- Clarification on Fiddler's Transfer Timeline View -

I am trying to measure the performance of the server side code, seeing the request from the client, Fideller gives me the following view:

Enter image details here Fidler states: <code> before responding to the vertical line server Byte indicates time (timer.Saverbizan Response) </ code>. </ P> <p> Does this mean that the TCP response of time servers ACK) or does it mean that the server has compiled all the data in less than half the seconds and took about 5 seconds to transfer it? </ P> </ div> <p> <Div class =

This time it is requested that the byte was removed from the server before a response. It contains all the steps to do this.

This becomes the first byte of the page received by the browser to become an HTTP request The virtual user period. The socket connection to send the time, which HTTP requests and takes time to get the first byte of the page.

Then yes 1/2 seconds to answer, then to move 5secs.


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