java - Upgrade Hibernate version in JBOSS -
My version of my hintern (and that's what Jabos brings
Then I posted my deployment " ", Which includes a jboss-app.xml file in the ER, which contains the following:
& lt; loader-store> com. Example: archive = unique-archive-name & lt; loader-repository-config & gt; Java2ParentDelegation = false & lt; / loader-repository-config & gt; & lt; / loader-store & gt; & lt; / jboss -AAP & gt; And as usual, I firmly persuaded my persistent entity to form a hibernate To declare:
& lt; persistence & gt; firmness-entity name = "myapp" & gt; & lt; provider & gt; org.hibernate.ejb HibernatePersistence & lt; / Provider & gt; ... But then, the worst is. On deployment, the server throws the ClasslessExtension when it org.hibernate. Ejb.HebernatePersistence attempts to put the JPA interface on javax.preistence.spi.PersistenceProvider (which is implied by Hibernate Precision). This is a type of hero, because I am shipping JPA APIs in my EAR, so, seeing that EAR classes prefer priority to pocketboys, there should be no problem in it. When casting persistence providers from Hibernate Precursion, because they should "be" on the same class loader.
If I do not send my own JAPA API, then JBOS fails with some classontofound exceptions.
Why is this casting unsuccessful but any thoughts?
I am using Jbys 5.1.0, and am trying to use Hibernate 3.5.6. The JPA API version is imported transactively by the Menaked Hibernate version.
You can try to turn on the class by scanning the JBoss 5.x Edit:
jboss / server / [configuration] /deployers/ear-deployer-jboss-beans.xml
and replace:
& Lt; Been name = "EARClassLoaderDeployer" class = "org.jboss.deployment.EarClassLoaderDeployer" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Isolated" & gt; False & lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; Setting aside from the right
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