iphone - swipe directions and loop text string -

Help me ... I'm stuck I'm trying to create something like an ordinary game like Angry Birds Swipe . How do I know this code? I have two labels and a swipe-driving code (top, bottom, left or right, any direction)

I want to move label1.text ("333333777777555555888888") to label2.text with label number ("3758"). That's why I can improve the artificial intelligence game. How can I do this?

Here is the code. for (NSValue * point_value in TouchRecord) {CGPoint current_point = [point_value CGPointValue]; NSUnitor IDX = [self subritionindexcentingpoint: current_package]; // Collect string at 2 NSString * numValue [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @ "% d", idx]; Label1.text = [label 1. Text stringBegining string: numValue]; }


I'm not completely sure of this

  + (NSString *) Remove DuplicateNumbersFromString what you want but I think that's it.  

To reduce the string, so that only one of the numbers can use this function. : (NSString *) first {// if "1112222334445" is earlier, the return value of this function will be "12345" NSString * end = [NSString stringWithString: @ ""]; // return string variable final; // will track changes in numbers (int i = 0; i & lt; [first length]; i ++) {char charAtIndex = [first characterTitindex: i]; If (last! = Fourand index) // If the last character is different from the current character / set the current character in final form, and add the last = four artandx to that character for the return string; End = [end stringBuffading format: @ "% c", last]; }} NSLog (@ "First:% @, Termination:% @", First, End); // start / end string returns and prints; }


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