php - Can you suggest a simple url-friendly two-way hash/unhash without mcrypt or base64? -

I want to make a super simple / fast encrypt / decrypt function for non-critical pieces of data. I like the encrypted string to be user friendly (bonus points for pure alphanumerics), and should be more than that. Ideally, there should be some type of key or other mechanism to make the cipher random.

Due to server constraints the solution should not use mcrypt. Ideally it should be easily saved from the base 64 due to decrypting.

Example string: Shortstring two words or three words 555-123-4567 capitals possible? You probably have to code it, but you might want to code it, but a winger cipher letter AZ, az, 0-9 should satisfy your needs.  

With careful key output and a long key (ideally longer than the encrypted text) VigenÃÆ'à ⠀ ™ Ã⠀ šÃ, © You have to use it carefully to make sure.


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