c# - How can I loop through a DataGridView created on the main form in a BackgroundWorker? -
I want to loop through a datagrid view that is mainly exporting data to a CSV file in a background vendor Designed for Backgroundworker has been made on a different form where the progress of exports will be displayed through the progress bar. Here is the export form code, which is called BackgroundWorker:
Private Data Grid View Export Grid; Public Zero Export CSG (DataGrid View Main Grid) {this.exportGrid = mainGrid; // Set progress bar maximum progress. Bayer 1 Max = main grid Rows. Calculation; If (backgroundWorker1.IsBusy! = True) {// Start Asynchronous Operation Background Worker 1. RunWorkerAsync (); } // Show this look ShowDialog (); } Private zero background by 1_DoWork (Object Sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {BackgroundWorker worker = Sender as BackgroundWorker; // Write data rows foreach (DataGridViewRow line in ExportGrid.Rows) {// Check if the background worker has been canceled (worker.CancellationPending == true) {e.Cancel = true; break; } Else {foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in row.Cells) {if (cell.Visible) {// Do CSV is writing here ...}} // Report current progress of updating UI worker. Report progress (r. Index + 1); }}} 1_ProgressChanged by Private Zero Background (Object Sender, Progress Changing EventArgs E) {// Update progress bar this.progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage; } Private Zero Background Worker 1_Workers (Object Sender, Runwalker, Comprehensive Advertising E.) {// Close the form when the background worker completes. Stop it (); } This code is causing the following errors:
- The binding source can not be its own data source DataSource and DataMember properties set to those values Do not revert back to BindingSource.
- Cross-thread operation is not valid: Control 'mainGrid' was created from the thread on which it was created. >
I think these are because I am accessing the DataGrid view in a thread that it was not created. What is the best way to go about doing this? Is this also possible?
Update: I'm looping through the datagrid view instead of the data source, that the user will be changing the column order, sorted And show / hide grid columns and they want them to be reflected in the export data. Is this a different way of handling it?
Jeff, in my opinion, you are making at least two mistakes
< Li> Exporting data from a UI control instead of doing it from the data source; - Trying to access the UI controls from the background thread;
I will not try to use just one UI control (in your case grid) in a form which is not even in a form where the background thread is declared, the code So will be clear and unreadable ...
Then UI controls are used to render data in the UI; Whenever you need to access data for anything other than rendering in the screen, you can better access the data source used to populate the UI.
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