c++ - How to test connect timeout on RHEL c/cpp application -
I have an application that talks HTTP over the server I have written a code to control the connect timeout (The server will wait before the reply). But I'm having difficulty creating a test case to test my connect timeout code. could you help me please.
In fact, TCP sends a TCP synchronized packet to host A in host B in a handshake
Host B receives an SN of the S
Host B A SYNchronize - receives a receipt
Host A gets the SYN-ACK of B
Host A sends a knowledge
Host B receives AC TCP socket connection is established.
In my application, if the server does not complete TCP handheld in X second, then the application goes to the next server. But to test this code, I need a server stub, which is probably the client SYN will accept the packet from but the client will not set the SYN + ACK packet. Thus the client is waiting for the server to respond.
Can you please help me create a small server stub that will listen to the particular port but will not complete the handshake.
You have mentioned RHEL, I think that to help you check it Before the test is running (or perhaps probably?) And it is said to remove the equivalent of Mail-X, it seems that the simplest way to join halfway The way. Drop all SYN + ACK (warning, Will break new SSH connections): Leave all or 10-10.22.34: You can get the embroidery and use the Iptables . For example, you can call:
iptables -i INPUT -s hostb -d hosta -p tcp --dport $ port --tcp-flags SYN, ACK SYN, ACK -J Dropping
iptables -i INPUT -p tcp - -tcp-flags SYN, ACK SIN, ACK-J drop
iptables -i INPUT -s -J drop IPTable- I Output-D Drop Individuals I use the most specific match, which you can probably avoid distant distances or something else at the same time Can write for
-m owner match to apply this rule only to packet to run this test from the UK / .
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