permissions - How to resolve Notepad++ "Writing error summary to C:\Program Files(x86)\ ...\HTMLTIDY.ERR" on Vista? -

How to solve Notepad ++ "Write the error in summary C: \ Program Files (x86) \ ... \ HTMLTIDY.ERR "on Vista PC?

I have the latest version of Notepad ++ (just updated it two days ago)

When I try to run TextFX htmltidy, then I can get it from Windows Vista The above error is reported.

I have set permissions on file htmltidy.err so that everyone can read / write / write.

I do not understand file permissions in Win Visa.

The second issue: Whenever I click to launch Notepad, I still have to click on 'Allow' + However, if I provide Program Extension Administration rights, the UAC says that This is an unknown program.

Do I have to reboot to make these changes effective? What am I missing?

This is not an error, only one message:

Any errors found in HTML files are being written in this file.

For example:
Row 1 Column 1 - Warning: The Declaration Declaration


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