taskbar - Why does the task bar appear when I display a self-drawn modeless dialog? .. sometimes? -

I have an interesting (but disappointing) problem I have an app that uses full screen (this one Third-party fullscreen POS application is to simulate).

My application displays the sequence of the Modelless dialogue boxes at the top of the full screen application. It shows one, hides it, shows it to the next, hides it etc. After the third show, the Windows taskbar appears after about 1 second. I do not know why

I have snatched my code properly to see if I am doing something in my NNCActivate handler (which I use to draw my skin window), but I do not think it's like the problem, I have tried to dump myself in Windows along with Detective ++, and I still do not see anything strange that I have no choice Will give the rage.

In my logs there are some messages of ID 0x36, but I can not know what they should be, I have checked different message ID lists and they can not be found. Since WM_USER has not started up to 0x400, they should not have any of their own message IDs.

I know that I can get this problem by hiding the taskbar, but I can not ask my customers

Any ideas why the connection between my modelless dialogue box Will the executives appear in?

EDIT: I completely snatched myself - the guided GUI code and I still have the same problem. I may be wrong, but it seems that when I first got the SWOHIDE , Windows tries to activate "other windows" (as it is in MSDN). I think in this case activating the taskbar rather than the POS application. If on the other hand I open my second window before calling for the second time to the SHOWDO (SW-HEAD), it seems that he treats himself.

Cheers Sparky

After a long discussion, I came to the conclusion that DestroyWindow There was no problem. I was finally found to be displaying a dialogue. Clicking on POS, then clicking back on the dialog which will sometimes show the taskbar. I've spent a whole week trying to find reasons for all of these but there is no benefit. I think the owner had to specify the POS window as solving the problem - it was not a solution to my problem at the end, to determine whether the taskbar has become completely obscured before showing my dialogue, if so I hide the taskbar for that time on which my dialogue is displayed (set your placement to SW_HIDE) and then when I close my dialogue, it is on SW_SHOW The taskbar does not pop up and does not bother people. Probably not a great solution for other people's applications, but it's right for our customers.


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