osx - AF_PACKET equivalent under Mac OS X (Darwin) -
I am trying to compile a program on Mac OS X which uses apiette sockets and libpap , Which is equivalent to OS X?
In Mac OS X (and in other BSD-Square OS, nearest equivalent of AF_PACKET socket, FreeBSD, NetBSD , OpenBSD, DragonFi BSD, and so on) is BPF, but it does not work much like AFIFTAT sockets; See "man bpf"
Mac OS X (and other BSD-square UN * Xes) is equal to LibPak, OK, LibPak. (Libpcap is also equivalent to libpcap in many other UN * Xes, but it is not a ship as a standard part of all those UN * Xes, while it does standard part of the ship As Mac OS X and other BSD-square UN * Xes.)
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