How do I make my custom android IME show up in the IME menu? -

I wrote a simple test IME for Android and installed it on the device. I've confirmed that the service is browsing on the service device by browsing the list of services. However, is not visible in the list of available keyboards in the service language & amp; In the input menu I am using Android 3.2 on an ASUS TF101.

This is my service announcement

  & lt; Service android: name = "keyboard" android: permission = "android.permission .BIND_INPUT_METHOD" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.view.InputMethod" & gt; & Lt; / Action> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Services & gt;    

Android SDK has an example of a soft keyboard. And this link can help you


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