integrate digital persona sdk into my application in java -
I need urgent help after goggleting a lot since the last 3-4 weeks. I am only able to understand this I can use the digital person SDK on my web application, which I am trying to create in Java.
Since, the hardware for the fingerprint reader (digital personal personalization) has already been installed in my system and, I use the same hardware for my web application But I'm not sure how I can embed it into my application. I'm thinking that the fingerprint reader (Digital Pursue Private) will be installed in the client side.
I need everyone's help, anyone knows .. I appreciate it !!
OK, what you want to achieve can be difficult depending on your needs / experiences But after having a biometric mailing / enrollment / digital signature system in Delphi (Client) / Java (server), I can summarize the following steps:
1.- The client is a Win32 activex Java applet ) That can take fingerprint image and match it to server or for the purpose of enrollment For example, the server takes the image and applies a mail function which returns the score, here I suggest you take a look at some payment options such as the verifier, Griaule etc. I do not know that this can be done with Ureu One Touch SDK. 2.- The client is an object embedded in a web page (calling an applet is very similar), you call it a simple JavaScript code such as "identResult = activexObj.Identify ()" or something else Is sent to the server, which in turn replies that if the fingerprint matches the template while comparing the score versus the threshold defined as the minimum for matching.
3.- Perhaps you have to do some image processing in the client, to convert your raw image to a compressed format like WSQ, the Java implementation of the WSQ (for my knowledge), so you have to For the purpose, the basic code must be interfaced through JNI.
4.- There may be lots of nuances but I hope this will help you clarify the situation. Good luck Juan
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