android - Randomly selected index in integer array causing crash -

This should be a simple fix, but I can not get it ?!

I want to randomly select an integer from an integer array and a bitmap load of it - sometimes it happens, but most of the time this error occurs - I do not know how I Going out of the array?

At first I have used array.length () and then array.length () -1, but now I am securely using a range between start and end ~ which What I do not want to do

  public int GetRandomNumber (int min, max max) {return minute + (int) (Math.random () * ((max - minimum) + 1)); } Whatever the public null () {integer [] images; Imagines = new integer [9]; Imagines [0] = R. Drourabable splatter1; Imagines [1] = Ardhableable splatter2; Imagines [2] = Ardhableable splatter3; Imagines [3] = R. Drourabable splatter4; Imagines [4] = R. Drourable splatter5; Imagius [5] = Ardrauble. Splatter6; Image id [6] = armorable. Splatter7; Imagines [7] = Arradrouble. Splatter8; Imagines [8] = R. Drableable splatter9; Image id [9] = armorable splatter10; Bitmap asset; {Int RandomIndex = GetRandomNumber (0, 9) for (int i = 0; i & lt; splatters.length; i ++); Asset = BitMapficht. Decode Resources (mContext.getResources (), Imagides [Random Indexes]);    

I get an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception

Why this accident?


imageIs = new integer [10];

You set up 10 images, but create one of them array size 9. Also see the row in the log, which causes an error. It really helps.


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