actionscript 3 - timer method wont add textfield to sprite -
When I press the button below the keyboard, the text field is added to the phantom, but not through timer event calls. Why is it like this? In timer event handler, you removed the incoming event object As is the In addition, this code will continue to add textfields because the timer is looping and calling this function on each loop. Package {import flash.display.Sprite; Import; Import Flash. Text. Textfield; Import Flash. Import; Expands Public Class Test Sprite (public function test) {var timer: timer = new timer (3); Stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, On Kidadown); Timer AddEventListener (TimerAventTMER, OnTime); Timer.start (); } Function on Kidadown (Event: Keyboard Event): Zero {// graphics.line style (10, Math.Randem) * 10000, 10); // graphics.drawCircle (100, 100, 80); Var txtFld: textfield = new textfield (); TxtFld.x = 200; TxtFld.y = 200; TxtFld.width = 25; TxtFld.height = 15; TxtFld.text = "90"; AddChild (txtFld); } Festival onTime (Event: Timer): Zero {var txtFld: TextField = New TextField (); TxtFld.x = 100; TxtFld.y = 100; TxtFld.width = 25; TxtFld.height = 15; TxtFld.text = "80"; AddChild (txtFld); }}}}
timer , not
timerEvent . Due to this the flash player has to face the error.
function onTime (Event: Timer Event): Zero {// stop timer (); Var txtFld: textfield = new textfield (); TxtFld.x = 100; TxtFld.y = 100; TxtFld.width = 25; TxtFld.height = 15; TxtFld.text = "80"; AddChild (txtFld); }
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