mysql - php progressive map generation -
Hello, I've been trying for a few days to write a script to make a progressive map using PHP. What I am trying to achieve but nothing will happen with success:
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In short I have a "node" which is defined as xy on 5,6 (as an example), then add a random number of "player" to "node" . From here I want to add the closest "player" to the node, when there is a list of criteria, it determines how to add "node" (how many connections are there for this node, maximum number of connections etc) I have not written any code yet, because I do not know where to start with or what to do with it because I am not very good with that great mathematics with PHP. Any help and advice of Andy is welcomed.
Well, I think the network you want to create a topology is the Internet provider in the form of a router .
So, I'm thinking that the best way to make a graph is the root red point, compared to players associated with it compared to the players connected to the players already connected and so on.
Something like this:
* / | O o / | | | Hey o now. Each node in the graph can have some information with it: Type: player | Node coordination: 5 coordinates: 6 etc ...
Displaying the map will mean that you can walk on the tree and attract elements based on your situation, depending on the connection Can draw the line.
If your topology joins the chakras, the player 1 is connected to the player 2, which is connected to the player 3 ... Player N, which is connected to player 1, lets you see the graph structure the wanted.
If I have correctly described your problem, we should find some articles about paste / article algorithms, how to parse them etc. And should be able to do their job.
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