I have a datepicker of jquery, but the problem is, what is being displayed is the year that I set Am I 1940, then how to set the current selected year as our year-to-day, 2011? Here is my code $ (function () {$ ('# datepicker') Datepicker ({changeyear: true, changeMonth: true, yearRange: '1940: 2010}}}}} There is an option in: // Setter $ (".selector"). Data Taxes ("Options", "Default Date", +7); This is what was said on the jQuery site Is: Set the date of highlighting when the field is open first, as a string in a date object or current date format, or Number of days of h (eg, +7) or a string of values and periods ('Y' for the year, 'm' for months, or 'w' for the week, 'd' for the day, '+ 1m + 7d'), or weak for today.