php - Facebook Graph API - Page Tab Extra Permissions -
I am trying to create a welcome tab for one of my pages, but I have access to a user choice I want to be able to (allowed user_likes).
I can get this document for how to do this for a website that only integrates a Facebook app or Facebook, I can not find any documents on this. An app (tab) inside a Facebook page (as a welcome tab). Is it possible to use the page as Page tab but without the page, or is it a case or should I have an app along with the page Also need to create tabs? Do I probably have a button, when they click, then this page grants additional permissions? I am currently trying to implement two separate implementations, neither can I get PHP, JavaScript and JavaScript to work. The result in a link, that redirects the user to a screen again with a Facebook logo (within the iframe) page I want a permission dialog! Javascript code Use Javascript also opens the following error popup box My App Config Settings Because as the window to see Error redirect_uri app config in your authorization URL does not match the mail went listed in your site's URL. To resolve this, you need to enable the "Website" option in App Config. Enable it by clicking the checkbox next to "Website" and then enter the "Site URL" text box (or which is your real site URL). This URL should match the URL to the URL you are providing in redirect_uri. Doing so should fix the popup window error. In the case of an "attempt to use insecure JavaScript frames" error, are you using a webkit browser? Webkit throws these errors but most part can be ignored. For more information see:
$ loginUrl = $ fb-> GetLoginUrl (array ('canvas' => 1,' scope '= p>
& lt; Script & gt; FB.init ({appId: 'APID', Status: true, // check login status cookie: true, Enable cookies to enable // session to enable server to access xprobil: true, // purse xfbml ohth : True // enabled OAuth 2.0}); FB.login {If (response.authResponse) {console.log ('Welcome! Getting Your Information ...'); FB.api ('/ me', Function (feedback) {Console.log ('Good to see you,' + + '.'); FB.logout (function) {console.log ('logged out.');})}}) ;} Else {console.log ('The user canceled or not logged in completely.');}}, {Scope: 'email'}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Results in
An attempt to access the frame with an unsafe JavaScript URL ; App_id = 158609350887973 & amp; Client_id = 158609350887973 & amp; Display = popup & amp; Locale = hi & amp; Method = permissions.oauth & amp; Original = 1 & amp; Redirect_uri = http% 3A% 2F% 2Fconnect% 2Fxd_proxy.php% 3Fversion% 3D3% 23cb% 3Df2f7aed38% 26origin% 3Dhttp% 252Ff3634c5da% 26relation% 3Dopener% 26transport% 3Dpostmessage% 26frame% 3Df 9748b77 and response_type = Token% 2 cssinated_jection and scope = email and sdk = joey url from url with http: // Domains, protocols and ports must match.
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