performance - 2d drawing primitives and images: OpenGL, Cairo or Agg -
I am making a game and thinking about using vector shapes for UI. I want to know what is the best renderer for this, I think that Agri is faster than Cairo, but if Cairo can use hardware acceleration, if it is available and how about Open? What a good idea is that I use the global texture for images and lines for rectangular, spherical rectangle and circles? Or is it better that I hand over Kero surfaces in openness? I found that the other options are Google SkiA and SFML. What do you think about ski? SFML also pulls polygons. I can make round shapes using polygon. I am thinking about SDL or SFML controlling events. I can create an OpenCell theme in both of them and I have used them for their roles in the control of those incidents, which are crossplatites. I want a cross-platform solution, it should work in Linux, Mac and Windows.
If you are already using OpenGL to present your game, You should not , use any kind of software renderer to attract the game's UI. So either the open GL backend of Cairo (which I think is not particularly good) or present yourself in OpenGL Otherwise, you will kill your performance with CPU memory from all the pixel movements to GPU.
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