How can I emulate php's json_encode in javascript / node js using JSON.stringify? -
I'm looking for a way to copy php json_encode behavior from node js, showing an example here What does PSP do with a URL that is in the object that is json_encoded:
Generates the following output:
{"url": "http: \ / \ \ / note \ / \" / Slashes \ / get \ / backslashed "} Using the Js and JSON.stringify function here:
var foo = new object ( ); Foo.url = "" console.log (JSON.stringify (foo)); I see this output instead:
{"url": " / No / Received / Backslassed "} Do you know how to get JSON in a clean way. Is it behaving in the same way that PHP behaves? Additional information: I know that these slashes are not necessary for correct JSN encoding, but I have a remote server I'm sending a Jason encoded object on which I do not have control and I do not like it without backslash. / P>
More info: And I tried to put my own backslabs and then called JSON. Strevette but JSON attempts to avoid backslaces correctly, so I ended up with \ \ / / instead of \ / which I wanted.
If this is the only slash, then you / to \ / After conversion
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