iphone - Is there a way to identify the cell selected in the parent uitableview -
I'm trying to load a different set of data in a single UITableView depending on which was selected in cell tableView am: didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method that We request that I have to do the last scene I'd set a value within the scene pushed Neo can change what I selected PHP script Are what For example, if I can pass my new push to see a number I would have a statement or perhaps a switch, the switch statement would then use my ASIFormDataRequest cover if I usnig my request NSObject Saying PHP script to execute I have related to this cell selection, data passes back. I hope that it makes sense, if you have any experience with what I am trying to achieve and I would be happy to know this is a better way to do this. . You will be determined by didSelectRowAtIndexPath details that can make a property in the view controller method. It assumes that your data has been stored as an array of numbers in NSARR. Your implementation will be different from this, but this idea is If you wanted, you can also create a custom init method to pass this information. In your init method, you can set that property to the passed parameter.
- (zero) tableView:. (UITableView *) tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {DetailViewController * detailViewController = [[Detail View Controller alloc] init]]; DetailViewController.number = [self.mydata objectAtIndex: indexPath.row]; [Self. Navigation Controller Push ViewController: Animated Detail Viewer: Yes]; [DetailViewController release]; }
- (minus) Talikadrishy: (UITableView *) did tabular view SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {DetailViewController * detailViewController = [[detail Drishykantrolr light] initWithNumber: [self.mydata objectAtIndex: IndexPath.row]]; [Self. Navigation Controller Push ViewController: Animated Detail Viewer: Yes]; [DetailViewController release]; }
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