ruby on rails - Resque, Devise and admin authentication -
By using rescue and device, I have roles for user such as:
User.first .org # = & gt; Admin User.last.role # = & gt; Regularly I want to set up an authentication for Resque, so, I have it inside config / routes.rb:
Namespace: Admin Mount Rescue :: Server.New, AT = & gt; "/ Rescue", as in: = & gt; : Resque end And, of course, it is accessible to all log users.
Is there a way to use a role from a user? It should be accessible only by users with 'Administrator' role
Thank you very much.
Use a path interrupt in your routes.rb file: < / P> resque_constraint = lambda do | Request | Request.env ['warden']. Certified? And request.env ['warden']. User.admin? End hurdle resque_constraint mount resque :: server, at: = on & gt; "/ Admin / resque" end Look at this and comments Hope it helps you.
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