email - Java Mail API send mail with another mail attached -

I want to ask how can I attach an attachment to another mail with the Java Mail API.

  MimeBodyPart Attachment = New MimeBodyPart (); AttachmentPart.setContent (mail, "text /?");   

Thank you in advance!

  javax.mail .Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart (); Javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart MessageBodyPart = new javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart (); Multipart.addBodyPart (messageBodyPart); Javax.activation.DataSource Source = New FileDataSource ("C: \\ Notes \\ new mail.msg"); MessageBodyPart.setDataHandler (new DataHandler (source)); MessageBodyPart.setFileName ("new mail.msg"); Multipart.addBodyPart (messageBodyPart); Msg.setContent (Multipurpose); MimeBodyPart part = new MimeBodyPart (); Part.setText (text); Multipart.addBodyPart (part);    


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