1.9.2-P 290: 002 & gt; B = W Master :: browser. Start "" = & gt; # & Lt; Watir :: Browser :: 0x..fdea53ebfe3940b9a url = "" Title = "Untitled" & gt; Ruby-1.9.2-P290: 003 & gt; B.file_field.exists? = & Gt; True ruby - 1.9.2-P290: 004 & gt; Local_file = "/users/me/ie.html" = & gt; "/users/me/ie.html" Ruby-1.9.2-P290: 005 & gt; File exists? Local_file = & gt; True ruby - 1.9.2-P290: 006 & gt; Raise "error" until file.exists? Local_file = & gt; Zero ruby -1.9.2-p290 0: 007 & gt; B.file_field.set local_file = & gt; "/users/me/ie.html Please run your script against this hosted HTML file and report back.
In addition, you should take exception If the local file does not exist, it eliminates the error.
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