- decoding cdata content within xml -
A customer has sent us an XML file with CDATA content that is XML encoded i.e. What is the best way to replace content in an XML file with A decoded version in ASPNX? Thanks This (without asking the customer to send us the correct file) It may be that you do not want to, but it will give you at least one start: & amp; Lt ;! [CDATA [Some Content]] & amp; Gt;
Using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Text; Using System.Xml; Using the system. Security; Name space cssandbox {class program {static zero main (string [] arg) {string oldXml = "& lt; root» gt; child & gt; not cdATA here & lt; / child & gt; & lt; child & Gt; & lt ;! [CDATA [illegal xml & lt; & gt; 'Bobby Tables]] & gt; & lt; / child & gt; & lt; child & gt; & lt; child & gt; ; & Lt ;! [CDATA [more CDATA & amp; amp;]] gt; & lt; / child & gt; & lt; / child & gt; & lt; / root & gt; "; Console.WriteLine (oldXml); XmlDocument Document = New XmlDocument (); Doc.LoadXml (oldXml); Processnodes (Doctor, Doctor Shishuns); String newxml = doc.OuterXml; Console.WriteLine (newXml); Console.ReadLine (); } Fixed Zero Process Nodes (XML Document Dock, XML Nodist Nodes) {foreach (XMLNode node in nodes) {if (node.HasChildNodes) {ProcessNodes (doc, node.ChildNodes); } Else {if (node is XmlCDataSection) {string cdataText = node.InnerText; Node.ParentNode.InnerXml = SecurityAlment. Escape (cdTetext); It assumes that your CDT block is only the only child of the current node (according to my test).
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