
Showing posts from April, 2013

iOS UIScrollView without user interaction and programmatic scrolling -

Is UIScroll is possible without the user able to scroll and so is it possible to scroll the UICrollView program? Yes, you can use these methods to scroll through the program: You can also set userInteractionEnabled = a to disable the event that the user touches.

c# - Arraylist to Datable error -

I am transferring data from an ArrayList to DataTable, but to everyone I get the results repeated from the first line Can you see my error in the code? Thanks! My code is below: Private Zero BindGridview () {cipDAL.openConnection (); Record = CPDAL Getalps (); String [] arr = records.OfType & lt; Object & gt; (). Select (o = & gt; o.ToString ()). ToArray (); Datatelle dtNew = new datatile (); Datarov Dr; DtNew.Columns.Add ("fiscal year"); DtNew.Columns.Add ("CIP"); DtNew.Columns.Add ("status"); DtNew.Columns.Add ("Amendment"); DtNew.Columns.Add ("PR"); DtNew.Columns.Add ("PA"); DtNew.Columns.Add ("CIPTOTAL"); DtNew.Columns.Add ("PLANTOTAL"); DtNew.Columns.Add ("Check"); DtNew.Columns.Add ("CIPID"); For (int i = 0; i & lt; arr.GetLength (0); i ++) {dr = dtNew.NewRow (); Dr. [0] = arr.GetValue (0) .ostring (); Dr. [1] = arr.GetValue (1) .ostring (); Dr. [2] = arr.G...

java - android cache > internal storage vs. object cache -

I need to display cache images from the web (up to only 5 or 100) and in the list view. The cache can be cleared if the user selects a line in the list. I used to take a look at some examples Some external storage uses some internal and external use Some objects. Then internal storage (via getCacheDir ()) and the benefits of object cache / What are the losses (some characters like weak hasham or hashmap; string, soft reference; liey; dry & gt;)? One problem with softreferences is that they can be very fast (gc'ed). What about Android's internal storage? Reference Software "These files will be those that are deleted earlier when the device goes down on storage." Does it make any difference in using this object cache or temporary internal storage? There should be a little bit faster than the object cache There are some differences between the two: Object cache is faster than internal storage, but has less capacity Object cache is transient in nat...

How can I emulate php's json_encode in javascript / node js using JSON.stringify? -

I'm looking for a way to copy php json_encode behavior from node js, showing an example here What does PSP do with a URL that is in the object that is json_encoded: Generates the following output: {"url": "http: \ / \ \ / note \ / \" / Slashes \ / get \ / backslashed "} Using the Js and JSON.stringify function here: var foo = new object ( ); Foo.url = "" console.log (JSON.stringify (foo)); I see this output instead: {"url": " / No / Received / Backslassed "} Do you know how to get JSON in a clean way. Is it behaving in the same way that PHP behaves? Additional information: I know that these slashes are not necessary for correct JSN encoding, but I have a remote server I'm sending a Jason encoded object on which I do not have control and I do not like it without backslash. / P...

objective c - What is @synthesize foo = _foo all about? -

Why prefix this underscore in an iOS app? Sometimes it helps to see what is happening to understand these scenes. Actually when you see it @property (nonatomic, retain) Foo * foo; In this implementation @ synthesize foo = _foo; This is syntax for the following, which means that the compiler basically generates this code for you Foo * foo = nil; - (Foo *) Afu {Returns _Foo; } - (zero) setFoo: (Foo *) val {if (_foo! = Val) {[_foo release]; _fu = [VAL intact]; }} In this way, when you mention the public property, you hit it through the generated items of and if You want to refer to this example that you can mention the _foo variable inside your class. XCode was easy to be confused between two before four. You can do something like = foo1; Foo = foo2; It was absolutely legal and could cause problems at some levels. The second line does not use the accessor, so foo2 will not be retained, which it can already be picked up by garbage coll...

log4j not working in WebSphere -

I have a strange problem that deploys my log4j logging to tcServer but not on WebSphere 6.1. The file name specified in log4j is created. However, it is not populated, even if there are other webserver logs (systemaut.log etc.) I have checked the property directory of my webserver home directory, and there is no conflicting log4j file in it. The most weird thing is that it works well on TCS server, so it can not be a problem in the log4j file itself. It seems like some environmental issues have any idea about how to solve it? Thanks log 4 j and work well for many applications So this combination is not new in any way. Do you use any cover for log4j (eg commons logging)? Turn on debugging for log 4J. -Dlog4j.debug = WAS is true for JVM arguments. P> This will provide information about what the Log-4 is trying to do for J. This habit should provide some clues about what is happening in the environment. HTH Mangla

c - Dynamic allocation of 2D array within function (using pointers to return adress of allocated object) -

I want to know / Iike, how to remove pointers for dynamically allocated arrays using function arguments. This function is supposed to allocate array 10x10 (check left for simplicity sake). Is this possible? What am I doing wrong? thank you in advanced. int array_allocate2DArray (int ** array, unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y) {array = malloc (size_x * sizeof (int *)); For (int i = 0; i Try something like this: Int Array_allocate2DArray (int *** p, unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y) {int ** array = malloc (size_x * sizeof (int *)); For (int i = 0; i I used the temporary p to avoid confusion.

javascript - Trying to simulate an ajax response in jquery -

I'm trying to use jsFiddle to simulate an AJAX response but I'm getting an undefined value. Does anyone know how to do this? My Bela is here: Post - text "itemprop =" text "> You are returning from the callback of $ .jax ( success and error ). Since $ The AJAX method gives you the callback hook, you can get the loginUser function loginUser: function (cidVal, midvail, survey, callback) {$. AJAX ({// ... success: function (call) (callback (true);}, error: function (data) {callback (wrong);},}); } And then to use that callback, find out when the operation is completed: Login user ('foo', 'bar ',' Far ', function (warning);););

Does Actionscript have something like magic constants? -

Yes, I'm new to Action Script / Flex / Flash, but I'm actually new to C / C ++ / PHP / etc. Like magic constants: __ function__ __LINE__ __FILE__ Is there an equivalent in actionscript 3.0? When compiling, I get an error: Error: Using the undefined property __FUNCTION__ The accessible name in each function is a special topic. This can be used to get the argument (as the name already applies): logic [0] // first argument It can also be used to get a reference to the function you called: arguments.callee In the first action script there is a Caller was property, but not in AS3 One way to get the name of the function using Kaili Property is:

c# - What is the VB.NET syntax for using List.FindAll() with a lambda? -

In C # I am displaying FindAll in a general list: list & Lt; Group.category & gt; Tlist = list.FindAll (p = & gt; p.parid == titem.catid); There are two questions, is it a proper way of doing this thing and how do I do this VB.Net list of list (list of group.category) _ = list. (Function (p) p.parid = titem.catid)

windows server 2008 - Any consideration moving an ASP.NET application from Intel machine to AMD? -

I have working ASP.NET applications that use large scale memory and recently I have an AMD The plan is to go on the machine. IA32 (x86) IA32 (x86 ) And AMD64 (x86-64) is AMD64 (x86-64) - it is ignoring the use of additional / extension instructions, but later text "itemprop =" text "> X86 hardware lot is backwards compatible "Machine independent" library (for example, most .NET assemblies) are perfectly fine (as long as they run from a consistent run-time) and "machine-dependent" libraries Should they run in the same "beetle" environment (which is not the same as the machine "BCCI") With any migration, plan additional lethargy in downtime, and before the removal of old, establish new environment / exam - and remember to be funny!

osx - Incorrect colors with vim in iTerm2 using Solarized -

I have a strange problem with iTerm2, in terminal vim (non-GI) and solarized color scheme. First of all, I have set ITerm2 to use the dark solar color scheme. I am also using solarized for vim. I have the following lines Vimrc set background = dark color algebra The color scheme looks wrong in the terminal: For reference it is such that MacVim (gui vim) P> Certain things to check: In ITerm2, in preferences -> Profile - & gt; Terminal, under "Terminal Emulation" you have "Terminal Emulation Report" which is set to the XTellM-256 color. In your .vimrc, there are some options that you can also set to make sure that it is using 256 colors: and one of them should work, but first # 1. However, if you are using the default, Snow Leopard is made in Vim, it will not work, because it is capable of 256 colors . I believe that the version created in the lion. Edit: Based on many comments on this answer, I have removed let g: s...

c# - How to end thread in win CF -

Windows Mobile 5; For compact framework and relative novice C # and thread. I want to download large files (several meg) from my own website; Getting GPRS may take some time, I want to show a progress bar, and allow an option to cancel the download. I have found a cloud that the file has been downloaded and make an example of it; Give it a URL and then save the location: MyFileDownloader By changing + new file downloader. Changing event handler (invoice display); Bg Download = New Thread (New Thread Start (MyFileDownloader.filefile)); BGDownload.Start (); Therefore I am creating an event handler for updating progress bar and starting thread. It works fine. I have a canceled button that reads: MyFileDownLoader.Changed - = InvokeProgressBar; MyFileDownLoader.Cancel (); BGDownload.Join (); LblPercentage.Text = CurPercentage + "Canceled"; // CurPercentage is a string lblPercentage.Refresh (); BtnUpdate.Enabled = true; FileDownload contains the main parts of ...

Is there a better way to recover git-svn branches? -

After cloning my SVN repo in GIT, I removed SVN branches in my GIT repository, in which I was unlikely to use it. I did not read about loading a specific branch. Now I want them all back, but they can not be cured easily (one will be a bit slower at a time). As a transk up to date git svn fetch was not working for me and the branches have not changed in long time (even with git switching around svn config) but Git post-text "itemprop =" Text "> You find the method to be the most simple. On the other hand, there is a list of all dangling things that can represent the tip of the broken branches (i.e., if you have removed them long ago No, because by default they will be stripped of you after 30 days repo. For this, git reflogs and git fsck to see the action "" See "". GIT FSACC - Incompatible --NO - Refuges But it will be practical in your case, because you "guess" Which is connected to the remote branch with a ti...

javascript - JSON object becomes 'null' -

I have trouble with my html5 web worker web worker post message For that which implements the worker, which comes with an on-message () function. Apparently "Etymation Job" can be accessed as a worker, process the associated number value, but it only works in Google Chrome and it still raises the error: 18 unwanted type errors: property 'iterationsjob' can not be read blank In Firefox, the web worker does not work at all and seems to reach numbers Not able to, I am a successful AJAX co But it seems that the logging step bypass and other error can be increased, a separate AJAX call, so I laugh at a basic way for the workers to log back on the console, and from within the worker Brought: iterations // Get repetitive data from server p.ajax log ("feedback text" + response text); Iterations = response text. Prohibited jobs; Log ("url", "jsan", "success": work (feedback text) {log ("test"); iterative is "+ ...

Button with background image and corner radious in android -

I am trying to create a button with a back ground image. Then I want to implement some state style with selector xml. I have used this XML as a style below and as the second selector. But background image is not showing & lt; Style name = "Home menu button" parent = "@ Android: style / widget button" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: gravity" & gt; Centrally | Center_heagonital & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: textColor" & gt; #ffffff & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Shadow color" & gt; # FF000000 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: shadowDx" & gt; 0 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: shadowDy" & gt; -1 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: shadowRadius" & gt; 5 & ​​lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: text size" ...

ruby - Rails & Mogli - get users friends' ids -

I am using Rail 3 & amp; To connect with Facebook, Mogul this code gives me a user object. client = mogli :: (session [: at]) user = mogli :: user.find ("me", client) I have seen from documentation that there are classes for all object types in Mogul (example: album, event, etc.) but I do not know how to recover connections. (Example: Friends) Actually I have to meet a list of user's friends with their ID. Because user.friends has only an array of their names. Any thoughts? make a mistake I'm stupid. @ user.friends is an array mobile :: user objects @ user.friends.inpect call them to to_str having had.

iphone - iOS multi language works on Simulator but not on Device -

I have a bilingual iOS Universal App. It works fine in the simulator, when I change the language in settings The app loads related language resources (images, text). However, when it comes to the device, it does not work, this is the default language (English) and changes in settings are not effective. I do not have a clue on it like I think I did not do anything wrong in coding thanks. UPDATE: I have found that text in local. Language may be loaded with correct language, however, local nib files can be loaded under image processing related localization folder, but all related images can not be loaded successfully. OK, I do not know whether this is Xcode or what. The image file will not be refreshed on the device (it was done on the simulator), what did I do to make it work: Back up the Resouce folder in Xcode Delete everything under the Resources folder in Xcode Drag all again into Xcode Build. The app can now load the correct resource on the device.

sql server 2005 - how to fill data set in C# using -

Hello Friends Any topic can tell how to fill a dataset in the C # or data table and What is a datadapter? Assume that the connection is valid SqlConnection Object String Query String = "Select ClientID, DBO Customer's Name by Company"; SqlDataAdapter Adapter = New SqlDataAdapter (queryString, Connection); Dataset client = new dataset (); Adapter.Fill (customer, "customer");

php - Why in mysql store data like this a:6:{s:5:"title";s:43:} -

In the MySQL database, I get some data store like the following: a: 6: {s: 5: of "title": 43: "fgjfh" of: 8: of "province": 6: "é ???? åº ??" Key: 4: of "City": 9: "§ § ¡¡¡¡ £ ?? £?"; S: 8: "location"; S: 6: "FHFgh"; S: 9: "beginners"; S: 11: "09-02 12:00"; S: 7: "Endime"; S: 11: "09-02 16:00";} This is a PHP The array is if you want to change it, then look for the serialize ($ value) call in your code. Update: Maybe in your stored data (which is actually hash ) There are dynamic fields, and it was very difficult for the manufacturer or but you should consider reconsidering your schema and making the right (3 NF). In this case you will have at least one table that can be like : Create table data (ID primary priority, or serial if your database supports This title is not referred to as VARCHAR, - or TEXT province_ID INTEGER, or the provinc...

C# Winforms DatagridviewCombobox exception String cannot be converted to class -

I am experiencing an exception Detagrivid scene (dropdown menu) and choose a new value from the control embedded in Detagrid Views is done. Combobox is populated by a binding source, which is populated with examples of my class. I can display options in the menu properly, and select one, but changing the focus to change a new control (I think to change that) causes an exception to appear: the system Invalid cast from String stack trace myclass (if I'm correct use of the word) source shows System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.PushFormattedValue cascading down System.Convert.DefaultToType another obvious explanation below (the long regret, but I wanted to reproduce it): I also have an empty class called Apupent, no properties ( The problem occurs when migrant is also a string name property, this New is not it). I have a binding source that is called occupateness source, pointing to people living with its datasource. I am also called a car, which has a migrant property named ...

php - Regular expression to match hyphenated words -

How can I remove the hyphenated wire from this string line? ADW-CFS-WE CI SLAF NO SLANAME CI MAX OUTAGE SERVICE I want to remove "ADW-CFS-WE" from it but have been a lot unsuccessful over the past few hours. I was selected about all the strings selected from this simple regEx "(. *)" You may use: preg_match ("/ \ w + (- \ w +) + /", ...) Code> \ w + will match any alphanumeric character (= one word) in any number. And the second group has any additional hiffin numbers with () letters. The trick with regular expressions is often uniqueness. . * will often be too much to match.

jquery - how to set the default year selected as our current year today? -

I have a datepicker of jquery, but the problem is, what is being displayed is the year that I set Am I 1940, then how to set the current selected year as our year-to-day, 2011? Here is my code $ (function () {$ ('# datepicker') Datepicker ({changeyear: true, changeMonth: true, yearRange: '1940: 2010}}}}} There is an option in: // Setter $ (".selector"). Data Taxes ("Options", "Default Date", +7); This is what was said on the jQuery site Is: Set the date of highlighting when the field is open first, as a string in a date object or current date format, or Number of days of h (eg, +7) or a string of values ​​and periods ('Y' for the year, 'm' for months, or 'w' for the week, 'd' for the day, '+ 1m + 7d'), or weak for today.

geolocation - Android: Location: Is the returned altitude value measured from inside the building includes the sea level height to building? -

I have received this link From there, you can get this type of result (sample Results): numbers, latitude, longitude, meters, feet 0,35.612557,139.62865699999998,17.025,55.857 Problems I am thinking that the height of sea level is 17.025 meters high Is this the height value measured from sea level UPDATE: Additional problem: What will be the price given for the basement floor of the building if the floor is below sea level? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> View level height is 0, and any other height, are also included in the building, are positive values, and the ocean floor And Depth is Negative Value For more information you can read this:

ios - How can I build for iphone simulator when using BluetoothManager.framework? -

I have a Bluetooth manager in the framework group in Project Navigator from explorer. Pulled the framework folder. It creates successfully for the device, but when I create a simulator, the framework can not be found. I think the simulator does not support Bluetooth, but I need to make it suitable for simulator so that other people In the simulator, keep on checking your part. When building a simulator, how do I exclude linking? Thanks !! Decrease the library, delete any Bluetooth code with compiler instructions: if! TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR // Bluetooth code #endif

Spring MVC default value? -

Whether "form: options" by Spring MVC " Is there a way to select the default value in the dropdown list? ? I mean: If an option ID is equal to my model attribute ID, then I want to choose them by default. If you do: & lt; Form: Select Path = "optionName" & gt; & Lt; Form: option item = "$ {your_option_types}" /> & Lt; / Form: Selection & gt; This will pre-select your model attribute value.

edge side includes - Varnish ESI multiple fragments, single request? -

I have been assigned the task of improving the page service time for large deployment rather than WordPress multisite. I am considering using ESI capabilities to incorporate dynamic content related to the user's login status using varnish for full page caching of content and varnish here The full list is that the Custom Title of the blog's ID or some other custom header with article ID and / or user ID. I want to know that someone has ever put a method of incorporating multiple page pieces through the ESI while grouping them in the same response from the backend (like us, the user name and sidebar in the menu A custom user widget has to be displayed in it, the rest of the page is fixed and cached by varnish. ESI mandate is that I request two backend to backend two pieces By placing the HTML code on easy backend and returning the varnish to the processing, I can return the varnish to the processing and get them in their proper place.) From now on, ESI returns HTML c...

c - Why and how does GCC compile a function with a missing return statement? -

#include & lt; stdio.h & gt; चार toUpper (चार); इंट मुख्य (रिक्त) {चार च, सी 2; Printf ("लोअरकेस इनपुट:"); च = मिलना (); Ch2 = toupper (ch); Printf ("% c == & gt;% c \ n", ch, ch2); वापसी 0; } चार toUpper (char c) {if (सी & gt; = 'ए' और & amp; सी & lt; = 'z') सी = सी - 32; } ToUpper फ़ंक्शन में, वापसी प्रकार चार होता है, लेकिन toupper () में "वापसी" नहीं है। और जीसीसी (जीसीसी) 4.5.1 20100924 (रेड हैट 4.5.1-4), फीडोरा -14 के साथ स्रोत कोड को संकलित करें। बेशक, चेतावनी जारी की जाती है: "चेतावनी: नियंत्रण गैर के अंत तक पहुँच जाता है -विद समारोह ", लेकिन, अच्छी तरह से काम कर रहा है। जीसीसी के संकलन के दौरान उस कोड में क्या हुआ है? मैं इस मामले में एक ठोस उत्तर प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। धन्यवाद:) आपके लिए क्या हुआ है कि जब सी प्रोग्राम को असेंबली भाषा में संकलित किया गया था, तो आपके toupper फ़ंक्शन इस तरह समाप्त हो गया है, शायद: _toUpper: LFB4: पुशक% आरबीपी एलसीएफ 3: मूविक% आरएसपी,% आरबीपी एलसी...

jsf - Can we apply mask operation with -

& lt; h: स्तंभ & gt; & Lt; f: पहलू नाम = "हेडर" & gt; & Lt; h: आउटपुट लेबल मान = "# {label.asOfDate}" शैली = "फ़ॉन्ट-वजन: बोल्ड" / & gt; & Lt; h: आउटपुट लेबल मान = "*" शैली = "फ़ॉन्ट-वजन: बोल्ड; रंग: लाल; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 150%" / & gt; & Lt; / च: पहलू & gt; & Lt; p: कैलेंडर id = "date" required = "true" navigator = "true" mindate = "# {utils.minDate}" pattern = "# {label.dateFormat}" maxdate = "# {utils.maxDate}" मान = "# {policy.asOfDt}" आवश्यक आवश्यक संदेश = "# {label.asOfDateRequired}" showOn = "बटन" & gt; & Lt; f: मान्यकर्ता मान्यकर्ता Id = "CustomDateValidator" / & gt; & Lt; / p: कैलेंडर & gt; & Lt; / h: स्तंभ & gt; मुझे चाहिए कि दिनांक टेक्स्टफ़िल्ल्ड को मुख पृष्ठ पर मुखर ढक्कन प्रारूप (11/11/2011) में कैलेंडर बटन के साथ होना चाहिए। क्या हम कैलेंडर के साथ मु...

jquery - javascript url regex -

I use a regex in JavaScript to enter both subdomain and domain names without users http: // prefix How can I give permission? I need to allow: or or At this time I hope to www. : / ^ (? = Www.) [A-Za-z0-9 _-] + \. [E-za-j0-9 \ /% & Amp; = \? _: -] + $ / ix.test (value); Try it out: / ^ (? = Www.)? [E-za-j 0-9 _-] + \. [E-za-j0-9 \ /% & Amp; = \? _ :; -] + $ / A ? Marking the www group with makes it a zero or a match, which is what I understand.

performance - What runs faster in Ruby: defining the alias method or using alias_method? -

बाद में इनोकेशन पर क्या तेज़ है: def first_method? () Second_method? () या alias_method: पहली विधि,: second_method और यदि संभव हो तो क्यों? (नोट: मैं नहीं पूछता कि क्या अच्छा है / बेहतर आदि - & gt; केवल कच्ची गति और यह क्यों तेज है, यह दिलचस्प है यहां) स्रोत कोड पर एक त्वरित नज़र, आपको चाल दिखाएगा: alias_method को सी में लिखा गया है। रूबी में विधि जो दूसरे विधि को कॉल करती है, परिणामस्वरूप 2 विधि लुकअप और कॉल होंगे। अतः, alias_method को तेज़ होना चाहिए।

c# - Select statamen of a Datarow array -

I have the following code, first I filter by a foreign key, but then with that result, More filters have to be made. But I can not understand the syntax of () given below for a DataRow array. UC021_WizardStepSelectUnitDataSet.WizardStepSelectUnits_UnitsSelectedInOtherAgreementsRow [] datarows = _uc021_ WizardStepsunitDetsetSet. MagicStat.netAnnits_Admitted Select ("UnitID =" + Row UnitID) .Cast & lt; UC021_Advertisement StepsAnnitDetsetSet Setup MagicStatAnnate_Net Selected OtherAggraser Rau & gt; (). ToArray (); Datarov [] DR = _uc021_ WizardStepsunitDataDetetSet. WizardStepSelectUnits_UnitsSelectedInOtherAgreements.Select ("UnitId =" + row.UnitID); If (datarows.Length & gt; 0) {dr.Select (""); } Select on datatyah if you are the same If you add to the query, in this case the filter that matches the row.UnitID is found, which is found under the DataTable column UnitId . You can add more and many conditions within the sel...

http - Websockets for background processing -

Webcots (Comet, Server Push, ...) to solve problems with long-running HTTP Using a good idea is requests? Imagine that you have an app, make the entire stack on the web app framework, such as DJJongo, or Rail If you want to perform some background processing on the name of the display, it is easy to do this from a programmer perspective, but the problem occurs in the UI. Users ask for immediate feedback. So thought to me. Io + node. JS + AMQP Messaging was to be used so that after completing background tasks, the information in the browser could be sent back. I like this idea, but it still feels like a lot of engineering, just because we do not want to request a request in our main app for a long time, the idea of ​​competing is to use another, more robust, web server , Which can handle many long-running HTTP requests. Which one do you feel better? Yes it is. You can save a lot of data over other techniques, such as continuous or long voting. Let me try to see the part of...

c# - Lambda expression for querying an array of KeyValuePairs using Expression<Func> -

I have such kind of valuepayers: keyvaluePair & lt; Long, int & gt; [ ] order items; The 'long' component of this key value corresponds to an ID (primary key) value on the database table. Using the unit framework, I have defined a repository that provides the following method on its interface: IEnumerable The above repository method allows me to query the database using lambda expressions. For example, if I want to query the database for all rows, where 'category' Columns are equal to 'cameras', so I can say: var results = repository GetMany (a => a. Category.Contains ("camera")) ToList () .; What I want to query is all the rows where the key (primary key) is equal to key value from any element of the array of value value piids. So if the list of KiwilPayers is a list of product IDs and their quantity, then I just want to query the database for all those products whose ID is in my array. Can someone try an appropria...

c# - How to store a 128 bit integer with nHibernate? -

question:? How can I store a 128-bit integer with nHibernate (IPv6) especially Firebird, where BigInteger is at MAX ^ 2 ^ 64 I want to calculate as: select * T_Country_IP_Range where (block_from & lt;; = @in_IP) and (block_to & gt ;. = @in_ip) then this storage as text / varchar / four is not an option It really does not seem to have any Firebird support for INT128. What you can do is represent 128bits as two 64-bit fields, upper 64 bits in one area ( IP_upper ) and others in less 64bits ( IP_Lower ). All comparison operations must be compared to the farm. If the upper area is small / large or if it is equal and then check the lower area: SELECT * to T_Country_IP_Range WHERE (block_from_upper & lt; @_____ above) (block_from_upper = @in_IP_upper and block_from_lower & Lt; = @in_IP_lower) and (block_to_upper> gt; @in_IP_upper or (block_to_upper = @in_IP_upper and block_to_lower & gt; = @in_IP_lower)) Kinda Strange, no doubt

vb6 - How to give a name to each list item in Visual Basic 6 -

I am creating a music player using list control. I want to change the name of the song in the user's list, but I want some property to include the THAT list item. Please help me in this regard. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. The Edit private sub AddToList (ByVal as txtFileName string) I dimmed Integer Dim blnFileAlreadyexists Boolean txtFileName = trim (txtFileName) As txtFileName & lt; & Gt; "" Then blnFileAlreadyexists = False i = 0 List1.ListCount - 1, then trim (List1.List (i)) = txtFileName Then blnFileAlreadyexists = not really end next blnFileAlreadyexists then List1.AddItem (txtFileName) List1.ItemData (txtFileName) end if ending end A listbox , after adding an item to you, set x.itemdata (x.newindex) to an array (or UDT array) in the index, which contains related data. Code>. Listbox example linking; Options obvious personal type TFileData OriginalFilePath string ListBoxIndex integer MoreBlaB...

Changing the text colour of Facebook Comment Box Plugin -

I am using the Facebook Comment plugin on my site. & lt; Div id = "fb-root" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script src = " = 1" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Fb: Comments style = "background color: # 131514;" Href = "'.$i. '" Num_posts = "3" width = "500 "& Gt; & Lt; / Fb: Comments & gt; I saw in a post that you can add to your background color: style = "background-color: # 131514;" To make this work, you have to remove ColorSham colorscheme = "dark" , and in doing so the comment text will be black. How do I change the color of the comment text? I tried putting in color: #FFF , but there was no such luck. Thanks guys. /> You need to create an external stylesheet and context that is related to your & lt; Fb: comments &...

java - Websphere admin console not working -

I have problem in opening the admin console for the websphere server though the server is running up and running, the application is essential and all. The only problem is with a console that gives a 404 error. Does anyone know how to fix this? Perhaps in some way can the console be restored / restored? Thank you. Check and make sure the DMGR is running on the primary node and running. Start - & gt; Run - & gt; Services.msc. Looks like "IBM WebSpace Application Server V 6.1 - Cell Manager 101" and be sure to run it. If not, browse the installation space of Websphere "AppServer \ profiles \ Dmgr01 \ logs \ dmgr" and view in Systemout.log and SystemErr.log for details. See also in the "AppServer \ profiles \ Dmgr01 \ logs \ ffdc" directory.

css - href not working with z-index -1 -

हेललो, मेरे पास यह html कोड है & lt; div class = "tf" & gt ; & Lt; a href = "http: // !!!" लक्ष्य = "_ रिक्त" & gt; & lt; img src = "चित्र / twitter.png" width = "2%" class = "tfimg" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; ; Nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & lt; a href = "!!!/212810852094228" लक्ष्य = "_ रिक्त" & gt; & Lt; img src = "images / facebook.png" width = "2%" वर्ग = "tfimg" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; और सीएसएस के लिए .tf {float: right; मार्जिन-सही: 65px; मार्जिन टॉप: -30px; गद्दी: 2px; } .tfimg {स्थिति: पूर्ण; z- सूचकांक: -1; सीमा: कोई नहीं; } छवि की सीमा से बाहर हो लेकिन मैं छवि पर क्लिक नहीं कर सकता तो समस्या क्या है और उसके लिए क्या समाधान है? ...

MySQL query: show number of entries by day -

मेरे पास संरचना के साथ एक तालिका है: id | name | दिनांक --------------------------- 1 | qwer | 2011-08-29 13:11:59 2 | वेर्ट | 2011-08- 29 13:11:59 3 | आरती | 2011-08-30 13:11:59 4 | rtyu | 2011-08-31 13:11:59 मुझे एक क्वेरी की आवश्यकता है इस तरह से डेटा दिखाएं: दिन | संख्या_ऑफ_ंट्री ---------------------------- 2011-08- 29 | 2 2011-08-30 | 1 2011-08-31 | ग्रुप द्वारा फ़ंक्शन और COUNT फ़ंक्शन निम्नलिखित देता है: SELECT DATE (`date`), COUNT (*) के रूप में नंबर '

php - If is in array? -

Actually it is struggling with one: I have an existing foreach, in which A loop is specific value. But I also have an array in which the values ​​are mixed, which should be taken as a specific function: Through here I loop and when value 5 and 9 , Then I assume $ datacolvalue and add it to another decimal number as integer at 2 decimal places. Otherwise, add it as a string, untouched. $ data_row = array (); $ Count = 1; Forex Currency ($ row-> COLUMN $ Datacolveview) {if ($ count> 4 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; $ count> 10] $ data_row [] = Round (float) $ Datacolvalue, 2); Else $ data_row [] = (string) $ datacolvalue; $ Count ++; } What I want to do, it's the same thing $ data_row [] = round ((float) $ datacolvalue, 2); If the value is in a constant array named $ count of $ array_to_round that looks like this (the values ​​are different each time php runs: array (12,34,56,78) ; Although I a...

C# loop through app.config but only use keys like "service" -

I am currently receiving a server name through a test file and checking the status of a specific service and if It is turned off It works perfectly with my service names stored in my app.config What I want to do is also store my file path, file name, timeout and any other key that I Put in the app. Under the configured road My problem is that when I was looping through app.config, I have only service names that work perfectly. If I add other keys that I want to add then I will definitely get "no service", how do I raise the "service" key just like "?" I am naming the key "service1", 2, 3, etc. foreach (string key in ConfigurationManager.AppSettings) {string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings [key]; // Create an example of StreamReader to read from a file. // The statement of usage also closes the streamminder (using the Streamer sr = new streamrider (txtFilePath + txtFile)) {string line; // Read the lines from the file and display un...

php - Cache problem on changing src attr with same file name -

I am trying to change the src path of an IMG tag closer to with me : & lt; Img src = "img1.jpg" & gt; Then I upload a new picture through the IFrame and take the new picture the same name (img1.jpg), then by AJAX I refresh the SRAR path (which is the same but the photo has changed) P> The problem is that I use the same file name, the IMG does not change in the browser browser, the browser is estimating the cache ... Is there a jquery, html or php solution in it? Thanks You can try to add a random query string at the end ... Img src = "img1.jpg? Random_string"

How do I add a reference to another existing entity using code-first framework without first pulling the existing entity from the database -

I am trying to add an existing product to the auction, but unable to do this without dragging the product before Database This code works, but how do I go about providing the productive and then saving the auction var product = new product () {// Known Existing Product ID ProductId = 1}; Var Auction = New Auction {BuyItNowPrice = 10. Product = Product, ... ...}; (Var db = New DataContext ()) using {var product = db.Products.Find (Auction.product.product ID); auction. Product = product; Db.Auctions.Add (Auction); Db.SaveChanges (); } include scalar property ProductId in the // other proerties} then auction. Producer = 1; db.Auctions.Add (auction); db.SaveChanges ();

css - Can't get styled button to line up with text beside it -

Normally I will not post here for such a small question, but whatever I can think of I have tried for him. I have really tried to do this work in previous work, vertical-alignment, top and bottom padding etc. I'm sure it's easy. Thanks for any help. Remove "float: left" from your button and it will be centered. If this is not an option in your deployed environment, then surround all the labels in a new div and add a margin-top or padding-top to that device.

Grails - Variable Values At Time Of Exception -

I have an exception that is being thrown into Grails helps by looking at the stack trace because I think that code Where the bombardment is, but it has come to know that it is a bombardment in hundreds for only one record, so it would be useful to know what the value of variables in memory is, for example, for example in the visual studio, when an exception occurs , Then everyone is stopped on that line Land which is available to all variable throws an exception and memory. What is Grails (or something for Spring) Source Tools Suite / Eclipse)? Is there a way to dump all the variables to the standard? Thank you. It seems as if you want to set an exception breakpoint, which only starts When a special exception type is thrown. In addition, if you are using STS, you can set conditional breakpoint in ZeroVi code (and, of course, you can set conditional breakpoints in Java in STS or Eclipse, but only STS allows this for Groovy).

Add SSL support to Python for existing Plone 3.3.4 install -

मेरे पास एक मौजूदा प्लोन 3.3.4 इंस्टॉलेशन है जो एकीकृत इंस्टॉलर का उपयोग करके बनाया गया था। एकीकृत इंस्टॉलर के साथ पैक किया गया अजगर में SSL समर्थन शामिल नहीं है मैं मौजूदा स्थापना में SSL समर्थन जोड़ने के बारे में कैसे जाना होगा? क्या मुझे अजगर को फिर से बनाने की आवश्यकता है, फिर बूटस्ट्रैप और बिल्डआउट को चलाने के लिए इसे सक्षम करना है? या क्या ऐसा कुछ है जिसे अंडे के रूप में आसानी से बनाया जा सकता है? मैं एक अलग अजगर निर्माण (2.4.6) को SSL समर्थन के साथ बनाने में सक्षम हूं, लेकिन उस अजगर संस्करण को चलाने के लिए परेशानी हो रही है।: फ़ाइल "", पंक्ति 53, में? PYTHONPATH = AssertionError ऐसा लगता है कि इसे सेटअप टाऊल्स से पीथोनपाट प्राप्त करना चाहिए, इसलिए क्या मुझे वहां कुछ बदलाव करने होंगे? क्या मैं इस बारे में गलत तरीके से जा रहा हूं? कोई मदद की सराहना की है! धन्यवाद! डीआर सबसे आसान रास्ता: एक अलग लक्ष्य निर्दिष्ट करके, एकीकृत इंस्टॉलर फिर से चलाएं। अगर उसे इस बार लिबसेएल मिलती है, तो आप सेट हो जाते हैं यदि नहीं, तो फिर कोशिश करे...

winapi - example code and API to log a user on and create a session and desktop - looking for - for Windows 7 -

I see example code and APIs to log on to a user and create session and desktop for Windows 7. I need to do this with a non-interactive process running as a service. Not sure what you are trying to archive, but if you just have a new session And want its desktop, check the LogonUser function sample. . If you are trying to do graphics, then check

iphone - UIImageView scope. Accessing from another class -

I am a part of the code on which I am working: I came to know How to use UIImageView is another method within the same class file in which it was programmatically created. However, I was wondering how I would use the same UIImageView from within that letterline.m file, especially within the method that was touched. The way in which I wrote the code in the sample, it will only show when the frame is at the top of each other, when the second method is called. Of course, I need to be able to see if the scene enters each other in the middle of each other within the real touch. I'm sure this is something easy, but I'm not sure how to do it. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me your comment , And the code you already have, I will go down this route. It's not what I personally do, just FYI. The way you want it, it looks like the structure is a bit shaky. Make the place holder work in touching UIImageView, then check to see if the user stops the image ...

Python: Get relative path from comparing two absolute paths -

Say, I have two complete paths. I need to check whether any reference to one of the places is related to another Belongs to descent. If true, then I have to find out the relative path of the offspring from the ancestors. What is a good way to implement it in Python? and your friends are: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print os.path.commonprefix (['/ usr / var / log', '/ usr / var / security']) '/ usr / var' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print os.path.commonprefix (['/ tmp', '/ usr / var']) # is not a normal prefix: root is a normal prefix '/' What can be tested is one of the common prefix paths, i.e. if one of the paths is common ancestor: path = [[?] |, |? | |, One | | Common_prefix = Os.path.commonprefix (list_of_paths) if paths in common_prefix: a ?? | You can find the relative path: relative_paths = [os.path.relpath (path, common_prefix) for paths in the path] You can handle more than two routes along with th...

jQuery: how to choose options in another selection based off a class in the first selection -

Trying to show drop down options in the second selection drop down menu based on the selection I made on the first drop down menu I am In this example, 3 are selected with each of the first drop down menus, which are of their own unique class. There are several drop down options with the class value in the second dropdown menu which matches the class values ​​from the first drop down. By default, the second drop down option is hidden until the user chooses the first drop down option of selection. My goal is that once the user selects from the first drop down option, then to add a square of "display_block" in the second drop down menu, which is the same class value from the selection in the first drop down box. Here's HTML: & lt; Label class = "label_bra_band_size" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "store_level_3_brasize" & gt; Band size & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Select id = "product_band_size...

windows ce - Programmatically cycle power on WinCE 5 PCMCIA socket? -

How can WinCE 5 driver cycle control under a PCMCIA socket control? I have tried Pcmcia.dll (), but it does not actually remove power, any advice would be helpful, but I am not thinking about the system. If possible, the system hardware / OEM is dependent to obtain it. You need to go to your device OEM and ask if / how can that be done on their hardware. My guess is that if CardPowerOff is not actually removing the power of the card, then OEM has not provided any way to completely stop it (I've seen wired before them in a powerful way).

android - Is IMSI number unique for each phone -

Is the IMSI number unique to each phone? I have to know the answer regarding Android. Please help. Wikipedia: An International Mobile Subscriber Identity or IMSI (Play / Ë? AEMMG ?? /) All GSM and UMTS networks have a unique identity connected to mobile phones. Not all Android devices are on GSM or UMTS. Therefore, I would think that there will be no value at all for those IMSI who do not use those networks. But I'm really very useful to be unique to do something like this. I've found that different manufacturers / carriers sometimes only put # such as value on each device for the estimated unique ID It is being said that I have no experience working especially with IMSI, so this will be a major headache for you. / P> Edit: As far as I am aware, there is no end to use all as unique IDs in the form of "true" value. Here are some links that can give you some ideas: If possible, I think that you have your own UUID It's better to creat...

Is there a way to use jQuery templates (official plugin) with jQuery UI Autocomplete? -

I have found this "hack" to use jTemplates with jQuery UI AutoComplete: But, what is a way to use the official jQuery template plugin with jQuery UI Autocomplete? I will only use the demo in the link, but if possible it likes the cleaner method. (It is necessary to use templates because I'm using them somewhere else on the site and want to use a continuous layout for it without having to keep the autocomplete item two versions.) // This is the original code in the demo. Data ("AutoComplete"). Gt; "+ item.label +" & lt; br & gt; "+ Item.desc +" & lt; / a & gt;) .appendTo (ul); }; and replace it with. Data () call: .data ("autocomplete"). RenderItem = function (ul, item) {return $ ("#myTemplate") .tmpl (item) .appendTo (ul); }; // template & lt; Script id = "myTemplate" type = "text / x-jquery-tmpl" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A & gt; $ {Lab...

java - How to match a url from a list of patterns in a textfile? -

मेरे पास एक पाठ फ़ाइल है जिसमें मेटा-यूआरएल शामिल हैं: http : //*services/*/wireless मैं उस फ़ाइल से सभी पैटर्न की तुलना मेरे साथ करना चाहता हूं यूआरएल, और अगर मैं एक मैच मिल एक कार्रवाई निष्पादित यह मिलान प्रक्रिया मेरे लिए समझना कठिन है। समझाया splitarray [0] में पाठ फ़ाइल की पहली पंक्ति है: स्ट्रिंग url = page.getWebURL ()। GetURL (); URL url1 = नया URL (url); हम splitterray के साथ यूआरएल 1 की तुलना कैसे कर सकते हैं [0]? नवीनीकृत BufferedReader readbuffer = शून्य; कोशिश करें {readbuffer = नया BufferedReader (नया FileReader ("filters.txt")); } पकड़ (FileNotFoundException e1) {// TODO स्वत: उत्पन्न जनित ब्लॉक e1.printStackTrace (); } स्ट्रिंग स्ट्र्राइड; कोशिश {जबकि ((strRead = readbuffer.readLine ()) = = नल {स्ट्रिंग splitarray [] = strRead.split (","); स्ट्रिंग फर्स्टेंट्री = स्पिटलरा [0]; स्ट्रिंग रेडियंट्री = स्पिटायरेरा [1]; स्ट्रिंग थर्डेंट्री = स्पिटलरा [2]; // स्ट्रिंग चौथेपन = = splitterray [3]; //...

java - Button logic ignored-why? -

I am writing a cipher program which will be in regular terms and will convert them to a fixed "code". Everything is done, but the program submit button is ignoring the code. What do I need to do to fix this? import javax.swing. *; Import * *; Import java.awt.event. *; Import java.awt. *; Public class decodes JFrame (private JTextArea textaci; private JTextArea textaclr; private Jeelabl Lckiyr; private Jeelbl Liker, private Jebtn Bisbimti; private String Cleartekst; private String Sifrtekst; private boolean clrtoci; public decode () {super (); setTitle ( "Decoder "SetSize (300,200); setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); SetLayout (new gridboutout ()); Gridbag Consultants c = New Gridbag Consultants (c); c.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL; c.weightx = 0.5; Textaci = new JTextArea (); Textaclr = New JTextArea (); Lclear = New JS Label ( "Cletetekst:"); Lisfr = new Jeelabel ( "Sifrtekst:"); Bsubmit = new Jebtn ( "Subm...

php - How to crop image using GD image functions -

Everything in my code is doing a great job to create a thumbnail image of the uploaded photo. Now all $ ext = end (blast) ('.', $ _FILES ['profile_photo '] ['Name'])); ($ Ext == 'jpg' || $ ext == 'jpeg' || $ ext == 'png' || $ ext == 'gif') {$ tmp = $ _FILES ['profile_photo'] [' Tmp_name ']; If ($ ext == 'jpg' || $ ext == 'jpeg') $ src = imagecreatefromjpeg ($ tmp); And if ($ ext == 'png') $ src = imagecreatefrompng ($ tmp); Else $ src = imagecreatefromgif ($ tmp); List ($ width, $ height) = Matching ($ TMP); $ Thumb_width = 50; $ Thumb_height = ($ height / $ width) * $ thumb_width; $ Thumb_tmp = imagecreatetruecolor ($ thumb_width, $ thumb_height); $ Full_method = 200; $ Full_heat = ($ height / $ width) * $ full_method; $ Full_tmp = imagectatro color ($ full_method, $ full_highthought); Imagecopyresampled ($ thumb_tmp, $ src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ thumb_width, $ thumb_height, $ width, $...

vba - causing error in excel 2007 . how do i add work book not in compatability mode -

Reveals that the error is occurring due to the new workbook that was created in the workbook. In 2003, Excel 2003 has been in compatibility mode with compatibility mode, a range of 65536 lines, and trying to paste, there are more rows than the range I have. How do I add a workbook that is nto in compatibility mode ?? C = 1 to round (z / x + 0.5) for rows ("9:" and x) Select the .Copy Workbooks.Add Range ("A9") Select ActiveSheet.Paste 'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:. = XlPasteAll, Operation: = xlNone, SkipBlanks _: = False, moved: = False ActiveWindow.ActivateNext Selection.Delete Rows ("1: 8") Copy the ActiveWindow.ActivatePrevious range (. "A1") ActiveSheet.Paste 'Selection Select PasteSpecial Paste :. = XlPasteAll, Operation: = xlNone, SkipBlanks _: = False, moved: = false range ("E3") = C Activeworkbook SaveAs file name: = file location 2 & amp; "\" & Amp; G & amp; "-" & amp; C _, fi...

javascript - Struggle with a Regex to change subdomain, and subsubdomain -

मुझे एक एक पोस्ट से प्राप्त हुआ है: host = ""; Var reg = नया RegExp ('^ https?: // ([^।] *' + + होस्ट + ')'); console.log (reg.test ( '')); लेकिन यह केवल के साथ मेल खा सकता है, लेकिन दो स्तरों पर नहीं, जैसे i कुछ और लिखने की कोशिश की, लेकिन यह सब-सबब की जांच नहीं कर सका। या यहां तक ​​कि 3, 4 स्तर नीचे। :( मुझे इसे कैसे लिखना चाहिए? तो, मैं क्या हासिल करना चाहता हूं: मेल खाएगा: dev.www और केवल से मेल नहीं खाएगा। :) यह अधिक है स्पष्ट मूल समस्या यह है कि आप सभी प्रकार के उपसर्गों को मैच करना चाहते हैं, इसके बाद host , अगर होस्ट से शुरू होता है । ; लेकिन अगर आप होस्ट से मेल नहीं खाते चाहते हैं यह लेटरहाइड अटर्मेंट्स के साथ किया जा सकता है, लेकिन जब से आप regex का निर्माण कर रहे हैं तब भी, केस पर निर्भर करते हुए इसे अलग तरह से बनाते है...

Newsletter Software Database Solutions - MySQL & PHP -

I've recently created a newsletter application which allows you to subscribe to different categories of users newsletter. I have some tablets like the following tables designed. Category Table: ID CNN Description ... Customer Table: ID Snom Category_ID ... Newsletter Table: ID Nname Content .. . The table category_newsletter: ID newsletter_id category_id If the manager creates a newsletter, then some categories will be selected. It category_newsletter like the table, is done by, category_newsletter table: ID newsletter_id category_id Everything so far is going well. But the question is, what kind of classes do send newsletters to the customers? I have a solution, but I do not know, so it's okay. I have another table called the design "Newsletter_queue" When the manager makes a newspaper and selects some categories, for example "CakePHP" category, then all clients in the system "CakePHP Series" Selection and filing "emai...

AJAX Post to self in PHP -

I think there is something that I should have learned so far, and I'm sure it's something small that I I am missing, but I can clearly use the explanation to ensure that my attitude is correct. I am using AJAX to post the data to self which is a file that contains php and html. I can write PHP fine, but successful Ajax post After, how do I return only the data that is processed by PHP, not the remaining HTML? Is it better to just post on a different script? If you have to handle the post request in POP, start the file, you can do something like this: & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ POST ['somevar'])) {/ * some * / exit (0); }? & Gt; exit () the page on that row will stop loading. I think it is better to use a different script to deal with dynamic AJAX requests.

linux - bash script read all the files in directory -

How do I loop through a directory? I know that there is for f in / var / files, then $ f; Done; The problem is that it will spit all the files inside the directory at once. I want to go one after another and am able to do something with the $ f variable. I think when the loop will be the best fit for that, but I can not understand how to actually write a loop. Any help would be appreciated. A simple loop should work: See >

android - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The observer is null -

The user of one of my apps has reported this error, how to fix it Am in After a bit of googling ... there is still no luck before anyone has seen it or how can he fix it? java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Supervisor is zero. On Android.database.Observable.unregisterObaserver (Observable.java59) android.widget.baseAdapter.unregisterDataSetObserver ( 42) android.widget.HeaderViewListAdapter.unregisterDataSetObserver ( at android.widget Android on Android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDetachedFromWindow (ViewGroup.java1968) Android on View.ViewGroup.dispatchDetachedFromWindow (ViewGroup) View.View.dispatchDetachedFromWindow (Dekenkjawa: 8197) AbsListView.onDetachedFromWindow ( 3030) Java: 1966) android.view.ViewGroup.removeViewInternal ( android.view.ViewGroup.removeViewInternal (ViewGroup. java: 3237) on android.view.ViewGroup.removeView ( com.aheudev.a.slickdeals.adapters.DealPageAda...