sql - How would you modify this trac query to also include due date? -
We have SQL query for the report:
as SELECT p.value __color __, as the owner __ group __, ticket in the form of ID, severity, priority, status, summary, component, milestone, T.T.P. As a form of time, change time AG-time, _description as a description, _ reporter ticket as reporter T = T.priority and p.type = 'priority' WHERE status = 'Assign' Or condition = 'new' order by owner, P.View, T. type, time We need to add another column to it: mm / dd / yy format duedate < / P>
duedate is a field coming from a custom field plugin
You have to support it How do I modify this query?
First of all, to recover your duedate values, include another , but this time the ticket_custom TC DB table, where all the custom ticket field values remain. But it has already been explained in detail. Second, custom field values can not be reformatted on-the-fly, which is especially true for the date / time zone. Again there is more details available in the above question given above. You have to be with your input, have to adopt a custom form field proposal code code or hack on your own (not recommended at all).
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