Creating multiples instances in Google App Engine JAVA -
I am testing Java API using Java Ava and I want to test several instances in parallel to run . However, I do not know how to activate the multiples.
I tried to run this service in different browsers (I also tried to run concurrent calls in separate machine with different IPs) -
Import; Import javax.servlet. *; Import javax.servlet.http.http. *; Import java.math. *; Public Square SimpleServlet HttpServlet {// is a variable that is not thread-safe! Public Zero doGet (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse resp) ServletException throws, IOException {doPost (req, resp); } Public Zero doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {int counter = 0; Resp.getWriter () println ("& Lt; html> gt; & lt; body & gt;"); Resp.getWriter (). Println (this + ": "); For (int c = 0; c "); }} The process for each service takes 5 seconds but requests are collected in an example, for example if I run this servicelet 10 times, the last one It took 50 seconds to process
I tried to use this:
& lt; Thread safe & gt; True & lt; / Threadsafe & gt; But it does not do anything.
I tried to change settings
Without luck
So, what do I do I can?
& lt; Threadsafe & gt; True & lt; / Threadsafe & gt; By setting , your application enables concurrent requests within the same example, so if you need to test how many instances your app handles, you can make this option better I disable it. In addition to this, you can create traffic generators to make many requests on your app and there is another example of "above" in this way.
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