objective c - How do I use a new framework I have built? -
I had some problems with the AWS IOS SDK framekit because it was not created to work with OSX apps . I found one.
The directory structure looks something like this:
AWSIOSD Frameworks / src / --Amazon Order-time / - amazon.3 /. - AWSCocoa / ---- AWSCocoa_Prefix.pch ---- AWSCocoa.xcodeproj ---- etc - included / So if I I go to the encoded project, and builds the aduccoco. But when I look at Timestamp on AWSiOSSDK.framework, it has not changed. So I do not know what compilation of this adcukah I get, or where I can find the files I created, assuming that Building Axcosa.xcodrew should make a new version of the configurable framework with OSX development, Where do I think I have made and linked?
The AWSiOSSDK.framework bundle is a precompiled framework, probably left from its earlier experiments in making a Mac version of this (since you can not use such a framework with iOS, only Static libraries) Do not ignore it. If you are using ExCode 4, your built-in framework will be created anywhere in your ~ / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / directory. To find out where it is, go to your project navigator in Xcode 4, expand the product group, right click on the AWSKCO framework and select Show in Finder. It is no different from any other third party structure, which you will compile. Normally, you would like to add this framework as a target dependency in your application so that it is made with it. You also need to make sure that the framework is copied to the appropriate location within your application bundle so that it can be used by your application at runtime.
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