security - What is MQSecurityExit in WebSphere MQ Java classes? -
I'm trying to find some documents that are MQSecurityExit and how we implement it in Java. I have very little idea on this - like I believe this MQ client has to certify the MQ provider, but it is not known how this WebSphere fits in the MQ's overall security architecture.
An exit vendor has a point in the code that asks the user or third party to customize the code It works. WebSpray provides security exit points on both MQ servers and clients. One common use for a safety exit is that after exiting the connection, the MCAUSER field in the channel is set to the User ID which was resolved in the authentication. The authorization is done against this value.
A stand-alone server-side access connection can authenticate connections based on the data provided in the request. The most common items used by server-side access are SSL certificates details, client credentials passed by the client and IP connection information.
Exiting a client / server pair can do any arbitrary complex certification. For example, client-side profiles can prompt users for an ID and password, encrypt them, and then proceed to server-side exclusions for verification. There is an SSPI exit pair with the Windows version of WMQ which authenticates using Kerberos tokens.
Server-side acquisitions should be written in v6.0 and prior versions of WebSphere MQ should be written to you, write the channel in C. According to V7, it is possible to write channel exits in Java as described in the document. is. Note that the client channel is removed when the server-side is added with the exit. For example, if the client is not very good to take the channel out of the supply of authentication credentials, there is no server-side exit to do something with them.
Additional information is available on the exit.
A famous example of server-side exit.
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