java - Unable to within sitemesh -
I am using Java and sitemash.
The main body decorator calls a profile jsp file. The following are a JSP file:
& lt; Jsp: include page = "/ serveComments.html" flush = "true" & gt; & Lt; Jsp: param value = "78" name = "pass id" /> & Lt; / Jsp: include & gt; However when I add it, the profile is included in the profile. JSP disappears and I have just left it with serviceComments.html (Sitemap has been processed as header and boders are in place).
Decorator. MML is as follows
gt; & Gt; Pattern & gt; / * & Lt; / Pattern & gt; & Lt; / Decorator & gt; & Lt; Decorator name = "panel" page = "panel.jsp" / & gt; Hope I have made this clear. / div>
& lt; Jsp: Include & gt; The template is problematic in experimenting with frameworks. The Jsp: Include tag is implemented in such a way that it directly writes output in the outstream instead of the pentant text tag buffer. I'm not sure how sitemesh works under the hood, but for example, tiles serve as "standard" tag libraries, which write outputs in a punch of pagecontext tag buffers, which are then used for the entire outlet's outlet Output happens, once the entire tag hierarchy occurs. It creates jsp: tile context effectively unusable Since jsp: does not write the included tag buffer, but directly for the outstream, the content will be sent out of sequence, or not at all, depending on how sitemesh tags work, it may be that the centimeter When rendering the tags outstream, send some taps to the stream while rendering.
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