c# - Preventing Hyperlink inside WPF RichTextbox from being edited by end user -

I have a WPF hyperlink in WPF Rich Textbox, clicking on hyperlink results in opening a popup. But I want to stop the editing of hyperlink text.

Initially it looks like

Enter the image details here

But when the user makes a hyperlink edit, it looks like this

 Enter the image details here

So I want to stop this hyperlink edit.

If you add it to a container, it can not be edited (but removed entirely ):

  & lt; InlineUIContainer & gt; & Lt; TextBlock & gt; & Lt; Hyperlink Navigate URI = "http://www.google.com/" & gt; & Lt; Run text = "google" /> & Lt; / Hyperlink & gt; & Lt; / TextBlock & gt; & Lt; / InlineUIContainer & gt;   

Would that be any good?


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