php - Cakephp Find Problem -
I have a deal table, in the controller, with a field start date, I am trying to code down and this one There is a code here:
function todays_deal ($ CitySlug = null) {$ city = $ this- & Gt; City-> $ 'City' = $ city ['city'] ['id']; $ now = ('first', array ('conditions' = & gt; array (' city slug '=' gt; $ CitySlug) Date ('Y-M-DH: I: S'); $ Circuit = Array ('Deal.city_id' => $ CityID, 'Type Deal' => 'F', 'Deal. & Gt; = '= & gt; $ now); $ Deal = $ this-> Deals-> Search (' first ', array (' conditions' = & gt; $ terms, 'order' = & Gt; 'Deal. Start DESC'); $ Left = array (); $ Now = Time (); // Timestamp $ end = strtotime ($ deal ['deal'] ['end'] Change date; ) $ Start = strtotime ($ deal ['deal'] ['start']); if ($ A $ End = $ start;} $ Diff_time = $ left_time = $ end - $ now; if ($ start = gt = $ now) {$ diff_time = $ left_time = $ start - $ now $} Left_day = Floor ($ diff_time / 86400); $ Left_time = $ left_time% 86400; $ Left_hour = Floor ($ left_time / 3600); $ Left_time = $ left_time% 3600; $ Left_minute = Floor ($ left_time / 60) ; $ Left_time = $ left_time% 60; $ this-> set (compact ('deal', 'left_day', 'left_hour', 'left_monit', 'left_time', 'now', 'diff_time')); All help is appreciated
thanks DAV
I am totally lost because it is the form of any deal It should not back in.
If you get up, then it should dump the questions used.
SQL generated for your selection - Probably a date format problem.
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